The First Mage

Chapter 1411: luck

"Why hasn't it appeared yet?" In such a wait, time passed slowly, and soon an hour passed, but Lynch still didn't feel the special magic wave, and he couldn't help but stare at the moment. , Looking at Palin next to him.

Palin also felt very strange at the moment: "No, I did feel that magical fluctuation before. The reason why it hasn’t reappeared now may be because the time hasn’t arrived yet... But don’t worry, Malfa Merlin. Wait patiently, I believe it will appear soon."

"I don't want to stand here to accompany you... In my opinion, you guy must have been meditating for too long, so he has hallucinations. If you do, if you believe that you have encountered that special magical fluctuation, just Wait here by yourself..." Lynch glared at Palin uncomfortably. To be honest, he didn't believe Palin from the beginning. The reason why he waited here for so long was because Lynch was idle and bored.

But looking at it now, my judgment really didn't go wrong...

Just say, how could their luck be so good...

During the day, they planned to find the entrance to the plane of revival, but at that time he forgot the route, so there was no way to find it.

Moreover, under the threat of Chery Dian, he couldn't easily use his magic power to perceive. Therefore, under normal circumstances, they must have been unable to find the entrance during the recent period. According to Lynch's idea If they couldn't find it, they would stay here for a day or two. After they found some resources, they would return directly to the Royal Academy of Magic.

As for encountering the special magical fluctuations in this cave that only the entrance to the plane of revival have, Lynch never even thought about it. After all, their luck could not be so good...unless it was. I stepped on **** when I went out today, now it’s lucky...

So after speaking, Lynch planned to return to the place where he had been sitting for a long time and continue to sit there meditating. After all, it was late at night, and Budapest in the middle of the night was much more dangerous than during the day, and Lynch did not intend to take Palin out of the cave now.

However, what Lynch did not expect was that he had just turned around, and suddenly, there was a very strange feeling in his mind. He noticed a very special wave of magic power...

"Come here, Marfa Merlin, I'll say I didn't deceive you! I did sense the familiar magical fluctuations here, and now it is finally here, look at it." And in Lynch's By his side, Palin almost jumped up excitedly. Before, he had been suspected by Lynch. You know, this kind of suspicion doesn’t feel good. It’s fine if he is really lying, but in fact, he I didn't lie...

And now that this special magic wave appeared again, he finally exhaled.

"I rely on! Is luck so good?" When this special magical wave appeared, Lynch immediately sensed it, and then discovered that this was indeed the magical power found at the entrance to the plane of revival. ,what does this mean? It means that they are only one step away from the entrance. Otherwise, they won't sense this kind of magic power now...

"Sometimes, you still have to believe me." Palin said triumphantly. After washing away his grievances, the current Palin regained his confidence: "This time you really want to thank me. If I hadn’t noticed this magical fluctuation in time, you would have taken me away directly after daybreak. When that happens, we will pass the entrance to the plane of revival..."

"Well, you really did meritorious service this time." Lin Qi nodded and said, "However, we were almost discovered by Chery Dian during the day when you killed us, and now we have made up for it."

"Cut..." Palin showed a contemptuous look at Lynch.

Lynch is speechless. Palin has always been like this. He almost made an irreparable mistake, and he kept apologizing to himself. He was very guilty and kept making guarantees. But now, but It was just a small contribution, and I immediately forgot about it and forgot what happened during the day. I have to say that this guy is really painful...

"Okay, let's not talk about that much, now that the magic wave is found behind this mountain wall, let's go straight now." Lynch glanced at the depths of the cave. After all, there is a mountain wall. If it is destroyed there, it will be difficult to move on, but the mountain wall does not know how thick it is. If it is to be destroyed, it will undoubtedly need to use spells, but now, Chery Dian does not know if it is nearby. , If you use spells at this time, it would be a bit dangerous...

"Forget it, let's just use the magic wand to sculpt it..." Lynch thought for a long time, and finally made a rather strenuous decision: "Palin, don't you still have the Dragon Blood Wand? It's you now. It’s time to use the Dragon Blood Wand, use the Dragon Blood Wand to cut this mountain wall directly..."

"Damn! You actually want me to use my dragon blood wand to carve out this extremely hard mountain wall?" Palin's eyes widened and looked at Lynch in surprise: "Mafa Merlin, Are you crazy?"

Since Palin got the wand of dragon blood, it can be said that he really values ​​the wand of dragon blood. Although it is not possible to use it in front of other mages for the time being, Palin will take it whenever he returns to the room. It's fun to get the wand of dragon blood, and every time after releasing the spell, he will carefully wipe the wand of dragon blood thoroughly.

From this we can see how much Palin cherishes this hard-won wand.

But now, Marfa Merlin actually asked him to cut through the mountain wall with the wand of dragon blood? This made Palin a little desperate, he wouldn't do it anyway.

"Not willing?" [] Lynch asked.

"Yes, I will never agree to you, no matter what you say, I will never agree!"

Looking at Palin's decisive look, Lynch couldn't help but feel a headache. It seems that trying to force Palin is really impossible...

But it’s no wonder that ordinary wizards value their wands very seriously, and it is too late to protect them. How can they use precious wands to do such rude things? If the wand is damaged as a result, no one can accept it.

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