The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 4007: Shameless person

You know that Wang Feng's Eye of Destruction is not so easy to pick up. Even if he puts up his body shield in time, can his body shield block Wang Feng's Eye of Destruction attack?

That is obviously impossible.

Under the beam of Wang Feng's Eye of Destruction, his body shield shattered instantly, and the power of Wang Feng's Eye of Destruction directly pierced his body through two large holes.

His physical defense was not very good at first, as long as this protective mask was broken, how could he be able to block Wang Feng's eye of destruction.

So at this moment, two big holes pierced through his body directly appeared on his body, making his face unbelievable.

"This is impossible."

There was an unbelievable voice from his mouth, because he never imagined that under the situation that Wang Feng was at a disadvantage, he could still perform such a huge blow.


As soon as the voice fell, a large mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and he lay down toward the back.

Even the deity had already suffered heavy injuries, and the supernatural powers he exploded were naturally disintegrated in an instant, and Wang Feng was relieved all at once.

"How is it possible that you still have a back player?" Looking at Wang Feng, the middle-aged man was full of disbelief. He clearly had the upper hand. According to the normal path, shouldn't Wang Feng be defeated by him?

But why is he who is losing now?

"It's just that you were too careless." Hearing the other party's words, Wang Feng smiled slightly, and then said: "Of course you can mobilize the power of heaven and earth, but your combat experience is obviously not as rich as ordinary people. You think you have won. , But in fact, you didn't even hurt mine at all, how can you talk about victory?"

Said that Wang Feng didn't want to talk nonsense with this person anymore, he directly shot the other party's cultivation base to seal up, doing this is to prevent this middle-aged person from coming back.

"This thing on your head looks like a baby, give it to me, how about it?"

That's what he said, but Wang Feng was not asking for the other party's opinion. When he hadn't finished speaking, he directly pulled off the two light **** on the other's head.

As soon as the light ball was torn down, it immediately released a powerful avenue power, which was leaking.

Perceiving such a change, Wang Feng did not hesitate, he ate the light ball directly into his mouth with one bite.

You must know that it is not easy to get every point of the power of this great path. Since this thing is constantly waving, Wang Feng will naturally do his best to intercept it.

"You bastard!"

Seeing Wang Feng actually took the things above his head, this middle-aged fever was also shaking all over with anger. You must know that the things above his head can be regarded as his half-life essence.

He was cultivating in this ancient well, but almost all the power of the Great Dao he obtained through cultivation was preserved in these two light groups.

Moreover, this light ball is also the source of his power. Now that this light ball is swallowed by Wang Feng, he is naturally so angry that his eyes are dizzy.

It's a pity that he has let Wang Feng control it at this moment. Under such circumstances, even if he is angry in his heart, it will not help, because he can't stop Wang Feng.

"It's a powerful avenue."

All that was wrapped in his mouth was the powerful power of the great avenue, but it was much more refreshing than he slowly absorbed. At this moment, Wang Feng only felt that his whole body was extremely comfortable, as if he had taken some panacea.

This is more powerful than a hundred years of cultivation.

"Anyway, you have already given me one, don't you mind giving me the other one too?"

Taking off a light ball above the other side's head, Wang Feng immediately turned his gaze to another light ball.

"What do you want to do?" Seeing Wang Feng's eyes full of greed and desire, the middle-aged man was really scared.

You must know that he has cultivated for countless years to have today, but Wang Feng took away almost half of his achievements in one fell swoop.

"What I want to do, haven't I already said it? I think you gave me the rest of your head. You have agreed."

While talking, Wang Feng directly removed the things above his head in the desperate eyes of this middle-aged man.

When did he agree to give his life's hard work to Wang Feng?

Was it because Wang Feng was talking to himself and then took his things away?

"The breath dropped so fast?"

All the hard work of his life's cultivation has made a wedding dress for Wang Feng, and under such circumstances, the breath of this middle-aged person is also rapidly plummeting, because he has lost the source of strength, this cultivation level will naturally decline.

Perceiving such a change, Wang Feng felt a little intolerable. After all, he and the middle-aged man did not have any deep hatred.

But Wang Feng has already done this, what else can he do? Is it possible for him to return what he got?

You know that Wang Feng is running around to get this stuff?

This time he got such a great benefit, and he still doesn't know how many years of hard work he could save, so even if he couldn't bear it, Wang Feng would take this thing away for him.

"What happened this time is mine. I have to say sorry to you in advance, but I really need this thing. I can only wrong you."

While talking, Wang Feng ignored the middle-aged man, and walked toward the big pit where the ancient well was.

Originally this ancient well was good, but because the middle-aged man ran out of it, the ancient well has now been destroyed.

However, although the ancient well was destroyed, at least there was still a big hole left, allowing Wang Feng to practice in this place for a while.

Behind him, the middle-aged man was so furious that he had never seen a shameless person like Wang, obviously it was a trespass, but he said that he agreed to give it to him.

Just ask who is willing to give to others the things that he has acquired in his life? That is obviously impossible.

It's just that now that Wang Feng has taken his things away, he has no choice but to accept the situation helplessly.

"Since the power of the Great Dao in this place is so strong, then I happen to be able to practice well here."

Although Wang Feng took away the two light clusters above his head, Wang Feng was not satisfied with it. He would continue to practice in this place to see if he could get any other benefits.

"Why do you talk about the great power of this place?"

After cultivating in this place for a long time, Wang Feng's benefits were not small. He asked this middle-aged man.

It's just that this middle-aged man has hated Wang Feng so much now, how could he tell Wang Feng these things, he hadn't heard anything at all, no matter what Wang Feng said, he would ignore it.

"Why isn't this kid coming out yet?"

It is said that it is difficult for this practice to feel the passage of time. Wang Feng has been deep into this marshland for two or three days in a blink of an eye. The fortunekeeper who has been waiting in this marshland really can't wait for Wang Feng, and his mouth is impatient. the sound of.

If Wang Feng is in danger, this **** fortune tells it impossible. After all, Wang Feng's combat effectiveness can be regarded as the strongest in the early stage of the Immortal Martial Realm.

In addition, he did not receive any oppressive power in this place, so the possibility of him becoming dangerous is almost zero, but he has been in for so many days, and there is no news at all, this **** operator is naturally a little worried.

It's a pity that he can't figure out the whereabouts of Wang Feng, so he can only wait here.

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