The First Mage

Chapter 169: Els

At first, they thought it was these monsters who had changed their sex, but after seeing the numerous bodies of monsters, they realized that the last group of wizards had just passed by here.

And judging from the warmth on the body of the beasts, it is obvious that these beasts have not died for a long time, and the mages have just passed by here.

This discovery undoubtedly shocked the three of them. After walking for so long, they are finally about to see other mages.

"However, how did these wizards come here?" Palin said suspiciously: "The valley should be able to stop most of the wizards. If it is crushed by a large army, there should be no living in the valley. World of Warcraft."

"There may be other ways..." Lynch guessed.

"Sure enough..." Palin rolled his eyes. Compared with their hardships, these wizards walking in front were really happy.

Moving forward, after walking a very long distance, Lynch and the others finally saw a wasteland in their sight. In the wasteland, there is no Warcraft, but the mages who have gathered here.

Lin Qi took a look around and found that there are mages from the four major forces. It seems that there is no problem with his previous guess. All the mages who entered the Winter Mountains have been ordered to come to the gathering point in the north.

Walking into the wasteland, Lynch was always looking for familiar figures, but unfortunately, they were all strange faces, but he did not see the Great Master Hawking at all.

Afterwards, I found a mage to inquire about it. After knowing the gathering point of Oakland College, Lynch and the others walked towards that way.

"I finally came to the gathering point. It's really not easy on this road." Compared to Lynch, Palin is obviously in a good mood now. After so many twists and turns, he is finally reunited with the big army, Palin even Vaguely agitated, compared to fighting alone, it must be better to see other mages around him.

"Yes." Farin said with deep feeling.

But before Farin finished his second sentence, he suddenly heard a voice coming from behind: "Farin, why are you walking with the people from Oakland College?"

At the same time as the voice fell, three young wizards came forward.

They are obviously also the mages of the Tower of Origin, dressed exactly like Farin, but their expressions are not as friendly as Farin.

When starting from the Tower of Origin before, their high-level officials had explained that if they had nothing to do, they should not contact other mage forces. Although they don’t know the reason, it was explained from above. They must comply with.

Now seeing Farin and the people from Oakland College walking together, they were naturally unhappy.

Farin looked a little upset: "Els, I know you usually have opinions on me, but please pay attention to your tone of voice. These two are my friends."

For Els, Farin was naturally very familiar.

Three years ago, he and Els entered the Tower of Origin to study together. It stands to reason that this kind of relationship between the two of them can be more or less friends, but in fact, it is the opposite.

Because Farin's talent for magic can only be said to be average. Although two people entered the Tower of Origin at the same time, at that time, Els was a full year earlier than Farin and became a mage.

A person with boundless future, and a person who has no future at all, if they can become friends, that would be a ghost...

Of course, if it's just like this, then there is no big problem, it's just fine if two people ignore each other...

However, what is terrible is that in an academic discussion, Farin refuted an academic paper by Els, which caused Els to lose his face in that seminar.

Although, in the end, it turns out that Els’s academic paper did have conceptual errors, Els’s personality is extremely narrow, and he has hated Farin since then. At the beginning, Farin had not become a big man. When a mage, he often used the name of pointing to find trouble for Farin.

Later, even though Farin was also promoted to the mage, Els still thought that Lin was very unpleasant. As long as he met Farin, he would never show mercy. Every time he had to ridicule him, he was willing to give up.

"Look, what I heard, our great Falin Mage, and the Mage of Oakland College, have become friends." The mage called Els stood up, joking in his words.

"Okay." Farin was about to speak, but Lynch had already stopped him first: "Now that everyone has come to the north, you should go find your own forces as soon as possible, and we should also leave."

"Well, thank you so much on this journey. If there is a need for me in the future, please let me know." Farin nodded.

Lynch smiled, and then took Palin to leave.

However, when the mage named Els saw Lynch and the others leaving, his face immediately showed a mocking look.

"I have long heard that the wizards of Auckland College are more timid, but now it is true. If you encounter our Tower of Origin, you have to run, right?"

When he finished saying these words, let alone how Lynch and Palin reacted, Farin's whole nerves suddenly tightened, and even looked at Els with a horrified look.

Damn, this guy, isn't he crazy?

It's fine for you to mock me, at most I don't care about you, but you mock Mafa Merlin, isn't it impatient to live?

Along the way, it can be said that Lin is already very clear about Lynch’s strength. This is definitely not an ordinary second-level mage. Although it seems that he just became a second-level mage not long, in fact, his strength is extremely terrifying, like If you are an ordinary three-level mage like yourself, if you dare to be presumptuous in front of Lynch, others will teach you the principles of life every minute.

But now, Els obviously underestimated Lynch's strength.

He probably really thought that he, a fourth-level mage, could walk sideways here...

"Els, stop talking." Farin thought for a while, and decided to remind Els. After all, everyone is in the Tower of Origin. If Els is taught by Lynch, he will compare Embarrassment, do you help Els or not?

If you help, it would undoubtedly be a bit shameless. After all, on the way, Farin has been kneeling and begging Lynch to bring him over, but if it doesn’t help, Els will return to the Tower of Origin, maybe I have to sue myself for the black situation behind my back, and it will be a headache to explain myself.

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