The First Mage

Chapter 155: Meet Palin again

But the distance was too far, and Lynch couldn't see what it was right now. After thinking about it, Lynch asked Farin to wait here temporarily, and he sneaked over.

When he got closer, Lynch discovered that it was a giant tree covered with vines. This giant tree was still strange, with a maroon pattern on its body, some of which looked like magic patterns, but it should be It's not magic pattern, after all, this is just a monster, not a constructed creature.

At this moment, the giant tree is obviously pursuing.

After seeing what he was chasing clearly, Lynch's eyes suddenly lit up, it turned out to be a mage!

Moreover, this mage is not someone else, it is Palin that Lynch has been looking for!

"Why is he here?" Lynch murmured secretly. After he walked out of the river of blood, he has been advancing. This is because he encountered Farin and came to this underground world by chance.

However, Palin is also here, which is a bit strange...

After a few days, Palin became more embarrassed.

The mage robes on his body were tattered and almost turned into cloth strips. It was difficult to cover his body. There were a lot of blood stains on his body. It seemed that he had not experienced battles during this period.

At the same time, his complexion was a little pale. It was a sequelae caused by excessive squeezing of magic power. Palin was not like Lynch after all. With the perverted idea of ​​a magic furnace, long-term high-pressure battles simply couldn't bear it.

However, Palin is now engaged in a high-pressure battle...

This giant tree that did not know where it came from, the countless vines on its body are not only amazingly powerful, but also very flexible. It almost always does not appear by Palin's side. No matter how much he dodges, Palin can't get rid of it completely. Continuous vines.

Endless, endless...

A few minutes later, Palin showed signs of vine whipping.

However, compared to the physical pain, what makes Palin the most frustrated now is that his hapless luck, you said I didn't do anything good, why did you come to such a ghost place?

Palin has been on the verge of collapse since he inexplicably provoked the devil that day...

All of them were beaten into the river of blood. Palin himself passed out into a coma. When he woke up, he immediately found a fierce giant ape with a big mouth wide open beside him. Palin was so scared that he lifted it up. Lifted the wand and threw it over.

Then he bit the wand into two pieces in one bite,

Even with the wand in such a state, Palin had to drag his tired body and fight back, finally getting rid of the fierce great ape, and then Palin wandered in the jungle.

Don't mention the hardships along the way. There were a lot of monster attacks. Palin didn't even have time to rest. The whole person was almost made nervous, and the body was as haggard as it was, and there was nothing else. People, Palin was a little desperate.

But fortunately, at this moment I got the news to let him go to the north...

Then Palin hurried towards the north as if he had a goal, but on the way to the north, he accidentally discovered this cave.

With curiosity, Palin simply walked in.

But I didn't expect this cave to be so big...

He even came to such an inexplicable forest.

I didn't allow me to rest, and I ran into this giant tree directly.

There is not much magic left on him now. When facing the giant tree, Palin felt despair that he had never had before. Damn, isn't Lao Tzu really going to be planted here this time? It would be great if he still had the scroll in his hand, at least it could help him resist for a while, but unfortunately, whether it was the scroll or the potion, Palin was exhausted.

Seeing the giant tree getting more and more fierce, Palin was planning to avoid the giant tree by relying on the terrain, but before turning around, a vine stretched out from the ground and entangled Palin's ankle.

Palin was hung directly!

At this time, even the body was controlled by others, and coupled with the fact that he did not have the extra strength to struggle, Palin almost collapsed, but more still weak.

Unexpectedly, really unexpectedly, when I first came out of Thousand Sails City, I wanted to become a great mage, even a mage surpassing Rudolph, but now, everything is controlled by the giant tree. It was drawn to a full stop.

Palin closed his eyes in pain.

I originally thought that he would be torn apart by the giant tree soon, but Palin waited and waited, just couldn’t wait for more vines to hit him, and even his body didn’t seem to be shaken from side to side. Other changes.

Could it be that the giant tree let go?

Wouldn't the goddess of luck care for herself so much?

Palin only thought of opening his eyes at this time, but after opening his eyes, Palin immediately saw an unbelievable scene for him. Damn, no wonder he just felt a burst of heat. At this moment, the body of the giant tree was actually burning. Flames!

But where did these flames come from?

When he thought of this place, he saw in an instant, a group of fire lights across the sky, across from the depths of the dense forest, with a long tail flame, and then when it hit the giant tree, it looked like a firework. Spread out splendidly, and immediately melted into the flames of the giant tree.

It turns out that this is how these flames come...

Immediately afterwards, Palin saw that one after another flame hit the giant tree without money.

Although it did not directly burn the giant tree to death, it also caused the vines on the giant tree to continue to peel off. Accompanied by the almost crazy roar of the giant tree, the vine entangled Palin also broke.

However, despite the great pain, the giant tree obviously did not want to let Palin, and another vine flew out of the flame, with a strong flame trying to entangle Palin.

Palling was shocked. The vines were originally more powerful, but now they are wrapped around flames. This is no joke. If you entangle your body, you might be burned into terrifying coke in a flash. .

So Palin hurriedly tried his best, took out the last bit of magic, and used a levitating technique to control his falling body, and then he saw the vine passing under his feet.

Palin quickly released the floating technique, and then fell to the ground with a "pop".

But at the same time, the vine that had crossed Palin came back. Palin lying on the ground felt pain all over his body and didn't have any extra energy to leave.

Just when I didn't know what to do, a ray of light suddenly passed through the middle of the vine, and in an instant, the vine was cut into two.

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