The First Mage

Chapter 168: Consume

At this time, the boundless gust of wind appeared on the heads of these monsters, and amidst the gusts, transparent wind blades also slashed across the bodies of these monsters. Under the dual effects of the slow spell and the swamp spell, they could not move flexibly. , Now can only become a living target.

Let Lynch reap.

A large amount of blood spattered, and countless beasts made painful screams. When the wind blades slashed across their bodies, they directly tore their skins. The wind blades released by Lynch were extremely sharp, even quite a few. Senbai's bones can be seen on the monsters.

And Lynch didn't give these monsters any breathing time, he was already preparing for the third spell.

The third spell is freezing.

As Lynch raised his arm, the howling cold wind immediately filled the valley. When the cold wind swept over the bodies of these monsters, their bodies condensed at a speed visible to the naked eye into a thick layer of ice crystals, wrapped in the ice crystals. Down, these monsters do not even have the strength to struggle.

They are like puppets, let Lynch drive them.

At this time, you can see how terrible freezing is...

In fact, if the freezing technique is used directly, it will definitely not have such a good effect. The reason for such a remarkable effect is due to Lynch's previous swamp technique and slowness technique.

The swamp technique can control the beasts and make them unable to move normally, so that they cannot directly shatter the ice crystals on their bodies. The slowness technique slows their movements several times, once again reducing the probability of them destroying the ice crystals.

So now, one after another, the monsters turned into ice sculptures and stood in the swamp.

When the freezing technique appeared, Lynch’s magic power had obviously been over-exhausted. While casting the spell, he only felt a sense of weakness crawling all over his body, even if it weren’t for his strong support, he was sitting on the ground now and could no longer stand up. .

But Lynch also knew that he had to support it now...

Otherwise, all previous efforts will be abandoned!

"You two, don't you come down and help?" There are ice sculptures everywhere in the valley, but Farin and Palin seem to have no intention of coming down at all, making Lynch a little annoyed. Damn, these two people react too slowly, right? ?

I've already paved the way for them, and now I'm still stupid?

"Okay, come here now!" This time, Palin responded the fastest. He was the first to react. Before Lynch's second sentence was scolded, he had already pulled Farin. I jumped down first.

Now all the beasts have been trapped by Lynch's freezing technique, and will not be able to get out at all for a while. Now is the best time to pass through this valley.

When he came to Lynch, Palin realized that Lynch’s face was very pale and even his body was crumbling. All of these were scenes that only appeared after excessive consumption of magic power. Palin thought that Lynch had no limits at first. In the appearance of Lynch, somehow he recovered a little confidence.

It seems that Lynch is not completely invincible...

Thinking of returning, Palin was not slow under his hands, picked up Lynch lazily, and then ran to the opposite side of the valley with Lynch.

At this time, Farin followed with hindsight, but quickly caught up with Lynch and Palin, and then followed them, looking at the monster beside him with a vigilant face.

Lynch really has no magic power now, and the body is empty. In this state, Lynch can't continue to maintain the spells that have been cast.

Therefore, all the spells disappeared completely after two minutes, and all the ice crystals on the monsters in the valley cracked, and then the slow spell and the swamp spell disappeared one after another. These monsters instantly regained their ability to move, and then they directed three people. Kill it.

But fortunately, at this time they were already some distance away from the Warcraft, and they had already thrown away the Warcraft far away.

Just when the Warcraft reached the end of the valley, Lynch and the others had already followed the rock wall in the valley and quickly climbed up. Even Palin performed a levitating technique. The speed increased several times in an instant and quickly came to the ground.

At this time, they were truly relieved.

Standing on the valley, looking at the madly roaring monsters below, whether it was Palin or Farin, there was a feeling of aftermath at this moment.

Although it was said that all the beasts were controlled by Lynch, these beasts also regained their ability to act. Faced with this kind of shock like a wave of beasts, if they were replaced by some inexperienced wizards, even After pulling the distance, it is estimated that he will be too scared to react.

However, it finally escaped.

At this time, looking at Lynch who was weak, Palin gently put Lynch down.

Lying on the grass, Lynch was in a terrible pain.

Since becoming a mage, it is the first time that Lynch has squeezed magic power so much, almost squeezing the magic power out, and now his body is not even enough to release a first-level spell.

Moreover, the body is also very bad.

Excessive physical exertion made Lynch unable to exert any strength at all. He only felt that his body was limp. He couldn't see anything clearly. His eyes kept closing and opening, and it seemed that he would faint at any time.

"Malfa Merlin, are you okay? I still have a bottle of potion, should I bring it to you first?" Falin asked with concern.

"No..." Lynch shook his head, then resisted the urge to faint, and took out the last few bottles of magic potion from his body.

After drinking it, a warm feeling spread throughout his body, and then Lynch's magic finally slowly recovered, and Lynch was now relaxed and his physical strength was gradually recovering.

After about two hours, Lin Qi finally got better, and there was a lot of blood on his face.

"Okay, enough time was wasted, let's hurry up now, if those monsters rush up, it's not a fun thing." After Lynch felt better, he looked back at the valley and found some corruption. The flower is climbing hard.

Although the speed of climbing is very slow, if they are allowed to continue, these corrupted flowers will certainly be able to climb up by then. If they don't go now, they will have to face the attack of corrupted flowers later.

Lynch’s current physical condition is not suitable for fighting, but if you count on Palin and Farin, it will not be resolved for a while, so the most urgent thing is to avoid the limelight...

On the way forward, Lynch has also been worried, worried that he will encounter other beasts attack, but this time it is good luck, through the jungle and canyons, has never encountered any beasts.

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