The First Mage

Chapter 1413: waste

"Okay, now is not the time to rest, let's go straight ahead." Lynch also stood up at this time. After Palin had excavated the entire wall in front of him, the wall in front of him has completely collapsed. , And behind the mountain wall, you can see a huge space passage.

After seeing this spatial passage, Lynch realized that they had found the right place. After all, he had been to this spatial passage the last time he entered the entrance to the plane of revival...

Moreover, the reason for this affirmation is also because after the mountain wall was sculpted by Palin, the magical fluctuations they sensed were faintly strong. Obviously, they have now come to the entrance area of ​​the plane of revival. Just go straight ahead and you can see the real entrance.

I remember that when they were looking for the entrance area of ​​the Revival Plane, they had encountered countless troubles inside, including legendary curing spells, and even the entourage of the wizards at the time, which were all damaged.

Even if he brought Chery Dian over later, planning to rely on Chery Dian's power to open the entrance to the plane of revival, it ended in failure...

So now, Lynch is not sure whether he will encounter any troubles if he comes in again this time...

"Can't you give me some time to rest?" Palin panted, staring at Lynch very uncomfortably.

"Okay, then you rest here, I'll pass first..." Lynch said directly into the space channel.

"Damn! Wait for me." Seeing Lynch go in, Palin couldn't sit still, and after a murmur, he hurriedly followed Lynch and immediately followed him into the space channel.

Following that, the two of them went all the way.

There is nothing to say about the environment encountered along the way. Although the external environment is always changing, this shabby place that was originally destroyed by the magic of chaos has not changed. At first glance, it is almost everywhere. Ruins, but along the way, Lynch and Palin didn't encounter any danger, so they soon came to the place where they encountered the legendary curing spell.

It's just that now, that legendary curing spell no longer exists...

Therefore, Lynch does not need to worry, he and Palin will suffer the torment of the curing spell.

"No... what is that?" When he came here, Lynch originally wanted to observe the environment, but at this moment, Lynch's eyes suddenly widened.

Because he saw that in the mid-air of the open space in front, a space crack was standing there, and from the space crack, there was constantly that special magic power permeating out, but it was very safe, and there was no Brings Lynch the slightest danger.

But what Lynch is paying attention to right now is not this magical fluctuation at all. What he is paying attention to is the spatial crack.

You know, it is generally like this kind of space cracks that basically appear at the position of the plane coordinates, and the space cracks that will only appear after the plane coordinates are opened...

And now, since such a spatial crack has appeared here, does it mean that they can pass through this spatial crack and go directly to the plane of revival?

However, this fact is a little weird...

I remember when I first came to the entrance to the plane of revival, I used to have a very powerful magic weapon here, and that magic weapon prevented him from entering the real plane of revival.

The power of the magic weapon was so powerful that even with Chery Dian's power, there was no way to deal with it.

But now, after Lynch observed carefully, he found that the powerful magic weapon had disappeared, and this space crack was not an illusion, it was a real space crack...

At this moment, the crack in the open space, like a father's embrace, is opening his arms to you, waiting for you to plunge directly into his arms...

"This is incredible..." Even Lynch was completely shocked by this unthinkable thing. He had always felt that with his existing power, there was no way to enter the plane of revival, and, Even if he became a magician or even a great magician, he probably couldn't deal with the powerful magic weapon here, but he didn't know until now that he really wanted more and disappeared after the magic weapon. After that, he can enter the plane of revival at any time...

However, what makes Lynch wonder now is, where did that magic weapon go?

A magic weapon is a dead thing, and naturally it is impossible to have independent consciousness, so it cannot escape by itself.

And since it’s not that the magic weapon disappeared by itself, it means that someone may have taken the magic weapon away directly...

When he realized this, Lynch was stunned, and even became nervous for a moment.

But soon, Lynch realized that he might be thinking too much...

After all, in his impression, all the plane coordinates of Budapest have disappeared, and it is impossible to find new plane coordinates in the world of Anriel.

Therefore, he should be the only one who can come to Budapest, and only the Book of Time and Space can help him enter Budapest. Moreover, there is only one Book of Time and Space, which means that there can be no one except him. Can enter Budapest.

So, it shouldn’t have been a human wizard coming in...

But now, if someone hadn’t broken into Budapest, where did this magic weapon go? Could it be that Chery Dian took it?

Lin Qi thinks about it, it seems there is only this possibility...

When Chery Dian saw the magic weapon for the first time, it once said that it was not an opponent of that magic weapon with its power, but later, as Chery Dian’s power became stronger and stronger, no one I'm not sure if it can defeat that magic weapon.

Therefore, if the magic weapon was taken away by Chery Dian, it is also possible.

"It seems that Chery Dian got another amazing magic weapon..." Lynch murmured to himself. I have to say that he is still very interested in that magic weapon, although he Maybe it can’t be manipulated, but it’s like a magic weapon that even the great wizard is afraid of. Once you get it, it will be a powerful hole card in the future. At least after it is taken out, it can scare the great demon. Guide...

If something like this has been kept in Chery Dian's hands, it would undoubtedly be a great waste.

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