The First Mage

Chapter 154: Export

"It's too cruel..." Farin wiped a cold sweat secretly. Even if he brought out the mother beast, it was still a mother beast. At first, he thought that even if two people cooperated, they would pay a lot. Only strength can handle this monster.

But Lynch really didn't give the slightest face, and solved it in an instant.

Furthermore, with the abnormal ability to cast spells just now, Farin still has lingering fears. Not only is this mage young, but the ability is also stronger than he should have at this age.

"Finally solved..." Lynch breathed a sigh of relief. Although there was a magic furnace as a backing, Lynch still felt exhausted after casting a lot of spells.

The next thing to clean the battlefield was left to Farin.

But after searching, Farin didn't find anything of value, only a few necrotic essences were found on the mother beast.

Naturally, it was handed over to Lynch, after all, this mother beast was solved by Lynch alone.

"Roar!" But at this moment, they suddenly heard a loud roar, which changed the faces of Lynch and Farin.

But Lynch listened carefully, only to find that the sound did not come from this tunnel, but from other places, obviously from other places in the cave.

"Look at the good place that brought me..." Lynch looked at Farin with a very ugly face. If he hadn't deceived him, how could he have come to this dangerous and dangerous underground world?

Now the underground world seemed to be getting more and more dangerous, and even Lynch didn't know what he was going to encounter later.

"It's all my fault..." After the fight just now, Farin was now convinced by Lynch, not daring to talk back, rubbing his hands awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

While he was silent, Falin suddenly changed his face, and took out a communication crystal from his body, followed by the flashing magic rune on the communication crystal, it was obvious that the people from the Tower of Origin were delivering messages to Farin.

"What's the matter?" Looking at Farin's ugly face, Lynch asked casually.

"Our mage from the Tower of Origins, on the way to the north, many people were attacked by monsters." Farin explained: "The north is also where I will go. I really don't know if I will be like them... …"

"You want to go to the north too?" Lynch suddenly became surprised.

Before, he got news from the Transmission Crystal that all the wizards of Oakland College had to go to the north, and now even the Tower of Origin has got news. In other words, is it possible that even the Hand of Ashes and the Crimson Devil are going to the north?

All this may be just speculation, but in case it is true, then why do the four great mage forces rush to the north?

"Could it be that you have to go to the north too?" From Lin Qi's surprised expression, Farin noticed a little taste, like his old driver of the Tower of Origin, his ability to observe words and colors is still acceptable.

Lynch did not speak.

However, Farin had become accustomed to Lynch’s silence. Not only did he not have any curiosity, but he also regarded Lynch’s silence as a acquiescence. He couldn’t help but said with joy: "Great, I am going to the north, and you must also go to the north. The two of us can just go there together!"

"Is it the time to say this?" Lynch glared at Farin impatiently. Now everyone is trapped in the underground world and cannot get out. What do you think about you?

But Farin didn't think so...

Although they can’t go out for the time being, but when they find the dark grass, Lynch will definitely find a way to leave the underground world. At that time, he will lean on the big tree with his back. As the saying goes, it’s good to enjoy the cold under the big tree. Can’t he leave with him? ?

The content in the crystal that was just transmitted is very clear. On the way to the north, the wizards of the Tower of Origin were all attacked by monsters. Although they had no personal experience, just thinking about it, the terrible scene made Farin. My heart is straight.

But it's all right now...

Lynch will also go north...

At this time, if Farin hugged Lynch undeadly, he would simply have trouble with himself. This young mage is so powerful, if he follows him, should he worry about those monsters?

Possibly, I will arrive at my destination intact...

But it seems that Lynch is really not in the mood to say this now. Farin thought for a while, forget it, let’s wait for a while, no matter if Lynch agrees or not, anyway, once he leaves the underground world, he will Had to pester him hard.

Give full play to your thick-skinned strengths, let you beat or curse, I just don’t leave your sight...

Now that the mother beast has been completely resolved, there is no danger in the entire cave except the black liquid on the ground. After standing there thinking for a while, Lynch stopped delaying time, and carefully crossed the black with Farin. Liquid, and then left the cave through a small hole.

But what surprised Lynch was that after walking out of the small hole, a huge forest appeared in front of them.

At this time, Lin Qi really realized why Farin called this the underground world. If the cave above was just an entrance, then after they fell, they obviously came into contact with another world.

Not only are there a variety of caves here, even apart from the dim environment and the thick rock layer above, the others are almost the same as on the ground!

So the question is, if they didn't fall into the trap and came to the ground and went through the cave all the way, what would they encounter in the end?

But this is just a hypothesis after all, after all, things have developed to this point...

Walking in the forest, besides the dense bushes, there are giant trees that are more than ten meters high. Lynch is still observing as he walks, trying to find some special magic materials.

Some magic materials will only grow in this dark and humid underground.

For example, the dark grass, and other things, even Lynch had heard of it, there is a magical plant called the black dead flower, which even grows underground more than two hundred meters deep.

However, there was nothing to discover along the way, which made Lynch quite disappointed, but not desperate. After all, as long as you continue to explore, at least you can find the dark grass. As for whether you can find other things, then Let it go.

"That's it?" But at this moment, Lynch suddenly saw a blaze burst into the sky in the distance, while a huge figure was moving quickly in the darkness.

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