The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 4006: Downwind

The Six Paths of Reincarnation was performed by Wang Feng at this moment. This move is regarded as Wang Feng's most powerful trick now. Once a monk at the early stage of the Immortal Martial Realm enters his supernatural power area, there is definitely only a dead end.

Wang Feng originally planned to save this thing for the last minute to use, but who would have thought that this middle-aged man would be a must-see, then how could Wang Feng be worse than him? He also exploded his own magical powers.

"go with!"

Controlling the six reincarnations, Wang Feng directly threw it towards the opponent.

And just as Wang Feng threw it out, the middle-aged man also waved his sleeves, and immediately the countless spots of light behind him turned into streamers one after another, sweeping towards Wang Feng. The magical powers of the two people were at this moment. There was a violent collision.

First, the pure fist competition, and now it is the entanglement of supernatural powers. Wang Feng is very strong, and this middle-aged man is not weak either. The two men are like needles touching the wheat awns, directly wiping out fierce sparks.

"Young man, you are still worse than me after all."

At this time there was a voice from the middle-aged man's mouth, and a smile appeared on his face.

We must know that the power of heaven and earth is incomparably stalwart. At this moment, his magical powers can be described as completely mobilizing the power of heaven and earth. Under such circumstances, his magical powers can be used in the words'destroy heaven and destroy the earth'. describe.

But can he win Wang Feng after all?

Wang Feng's magical powers are not yet complete, but he can kill monks of the same level, and no one can escape, so his magical powers are also very powerful, and the combat effectiveness of this middle-aged man should be lower than Wang Feng.

So the two of them collide with each other now, it's really hard to tell which one is strong and which is weak.

Countless streamers all rushed into Wang Feng's supernatural powers at this moment, and some of them passed directly through his supernatural powers and swept in front of Wang Feng, making Wang Feng's expression uncontrollable.

Because he did not expect that his magical powers would not be able to block the opponent's magical powers, which was beyond Wang Feng's expectations.

However, Wang Feng is physically strong, and he is not afraid of dealing with these streamers.

Raising his fist, Wang Feng hit one of the streamers that swept in front of him.

No matter how powerful the attacking power this streamer carried, when Wang Feng's fist and the streamer collided with each other, Wang Feng didn't move, and the streamer that swept in front of him also dissipated directly, failing to do what Wang Feng did.

"But so."

A sneer appeared on his face, Wang Feng felt that he could completely block the opponent's supernatural power, and he could not feel the slightest effort.

"Do you really think my magical powers would be so simple?"

Seeing Wang Feng blocking his supernatural power, the middle-aged man's face did not show the slightest shock, because this was just the beginning, and the real good show was still to come.

Almost just when the middle-aged man's voice fell, Wang Feng suddenly felt a pressure, because at this moment several streams of light swept directly at him.

Still the same as before, when Wang Feng saw this scene, he used both his fists and burst out an attack at the same time.

However, what Wang Feng did not expect was that the power of these streams of light was actually much stronger than the one he had just broken up. Under such circumstances, Wang Feng's body couldn't help but step back in this void. A shocked look appeared on his face.

This middle-aged man’s supernatural power, Wang Feng, originally thought he was not much powerful, but now it seems that he really underestimated the other party. The other party's strength was enough to make Wang Feng 100% vigilant.

"Supernatural powers provoke the power of heaven and earth. If this place doesn't have such a strong power of great power, he may not be my opponent."

There was a muttering voice in his mouth, and Wang Feng naturally understood why the opponent had such a strong attack power, which was entirely due to the strong power of this place.

What can we do if we just understand this truth? The magical powers of the two of them had already exploded, and Wang Feng didn't want to withdraw at this time. He wanted to see if he could defeat the middle-aged man.

"Can you weaken my realm?"

Wang Feng is accepting the power carried by the opponent's supernatural powers, and at this moment Wang Feng's six reincarnations have also begun to affect this middle-aged man, making his complexion change.

You must know that the greatest power of Wang Feng’s magical power is to weaken the opponent’s realm and then decompose the opponent’s soul. In the past, Wang Feng used this trick to kill monks of the same level. Isn’t it because this magical ability can forcibly annihilate the opponent’s soul ?

Once this person's soul is destroyed, then the person will naturally fall.

This middle-aged man's magical powers can pose a big threat to Wang Feng, and Wang Feng's magical powers are also enough for him to drink a pot.

"The really good show is only now really beginning to show!"

At the beginning, the streamer was not very large, and the degree of falling was not very fast, but with the passage of time, the number of streamers swept down more and more, and the power became stronger.

Even though Wang Feng's six reincarnation magical powers intercepted part of the streamer, a large part of the streamer still reached Wang Feng, directly attacking him.

Although Wang Feng's Broken Star Fist is very powerful, countless streams of light swept towards Wang Feng at this moment. Even if Wang Feng's Broken Star Fist is powerful, it will take time for him to use Broken Star Fist. It is impossible that there is no time gap. .

Under such circumstances, Wang Feng can only rely on his physical body to resist the impact of this streamer ~ ~ keeps backing away.

"Young man, if you are willing to admit defeat and leave here, I can put away my magical powers, how about?" At this time, the middle-aged man spoke, and he had the upper hand.

Wang Feng’s six reincarnation magical powers are very strong, but in the countless falling streams of light, his magical powers are actually already riddled with holes, and its power can no longer threaten this middle-aged man, even his realm. Weakened.

So now it seems that this middle-aged man has the upper hand, but he wants Wang Feng to leave here like this. Is that possible?

This magical power, Wang Feng, fell in the wind, but Wang Feng wasn't just his own magical powers that had powerful attack power. In addition to his own magical powers, Wang Feng also had other attack methods, such as his own heavenly eyes.

We must know that as Wang Feng’s own realm has improved, his eye of destruction power has also increased. This middle-aged man has the upper hand now, but Wang Feng is not so easily defeated, so at this moment Wang Feng burst out Lost his own eye of destruction.

Two beams of light instantly swept out of Wang Feng's eyes, directly impacting the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was still in the excitement of defeating Wang Feng. In his opinion, the magical powers that Wang Feng displayed should be his most powerful attacking technique.

Since he can disintegrate Wang Feng's most powerful offensive, he can definitely defeat Wang Feng easily.

It's a pity that he didn't expect Wang Feng to have a back hand, so when Wang Feng's Eye of Destruction exploded, he didn't expect it at all. When he reacted, it was too late.

Wang Feng's Eye of Destruction had reached him, and he could only do his best to prop up his body shield to resist Wang Feng's Eye of Destruction.

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