The First Mage

Chapter 156: north

At this time, Palin had time to look in the direction where the spell was flying.

As a result, Palin suddenly showed a surprised expression on his face. Although the mage hidden in the darkness was vague, it was probably recognizable. It was Marfa Merlin who had not been seen for a long time.

"Great..." Palin finally breathed a sigh of relief, and it seemed that he didn't have to die.

After the giant tree collapsed, Lynch came over and looked at Palin and asked, "Is it all right?"

"I'm okay..." Palin let out a weak voice. For him, as long as he survives, it is the greatest good thing. How could there be any problems now?

"Then let's go."

Lynch was still thinking about the giant tree as he walked on the road.

To be honest, Palin is really lucky to live till now...

When Lynch dealt with the giant tree just now, he discovered that this giant tree is very witty. Whenever its flames burn up, it will always use vines to protect its body hidden under the vines.

Therefore, it seems that he is pressing against the giant tree, but in fact the flames touched only the vines of the giant tree.

In order to solve this giant tree, Lynch really spent a lot of thought, even regardless of the problem of magic consumption, first use the fastest speed to solve all the vines, and finally the giant tree is completely wiped out, without the need for the process. Anyway, it's troublesome...

Bringing Palin back to Farin's side, Farin was surprised when he saw Palin who suddenly appeared: "This is?"

"This is Palin from our Oakland College..."

"Oh..." Farin hurriedly greeted Palin. After all, the other party was from Oakland College, and he still had to give this face. He had to rely on Mafa Merlin to go north together!

"Let's talk about it, why are you here?" After introducing them to each other, Lynch did not forget to ask Palin. After all, he was always curious about how Palin came to this underground world. .

"This is a long story..."

"Then pick the key point."

"Okay..." Next, Palin briefly explained what happened to him after separating from Lynch.

After listening, Lynch couldn’t help smiling. It seemed that Palin’s luck was indeed bad enough. Compared to him, he was really tortured. Moreover, if he didn’t show up in time, I guess he It has fallen...

"By the way, do you know the whereabouts of Archmage Hawking?"

Palin shook his head: "I don't know... After I woke up, I was the only person beside me, and I don't know where you are. But if you are lucky, it might be like meeting you. It's Archmage Hawking."

"Forget it." Lynch is not disappointed either. After all, he has already prepared before and everyone is mentally prepared to go away, but fortunately everyone is heading north now. It would be a good idea to find Palin now. Signs, as long as there is nothing wrong with Master Hawking, I believe I will encounter them later.

Moreover, maybe they are already heading north now.

"By the way, do you know how to get out of this underground world?" Palin asked suddenly as if thinking of something.

"I don't know yet." Lynch shook his head, and then looked at Farin again. Farin lowered his head in shame, and then Lynch said, "But now there are three people together. I believe it is only a matter of time before going out. It's not interesting to just go out, let's see if there are any good things."

Palin nodded helplessly.

Then the three of them removed all the nearby bushes and set up a temporary tent on the open space to go in and rest. As for the task of the night watch, it naturally fell on Farin without objection.

The next day, after a night’s rest, everyone was almost recovered, especially Palin. At the same time he recovered his magic and physical strength, Palin also put on a new set of mage robes. Although it looks a bit old, it’s better than From yesterday's embarrassment, it is much better.

Now that you enter this forest, you can say that everyone is aimless, and you don't know where the exit is or which direction you have to go in to get out of this forest.

In the end, you can only rely on luck and choose one direction to go to the end.

Although once unlucky, they may need to return the same way, but in this situation, they can only do so, and there is no other good way.

Fortunately, I haven't encountered the giant tree like last night.

The monsters they encountered along the way were all monsters living in the jungle, and some Tier 1 monsters like blood ants also appeared.

Now that the three wizards add up, dealing with the monsters here is simply sweeping, and will not cause them any trouble at all. Therefore, even if the frequency of the monsters is not low, it is difficult to delay their time.

However, as Lynch and the others gradually went deep into the jungle, they found some special things. These special things were nothing but ordinary tents, and these tents were covered with thick dust. Abandonment time is not short.

"How come there are tents here?" Palin asked in surprise.

But there is nothing strange about Lynch. When they first came to the underground world, they found a lot of skeletons in the tunnel, which meant that explorers had already entered here.

It's just that these explorers didn't seem to be completely annihilated, but a considerable part of them came to this jungle.

Seeing this, Lynch's expression suddenly became weird, no wonder he hadn't discovered new things along the way. Could it be that all the resources along the way were actually collected and taken away by these people long ago?

If this is the case, it would be a bit embarrassing...

There is nothing wrong with walking the road that others have walked, but the good things have been taken away, which is more uncomfortable. The meat has been eaten by others. Why did he come here?

It's just a waste of time...

"It's not weird to have a tent. On the contrary, what I care more about is, where did the people in the tent go?" Farin took Palin's words over at this time.

This sentence made Lynch's eyes bright.

Yeah, why did I forget this?

The appearance of the tent means that those people have been to this forest, but only the tent is left, and their group is gone.

This shows what?

It shows that they may have left the forest...

This also fully proves that this forest is not closed, and there are probably some exits hidden in the forest, but they have not discovered it yet.

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