The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 4008: Fail again

Originally, the fortune teller wanted to rush into this swamp to find someone, but he just didn't get far enough, he couldn't walk anymore and had to choose to give up. &1t;/

Wang Feng can fly in this place at will, and he can't feel the slightest pressure, but it is impossible to accomplish this kind of thing on the body of the gods. It can be said that he can't do anything in this marshland, let alone. Looking for someone here. &1t;/

So since he couldn't find Wang Feng, he could just wait outside. He believed that once Wang Feng returned, he would definitely pass through this place. &1t;/

"One day of cultivation is equal to the outside world for ten years, or even twenty years. If you can practice for a while in such a good place, you may not be able to condense the heart of the great Dao."&1t;/

There was a voice that only he could hear from Wang Feng's mouth, and his face was firm. &1t;/

How did the big prince hit the middle stage of the immortal martial realm in a short period of time, Wang Feng didn’t know. This guy has his father, it’s difficult for Wang Feng to get close to him, and the emperor must have done a lot on him. Wang Feng ran over to catch the big prince and it was very likely that he would fall into the emperor's trap. &1t;/

Therefore, Wang Feng is simply cultivating in this place, and then uses the strong power of this place to condense the heart of the great. &1t;/

Before, Wang Feng had guessed that the cohesion of the heart of the avenue might be completed in the place where the power of the avenue is strong, and this might also be a way out. &1t;/

But whether this can be achieved or even if it will work, Wang Feng still doesn't know yet, so he can only take this opportunity to try. &1t;/

The method of condensing the heart of the great Dao Wang Feng has already been known through the emperor of the dynasty, this thing Wang Feng condensed last time, and eventually ended in failure, and even suffered a certain backlash. &1t;/

But now the environment where Wang Feng is located is very powerful, and Wang Feng himself has gained a lot of benefits from the two light clusters above the middle-aged man’s head. At this moment, Wang Feng’s body’s power of great power is no better than those of hard work. Thousands of people are poor. &1t;/

Therefore, Wang Feng is qualified to try to condense the heart of this great way. Even if it is unsuccessful, Wang Feng will not lose much. &1t;/


Taking a deep breath, Wang Feng temporarily stopped his cultivation, but silently adjusted the power of the great power in his body. When he was sure that his state had reached the peak state, Wang Feng opened his eyes. Ready to try to condense the heart of this Dao. &1t;/

The method of condensing the heart of the Great Dao Wang Feng has long been memorized, so at this moment, he directly used this method. The power of the violent Great Dao enveloped Wang Feng. At this moment, Wang Feng was consuming a lot of the power of the Great Dao. &1t;/

Knowing that it is not so easy to condense the heart of the Dao, Wang Feng just wanted to give it a try, so at this moment, although the power of the Dao was consumed a lot, Wang Feng didn't care at all. &1t;/

Because the power of the great avenue in this place is very strong, even if Wang Feng consumes the power of the great avenue, he can absorb it in this place, otherwise he will not have the idea of ​​condensing the heart of the great avenue. &1t;/

At this moment, the power of the Great Dao was rushing towards Wang Feng's heart, and the extremely tingling sensation passed from Wang Feng's heart to Wang Feng's heart, making him almost feel a suffocation. &1t;/

It is too difficult to condense the heart of Dao Dao, and Wang Feng couldn't help but want to shout out. &1t;/

It's just that he is not an ordinary person, even if he is suffering from a great tingling sensation in his heart, he still bites his teeth to prevent himself from making a sound. , &1t;/

On the side, the middle-aged man saw a trace of pain flashing across Wang Feng's face, and his heart was also very confused, because he had no idea what Wang Feng was doing. &1t;/

How can there be pain on his face when he is good? &1t;/

And more importantly, he seems to be consuming a large amount of the power of this great power at this moment, thinking that many of these powers of the great power are his life's hard work, he can't help being a little sad at this moment. &1t;/

The great power he had spent countless years to obtain was now so squandered by Wang Feng, how could he see it. &1t;/

It's a pity that his current cultivation base was sealed by Wang Feng, even if he wanted to stop Wang Feng, he couldn't do it, and he couldn't do anything. &1t;/


It is too painful to condense the heart of this great avenue. Even if Wang Feng tried to resist the pain of eating, he could not help but cough violently twice in his mouth, even with some blood in it. &1t;/

The eyes of the sky swept across his heart, and Wang Feng could see that the contour of a new heart had appeared in his heart position. &1t;/

Although the outline is not particularly clear, Wang Feng can recognize it as a heart. &1t;/

As long as Wang Feng can condense this heart, then he has the ability to attack the mid-level of Xianwu Realm. &1t;/

It's a pity that Wang Feng's great power can no longer be provided. Even if Wang Feng is borrowing the great power of the outside world at this moment, the richness of the great power here still cannot make him condense the great power of this great power. &1t;/

The follow-up strength can no longer keep up. Under such circumstances, Wang Feng's cohesion naturally ended in failure. He opened his mouth and spewed a few mouthfuls of blood, and his complexion instantly faded. &1t;/

At this moment, Wang Feng not only lost his great power, but also suffered a serious backlash. His whole body fell towards the rear. &1t;/

The outlines are already out, but because of the lack of power of this great avenue, Wang Feng is still a little too anxious this time, his accumulated power of great avenues is not up to the point where the heart of this great avenue is condensed, so he encounters again Failed. &1t;/

Although he suffered a severe backlash, Wang Feng did not fall into a coma as a result. He still stubbornly got up from the ground with a bit of bitterness in the corner of his mouth. &1t;/

This time I saw this condensed hope but finally failed because of the lack of power of this great avenue, which means that all the efforts that Wang Feng had made before turned into useless work at this moment. &1t;/

The outline of his Dao Heart has collapsed, and the Dao power that Wang Feng had previously consumed is now naturally gone. &1t;/

This is like building a building. The building collapses. Can you recover the money you spent earlier? That is obviously impossible. &1t;/

So this time Wang Feng has suffered a heavy loss, and I don't know how long it will take to recover. &1t;/

The method of condensing the heart of the Dao Wang Feng is considered to be truly tested this time, and it is really feasible. Although the price he paid is a bit high, he is not at all gains. In the process of consolidating the heart of the Dao, At the very least, Wang Feng had touched some higher-level mysteries. &1t;/

Although there are not many things that can be touched, at least this means that Wang Feng is one step closer to the middle stage of the Immortal Martial Realm. This is a real progress, and it is not achieved by simply meditation. &1t;/

"Everything has to start over again."&1t;/

This time it was a pity that Wang Feng was unable to condense the power of the great Dao, but as long as Wang Feng could condense the power of the great Dao more, he might have the opportunity to condense the heart of the great Dao. &1t;/

Anyway, once the heart of this great avenue condenses, he may go to the middle stage of the Xianwu realm. If Wang Feng had hardly seen any hope of rushing to the middle stage of the Xianwu realm before, Wang Feng could see it now. (To be continued) &1t;/

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