The First Mage

Chapter 166: Vampire Vine

A good mage is now in a panic, as if rolling through the mud, with rotten leaves and unpleasant silt everywhere on his body. Of course, through the filth, Farin can also clearly find out, Pei Lin's current physical strength and magical power were consumed extremely exaggeratedly.

Especially his magic power, which is almost one-tenth of the peak period. Even a magical apprentice who is weak can cause great trouble to Palin.

But why does this happen?

Farin couldn't figure it out.

Obviously, where Palin goes, it is absolutely safe...

How could it be exactly the same as what Marfa Merlin said, Palin really came back, and only after tortured?

Thinking of this, Farin couldn't help but swallowed secretly, and after looking at the calm-eyed Lynch, Farin couldn't help but admire Lynch in his heart.

Sure enough, this young mage really has the ability to perceive everything. What he says will happen, something will happen. For example, how you look at it right now, it's all very incredible things. It's not just alive now. Do you appear in front of yourself?

Fortunately, at that time, I did not choose to leave with Palin, otherwise Palin would not be alone, and even myself...

"Malfa Merlin, I shouldn't have gone there by myself!" Just when he returned to Lynch, Palin almost cried with a snot and tears.

He had known that the monsters over there were so scary, he shouldn't have passed by!

When he just passed by, he was simply happy, because he could immediately prove that Lynch's judgment of the situation was fundamentally wrong, and if he was smart, he should make exactly the same decision as himself.

In fact, Palin did not encounter any danger at the beginning, because there was flat ground all the way, even if there was danger, Palin could see it for the first time.

However, when he walked into a forest, Palin realized that his thoughts were really wrong.

What kind of forest is this? The entanglement in the forest is actually all vampire vines!

This kind of terrifying beast, who wished to tie you up and drain your blood, was really witty at first, and it was hidden in the dense woods without revealing its whereabouts before Palin entered.

But after Palin entered, they couldn't bear it, and immediately launched an astonishing frequency of attacks on Palin.

That scene at that time, now thinking about it, Palin really had a tingling scalp.

These blood-sucking vines are like a pair of hands hidden in the darkness, suddenly rushing out from all directions, even so fast that Palin can’t react in a hurry. If it weren’t for the hasty, Palin showed the qualities that a mage should have. Rolling on the ground to avoid the vines, Palin has long been used as fertilizer.

It's a pity that Palin was thinking about exiting this forest at this time, it was too late.

At first glance, there were blood-sucking vines almost everywhere, Palin wanted to run, but the problem was that the blood-sucking vines and all the roads were blocked, and it was not realistic to want to leave without consumption.

Therefore, Palin can only bear the attack of the blood-sucking vines, while recklessly squeezing his magic power to come up with amazingly lethal spells, wanting to cut a blood path from the blood-sucking vines.

Although Palin did escape in the end, but the whole person has also become what it is now. It is simply too embarrassed. Since arriving in the Winter Mountains, Palin has never been so embarrassed...

No, it should be the second time after counting the magic tree!

But anyway, this time is obviously more embarrassing than last time.

Palin can't figure it out at all, why are there so many vampire vines here?

The forest hidden by the blood-sucking vines almost covers the road ahead. It is impossible to go around. Even if you forcibly go around, you don’t know how many blood-sucking vines will be attacked on the road. It is almost a road to death. Lin's strength cannot pass.

No wonder Marfa Merlin refused to come...

I knew it, I should listen to him...

Now Palin, looking at Lynch’s smiling face, is really as embarrassed as it is. This time, he is still stupid. If he were not so persistent, he would not be so embarrassed now. Embarrassed, it will not be so embarrassing...

"Okay, take some potion and take a break first." Lynch watched Palin quickly reduce his smile. After handing him a bottle of potion to recover from his injury, he then looked at the valley again.

After thinking about it, Lynch said, "Well, you two will rest here first. I'll take a look under the valley first."

"Ah? You want to go down by yourself?" Farin was a little surprised. There were almost a hundred monsters in the valley. If Lynch went on alone at this time, it was not saying that Lin had no confidence in Lynch, but the monsters spit. Can drown Lynch, it is really impossible to show any confidence...

"Yes." Just as Farin's voice fell, Lynch had already jumped down.


The moment Lynch jumped down the valley, some of the beasts in the valley heard subtle movements. You must know that there are also some of the beasts, who have very keen hearing. When they raised their heads and found Lynch, they roared immediately.

Suddenly, the originally peaceful valley faintly became chaotic, and there were wild beasts everywhere.

However, Lynch was not in a hurry at this time.

After all, he didn't really jump into the bottom.

The current Lynch is just standing on a rock protruding from the bottom of the valley, and there is still a certain height from the bottom of the valley. Even if these monsters surround him, Lynch will not encounter any danger, at least it can delay a period of time.

From a distance, the rushing monsters were crushed in black. I don't know how many giant trees have been inferred on the road. It looks really terrifying, like a beast tide.

Compared with them, Lynch's power is weak, and it is indeed like a lone boat floating in the deep sea, with the possibility of being swallowed at any time.

It looks dangerous.

However, Lynch didn't seem to be nervous...

Even what happened now was in Lynch's plan.

In fact, when Palin left, Lynch seemed to be resting, but in fact his brain was always running, thinking about ways to deal with Warcraft.

In Lynch's view, it is simply unrealistic to want to pass through this valley without consumption. If you take the two of them down recklessly, these monsters can kill you in minutes.

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