The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3208: All have to die

"Kill as many as you come." &1t;/

Seeing these middle-term Blood Saint Realm cultivators rushing towards his own deity, Wang Feng's face showed a coldness, and then he raised his hand and took a picture of these people. &1t;/

These people's teamwork to deal with the middle stage of the Blood Saint Realm should have been a sure thing, but Wang Feng is no ordinary middle stage of the Blood Saint Realm, so their cooperation is destined to be only a tragedy. &1t;/

With a palm shot, none of these people could stop them, all of them fell into the void by Wang Feng's shot, and all fell to the ground, spewing out a lot of blood. &1t;/

"How is this possible?"&1t;/

Looking at Wang Feng, the faces of these people showed an incredible color. Wang Feng is in the middle stage of the blood sacred realm, and they are also in the middle stage of the blood sacred realm. But why are they not opponents when they join forces? &1t;/

Knowing that Wang Feng has separated a large number of clones, this should have seriously distracted his strength, but everything that happened before him told them clearly that they were not their opponents. &1t;/

They were seriously injured with just one palm. They had no chance of winning this battle, only to be killed. &1t;/

"There is nothing impossible. Since you have come here and have broken the formation that I arranged, your fate is already doomed. You cannot leave here alive today."&1t;/

"I'm back."&1t;/

When Wang Feng was fighting with these people, another sound suddenly rang from the sky, and the tortoise shell returned. &1t;/

Before Wang Feng split up with him, he also had several people chasing after him, but since the people who chased Wang Feng had already gone back, those who chased him naturally did the same. &1t;/

So when all those people returned, he didn't hesitate, and returned to the place where the heaven was the fastest. &1t;/

Seeing that there were still people alive here, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It seemed that it was not too late for him to come back, at least the heavenly people had not been wiped out. &1t;/

"It just happened to be back. Leave all the people who attacked here, don't let any of them go."&1t;/

"Don't worry about this, just leave it to me."&1t;/

Hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell did not hesitate, and then he waved his sleeves, and a huge enchantment immediately enveloped this place. As a result, people here would not even want to leave. &1t;/

"Later Blood Saint Realm." &1t;/

Perceiving the terrible pressure from the tortoise shell, all the criminals who attacked here looked pale, because they understood that they were really vulnerable to the powerful in the late Blood Saint Realm, and none of them could be. The opponent in the late Blood Saint Realm. &1t;/

"I didn't kill anyone, I surrendered, can you let me make a living?"&1t;/

At this time, a criminal speaks, really has no intention of fighting again. &1t;/

Even the powerhouses of the late Blood Saint Realm have appeared, how do they fight? &1t;/

Because this battle continues, they will only die, so surrendering now may save their lives. &1t;/

"I also surrender."&1t;/

It was with great difficulty in itself that they ran back from this barren land, and no one wanted to die here, so if the surrender could save a life, then they were willing to lay down their dignity. &1t;/

"If a person makes a mistake and he can be forgiven by admitting his mistake, then there won't be so many disputes in this world. Since you want to come here to grab something, you should pay the corresponding price. I just I have already said that today... you all have to die!"&1t;/

"We are back."&1t;/

At this moment, the voice of Emperor Xuanyu and the others resounded in the sky. &1t;/

They also rushed back here from the affiliated star field. When this heaven was attacked, Wang Feng received a distress message, and the Great Emperor Xuanyu, one of the strong, naturally received the message, so I think now they are also taking their best Quickness returned here, but it's a pity that their cultivation can't be compared with Turtle Shell and Wang Feng, their speed is naturally much slower. &1t;/

Even if it was Wang Feng and the tortoise shell that led the masters in the palace around a lot, they still rushed behind the two Wang Feng. &1t;/

"Master, search for battles outside of this barrier, and leave it to me here."&1t;/

Seeing his master and they came back, Wang Feng heard a voice, and then he started hunting down these criminals. &1t;/

These people, Wang Feng, originally pointed at them to destroy the foundation of this empire, but they found this place, so Wang Feng would not forgive them, they must die here. &1t;/

There was no suspense since the battle. Wang Feng quickly ended the battle. All the people who came here died tragically, and none of them escaped. &1t;/

From the Blood Saint Realm to the Blood God Realm, all of them lost their lives here. &1t;/

Human Wang Feng was killed, but the damage they caused here could not be healed. This time, many people died in the heavens. &1t;/

After all, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell wasted a lot of time outside and missed the best rescue opportunity. &1t;/

In fact, when someone came here, Hou Zhentian had already notified Wang Feng, but it was a pity that Wang Feng couldn't get rid of those people in a short time, so he could only waste a lot of time outside. &1t;/

Looking at the devastated living quarters, Wang Feng's heart couldn't help but sting. &1t;/

This time, he miscalculated and released such a group of evils. &1t;/

"Hou Zhentian, how are my parents?"&1t;/

Finding Hou Zhentian, Wang Feng asked. &1t;/

"Don't worry about Since they are your parents, they are also my parents. Naturally, we have to do our best to protect them. They are all well now."&1t;/

"That's good." Hearing this, Wang Feng finally felt a trace of comfort in his heart. &1t;/

"Immediately count our casualties." Wang Feng said at the moment. &1t;/

"Don't worry, after such a big incident, the casualties must be counted, but it may take some time."&1t;/

"I can wait as long as possible." &1t;/

"Well, I will get it now."&1t;/

"Remove the enchantment, let's search for this star first." At this time, Wang Feng said to the turtle shell. &1t;/

"Blame those old guys for clinging to me, or I would have already returned." At this time the turtle shell sighed. &1t;/

"None of us expected things like this, so you don't have to blame yourself. I was also stuck by those people, and it took a long time to come back."&1t;/

"Fortunately, the people who come here are not particularly strong in cultivation. Otherwise, when we come back, I'm afraid..." Said the turtle shell here and did not continue, but Wang Feng already understood what he meant. &1t;/

"Let's go, search for this star first." Although this star is not big, it is okay if you want to be Tibetans, so you don't search for the stars. After Wang Feng and the others leave, there will be a battle here? &1t;/

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