The First Mage

Chapter 1412: Magic wand

"Okay...then only use my wand." Lynch thought for a while and took out his wand directly.

Lynch's wand has never been changed, it was the same wand used during his magic apprenticeship.

And a wizard like him who does not value magic wands is undoubtedly extremely rare in the world of Anriel. After all, most wizards need to rely on magic wands to increase their spells. At the same time, there are some The magic wand can also save a lot of magic power for the mage when casting spells, and at the same time, it can shorten some of the time required to cast spells.

However, with these many characteristics, for Lynch, even without the power of a magic wand, he can still accomplish...

After all, just a magic melting pot is enough to replace the ability of a magic wand.

Therefore, a magic wand like this is really dispensable to Lynch...

Of course, this is also because Lynch hasn’t encountered that kind of real super wand yet. If Lynch encounters a wand that can make his heart beat, he will naturally choose to use the wand without hesitation. of……

For example, it is said that in the world of Anriel, there are still some powerful wands, and even a few forbidden spells can be stored on it. When you use it, you can also instantly cast the forbidden spell. The wand that made Lynch's heart beat.

In addition, there are also some magic wands that can increase the magic power of the wizard to an incredible level, and even can directly increase some simple first-order spells to a level comparable to forbidden spells...

Of course, wands that are so powerful that they are almost abnormal are generally legendary items. In today's Anriel world, no one owns a wand of this level. I want to find these that have been lost for countless years. The magic wand is not a simple matter.

"Ahem...what am I thinking about?" Lynch's thoughts drifted farther and farther to the point that even Lynch himself was almost unable to take it back. He coughed a few times, forcibly interrupted, and took He took the wand and handed it to Palin: "Now this is my wand. Now you take this wand and sculpt the mountain wall in front of you. There should be no problem, right?"

"No problem, your magic wand is naturally okay." Palin said: "However, depending on what you mean, it seems that I will do this job by myself?"

"Yeah? Is there any problem?" Lynch smiled: "Of course, if you feel unfair, you can also give me your wand, and then I will take your wand and dig this with you. How about Shanbi? In this case, it should be considered fair, right?"

"That's it..." Palin shook his head quickly. He naturally wouldn't hand over the Dragon Blood Wand to Lynch, but if he didn't hand in the Wand, he could only follow his arrangements and hold his wand. , Came to excavate the mountain wall in front of me.

"In that case, let's start... Don't think it's unfair. The wand is mine... If you are damaged, it will be me." Lynch finished speaking and found a place to rest, far away Looking at Palin: "Okay, don't froze, hurry up and start working..."

"Damn... you know to call me..." Looking at Lynch's stubborn appearance, Palin really wanted to spray him, but there was no way, who could not let himself beat Mafa Merlin? Others are 7th-level masters...

At the moment, Palin reluctantly began to take up the wand in his hand and dig the mountain wall in front of him.

When the wand hit the mountain wall, it made a very harsh muffled sound.

But things like sound don't matter. Although Chery Dian's perception is strong, that perception is aimed at magic power after all. Things like sound will not be noticed by Chery Dian.

So, even if there is a lot of noise now, Lynch doesn't care.

I have to say that although Lynch’s wand is not very effective, its material is very hard. When Palin uses it to excavate the mountain wall in front of him, he can always cut a piece with every tap. The huge rock came, and over time, a deep hole was already smashed out of the mountain wall.

"This mountain wall is thick enough..." Seeing that there are still rocks in the pit, Lynch can't help but frown. He thought this should be a very simple job, but now it seems that it should be It takes a lot of time.

But it doesn't matter!

After all, it is Palin who is working hard now, not him. Palin is also tired. As for him, he just sits here to rest...

The entire excavation process lasted almost four hours. The night in Budapest was not very long. After four hours, it was already completely bright outside, and even the sun fell through the bushes and poured into the cave.

At this moment, Palin stopped panting, then looked at Mafa Merlin, who had rested all night behind him, and complained: "You are at ease, just monitor me all night."

"How am I surveillance? I am protecting you. Otherwise, if that mysterious magical wave reappears, won't you be hurt by it?"

"Nonsense!" Palin got angry when he talked about it. The wave of magic power is just a wave of magic power, and there is no lethality at all. After all, it no longer has the ability to transform into chaotic magic. So, this guy Lynch is just talking nonsense!

He stared at himself all night, so that he didn't even have time to rest. Once he relaxes and wants to stop and catch his breath, the **** Marfa Merlin will urge himself directly and make himself spend the whole night. It's the nervousness, the hands and feet are in a mess, especially the part of the wrist, now it is extremely sore...

However, the wand in his hand is even more hateful.

I have been digging so hard last night, but this magic wand is too hard, and there hasn't been any cracks until now. What does this mean? It means that Mafa Merlin not only rested for a night, but also didn't have any loss himself...

If I knew this was the case, I should agree to his proposal and give him his dragon blood wand...

But now, after all, the mountain wall has been excavated, and it has no effect on vomiting. Therefore, Palin sat on the ground to rest while sulking.

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