The First Mage

Chapter 167: Retardation

However, it won't work if you don't come down.

Because it was impossible for Lynch to be really stopped by these monsters, and thus gave up going to the gathering point.

Therefore, Lynch finally came up with a way, that is, relying on his own strength, without having to look forward and backward, and fight directly.

This approach seems crazy, but judging from the current situation, it is the only way.

It's just that this method is really dangerous. The whole process should be seamless. If there is any mistake, then Lynch will be buried in the mouth of these monsters.

Therefore, when it comes to stress, Lynch really has some.

However, as a mage, especially the mage who uses the magic furnace as the law of meditation, Lynch really has some confidence.

Following that, after taking a deep breath, Lynch jumped off the rock and really stood in the valley.

"Crazy, really crazy." Looking at Lynch not only unaware of being afraid, but proactively jumping off, Farin felt that his worldview seemed to have been refreshed. At this time, even if he didn't want to admit it, he still had to think, Lynch is dying.

The reason for his death was because Farin felt that, let alone Lynch was just a mage, even if an arch mage came in person, he would not easily choose to deal with so many monsters.

Even if you have to deal with it, you can at least choose to attack separately, at least not to attract all the beasts at once, first choose a few or more than a dozen, plus they will be nearby to support, at least not like It's so dangerous now.

Look at Lynch again. Now he has directly attracted all the monsters, and even worried that those monsters won't come together, and he also radiates his own magic fluctuations. This is not to tell those monsters that there is food here. , Let those monsters come quickly?

Just standing and watching from a distance, Farin felt her scalp tingling...

No matter how good your Marfa Merlin is, you can't make a joke about your life, right? If you die here, what will Palin and I do? How are we going to gather points next?

Even Farin wanted to call Lynch back.

But he also knew that Lynch had his own ideas and wouldn't listen to him at all, so Farin could only stand here in a hurry.

As he watched, Lynch was getting closer and closer to the monsters. Soon these monsters were less than a hundred meters away from Lynch. Even the dust that these monsters trampled behind him had completely taken Lin Qi. Qi was submerged, making him a little confused about Lynch's appearance.

But at this moment, there was no Lynch who was waiting to die, and magical power poured out from his body like a flood.

Now that he chose to fight against the monsters in the valley, Lynch was naturally fully prepared. He had even deduced how to fight and had a complete plan in his mind.

The first spell he chose was slowness.

Different from the previous slowness spells, Lynch’s slowness spell now releases, with the increase of meditation and the second cast, it can be said to be a large-scale range spell, a general slowness spell. Just being able to cover a range of three or four meters is already the limit among the limits.

But Lynch's slowness technique immediately covered a hundred meters in front of him as soon as it appeared.

This is also Lynch's current limit.

Otherwise, he would not choose to put all the beasts within a hundred meters in front of him.

As for the slowness technique, it has indeed achieved its due effect. Although the scope of coverage is huge, the effect of the slowness technique has not diminished in the slightest. Instead, it has an immediate effect.

First of all, it is the mammoth that rushes forward.

The Mammoth Colossus is one of the most powerful monsters, and even many mercenary groups will keep the mammoth colossus in captivity and use the mammoth colossus to train cavalry.

Regardless of the huge size of the mammoth, the speed of movement is not slow at all, and the ground is shaking under the foot of the iron hoof.

However, just after the mammoth entered the area covered by the slowness technique, the mammoth, which was still surprisingly fast, suddenly slowed down, as if something was preventing him from moving forward, and the body of the mammoth seemed to slow down. The action was the same, and it took a long time to move forward.

The same situation, not only the mammoth colossus, but also appeared on other monsters...

For example, the Corrupted Flower behind the mammoth giant, the crimson giant ape, and other monsters, the situation is similar to that of the mammoth giant.

Their speed has also slowed down one after another, slowly raising their legs, slowly falling, and then slowly moving forward. If the impatient mage sees this scene, it is estimated that he will have to vomit blood directly...

It seems that there is only a distance of less than 100 meters, and it usually takes only ten seconds to run over, but now, they need at least one minute or even ten minutes to get over.

I have to say that Lynch’s slowing technique did produce a miraculous effect. Almost all the monsters in the valley were approaching him, but they were blocked a few meters away. Although they were concentrated, they couldn’t get close to Lynch for a while. .

To Farin, this scene is simply dumbfounded. This is an incredible scene that shouldn't have appeared, but it's not a dream now.

Even Farin couldn't help but squeezed his cheek. After feeling the pain, he took a cold breath and turned his head to look at Palin: "Aren't all the mages at Oakland College so good?"

"Malfa Merlin is a special existence..." Palin was also a little dumbfounded, so that he didn't know how to answer Falin's question.

At this moment, Lynch's plan is still continuing.

Using the slowness technique to delay the time of Warcraft to his side, although this is indeed one of Lynch's ideas, it is not the last step of the whole plan.

When Lynch raised his hand, a large swamp immediately appeared under the feet of these monsters, and then, almost the moment the swamp appeared, the awkward bodies of these monsters immediately sank toward the ground.

With the help of the characteristics of the swamp, the harder they struggle, the harder their body sinks.

In fact, the resistance should be stopped at this time, and perhaps some of the effects of the swamp technique can be eliminated.

But the problem is that these monsters have no IQ at all...

They only knew that they were struggling, and soon half of their bodies fell into the swamp.

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