The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3209: Heavy casualties

Searching for the stars is not a small project. Wang Feng and the turtle shells shot at the same time, and it took them about half a day. When Wang Feng and the others returned to the residence of the heavenly people, the tortoise shells had been counted. &1t;/

And those who have died have been sorted together, lying on the ground full of people, there are probably tens of thousands of people. &1t;/

Looking at these corpses, everyone was silent, because the people who survived in the heavens were already very difficult, but now they are here again. &1t;/

"How many casualties?" &1t;/

Looking at these corpses, Wang Feng asked after taking a deep breath. &1t;/

"The number of casualties is 54,913, of which the corpses we can see in front of us can be determined, and the ones we can't see..."&1t;/

He said that the turtle shell did not go on, but everyone knew what he was going to say. &1t;/

In the violent battle, many people couldn't even preserve the corpses, so most of them had their bodies broken, not even a whole body. &1t;/

There are as many as tens of billions of people who survived in the heavens, and more than 50,000 people are actually not a big deal, but when he thinks that everyone has survived with difficulty, Wang Feng's heart can't help but become a little heavy. &1t;/

I blame him for coming back too late, otherwise these people would not die. &1t;/

"Wang Feng, don't think too much about it, life and death are up to you, maybe their fate is like this." At this time, the turtle shell patted Wang Feng on the shoulder and said. &1t;/

"It's all because we came back too late, alas."&1t;/

With a sigh, Wang Feng couldn't save these people. &1t;/

This place is not a celestial realm. The magical powers that Emperor Xuanyu taught Wang Feng at the beginning cannot be used now, so these people will die if they die, and Wang Feng cannot save them. &1t;/

"What are these people?" Great Emperor Xuan Yu asked at this time. &1t;/

"I'm to blame for everything this time. They are all criminals I released from the wasteland."&1t;/

"Bad land?" &1t;/

Hearing Wang Feng's words, Emperor Xuanyu couldn't help showing a different color on their faces, because they had never heard of such a place. &1t;/

"It's a place used by this dynasty to imprison those criminals. It can also be said to be a place to exile them."&1t;/

"Can you find even such a place?"&1t;/

"I also accidentally learned that there is still such a place in this world, so I went to release these people just thinking that after they come out, they can help us attack this dynasty outside the sky, drag them down as soon as possible, but let me go far. It was far from expecting that they would have come here."&1t;/

"Picking up a rock and hitting myself in the foot."&1t;/

Hearing Wang Feng's words, Emperor Xuanyu couldn't help but have such thoughts in their hearts. Wang Feng's original intention was to deal with the Tianwai Dynasty, but these people actually came here first. Wang Feng is indeed responsible for this. &1t;/

But everyone knows that Wang Feng's original intention is also good, he is not intended to harm the heavenly realm, and he may not have expected these people to come here. &1t;/

Seeing Wang Feng's face full of self-blame, who wants to blame him? &1t;/

After all, the world of heaven is now supported by Wang Feng alone, and all the resources used by everyone are brought back by Wang Feng from outside, so if anyone blames Wang Feng at this time, it will be completely lost. &1t;/

"Things have already been born, and it doesn’t make much sense to blame anyone, and we all know that everything you do now is to avenge those dead in the heavens, so don’t go too far into your heart. Although the heavens are human Less, but this loss is still affordable."&1t;/

"I think it is not easy for all of us to survive. Anything that falls is a loss. I do have an unshirkable responsibility this time."&1t;/

"What's the use of saying these now? People are already dead, so we can try to prevent this situation from being born."&1t;/

"Yeah, people are dead, what's the use of saying this? Besides, everyone knows that you didn't mean it, so the matter just turned over." Hou Zhentian also said at this time. &1t;/

From the time when Wang Feng formed this Scarlet Flame League, he has been under tremendous pressure. It has been very difficult to get to where he is today. This time it was just a miscalculation. &1t;/

Who in the world can not make mistakes? &1t;/

"Hou Zhentian, buried all these people, if they have family members, they will also be given extra care."&1t;/

"Don't worry, even if you don't say it, I will do it."&1t;/

This kind of thing was born in the heavens before, so this tortoise shell can be considered as a familiar one, knowing what to do. &1t;/

"It looks like our formation needs to be reset."&1t;/

The formation that Wang Feng set up before is almost broken, so the formation Wang Feng must be reset. &1t;/

"I will help you together."&1t;/

The defensive power of the formation set by Wang Feng is very powerful, but after this incident, the defensive power of the formation must be enhanced. &1t;/

When this formation was set up last time, the tortoise shell repair was still the same as Wang Feng. &1t;/

But now he has broken through to the late stage of the Blood Saint Realm and can help even more, so with his addition, the defense of this formation is as simple as eating and drinking. &1t;/


The corpses were already dead, and Wang Feng couldn't save them, so they had to be buried. &1t;/

After all the corpses were buried, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell began to set up the formation. The power of the formation must be stronger than before, so this requires Wang Feng and the tortoise shell to spend a lot of time. &1t;/

It took three days for Wangfeng to set up the formation The newly built formation is naturally greatly improved in terms of defense, but if there are a few late stages of Blood Saint Realm If the cultivators attacked at the same time, this formation would still not last long. This was considered a drawback, and Wang Feng couldn't handle it now. &1t;/

"When I see this Emperor Yongzhen next time, I have to let him come here to make arrangements."&1t;/

Although the defense of the formation has increased, Wang Feng is still not at ease, because his cultivation has not reached the late stage of the Blood Saint Realm, the defense of the formation he has deployed naturally has its limit. &1t;/

Although the tortoise shell lived long enough, the level of his formation was only half-hearted, so if Emperor Yongzhen could arrange it here, then Wang Feng would be relieved. &1t;/

Because of the formation laid out by Emperor Yongzhen, I am afraid that everyone in the world will not be able to break it except for Su Hong who comes here. &1t;/

"I don't know where the Emperor Yongzhen is going now, we couldn't find him if we tried to find him." At this time, the turtle shell spoke and thought of this. &1t;/

Although he has the blood saint realm late stage, he is not a master of formation after all, and he can't help Wang Feng too much. He is just responsible for giving his own strength sometimes. &1t;/

So this formation is still a bit unsatisfactory, if Emperor Yongzhen can come here at this time, it will be fine. &1t;/

But this is just to think about it. No one of them knows where the Emperor Yongzhen is, and they can only wait until the next time he shows up. &1t;/

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