The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3210: My private territory

"Those old guys in the palace have all turned back, and now the outer dynasty will become extremely uncomfortable."&1t;/

"With so many masters released, if they are not uncomfortable in this way, then everything I have done before will be in vain."&1t;/

"The army is almost wiped out, plus the current rampage of these criminals, I believe that it won't take long before their empire will become a piece of loose sand, when we will kill some people again, this empire has actually existed in name only. ."&1t;/

"As the old saying goes, a lean camel is bigger than a horse, so don't underestimate this empire, then Su Hong might have what kind of back players."&1t;/

This empire has been ruled steadily for countless years, and no one knows what kind of power is there in the dark. Outsiders like Wang Feng and others are even more unlikely to know these secret things, so if anyone underestimates them, they are afraid they will pay a lot. cost. &1t;/

"Yes, this guy can even figure out the killing statue. Maybe he really has any back-ups left. We should wait until we are strong enough before killing them."&1t;/

"Where are we going next?" The turtle shell asked at this moment. &1t;/

"The people in this barren land will definitely continue to come out. We may welcome other criminals here. Let's stay here for now."&1t;/

Tens of thousands of people have died in the heavens. If this happens again, then Wang Feng's sins will be too great. &1t;/

So I'll stay here for now and wait until the storm has passed. &1t;/

Revenge is certainly important, but it is equally important to protect the heavenly realm, so Wang Feng chose the latter. &1t;/

Just as Wang Feng thought, in the next day or two, many criminals descended on the star where they were. They also discovered that there was life under this star, and wanted to rush down to grab some resources. &1t;/

After all, living in a barren land all year round, the lack of resources is really torturing these people, so now that they have escaped, they naturally want to get the resources they can use in the first time. &1t;/

The more you get to the border, the more you are the Death Star, so it's really luck to find a living star. &1t;/

It's a pity that these people were directly controlled by Wang Feng, Turtle Shell and others as soon as they arrived, and they didn't even have a chance to escape. &1t;/

Wang Feng was not merciful to these people, let alone let it go. &1t;/

Since they were coming here, it meant that they had vicious minds, so how could Wang Feng let them go, killing them all, leaving none. &1t;/

"Interesting, I didn't expect that there could be stars of existing life in this place. It seems that when we left here, some changes have taken place here."&1t;/

Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell killed a large number of criminals on this star, but on the second day, a group of people came out of this star. Unlike the criminals who came before, the people who came here this time were obviously stronger. More, for the sake of a middle-aged man in the late Blood Holy Realm, behind him there are more than ten middle-aged Blood Holy Realm monks, all of whom are his subordinates. &1t;/

With his strength, he naturally lived very well in that barren land, and he was a complete boss. &1t;/

So whether you live here or live in a barren land, it doesn't make much difference. &1t;/

The only difference is that the spiritual power is stronger here, and worse there. &1t;/

"Boss, there is a faint blood mist on the stars. I am afraid that a lot of people have died down here."&1t;/

At this time, a cultivator in the middle blood saint realm said. &1t;/

"Even if many people are dead, what is the difference for me? I just came back, and I always fill up my pockets before talking."&1t;/

Said that there was a slight smile on the face of the middle-aged man, and said: "Go, go down with the deity and have a look."&1t;/


Hearing what he said, the people behind him all nodded. &1t;/

"Wang Feng, a master has come down."&1t;/

These people had just entered the star where Wang Feng and them were, and the tortoise shells of the late Blood Saint Realm felt it instantly and told Wang Feng. &1t;/

"How many?"&1t;/

Hearing what he said, Wang Feng's complexion couldn't help becoming serious. &1t;/

In this world, any monk in the late Blood Saint Realm is not an easy role to provoke. &1t;/

The person who can be called a master by the tortoise shell must be the late Blood Saint Realm. &1t;/

"Don't worry, there is only one." After saying this, the tortoise shell's face couldn't help showing war. &1t;/

Since he broke through to the late Blood Saint Realm, he has never played against a master of the Blood Saint Realm alone. &1t;/

Every time he and Wang Feng ran into trouble with the masters in the palace, and every time they were surrounded and beaten, so now that one appeared alone, he would naturally fight each other well. &1t;/

"Let me deal with this person, how about?"&1t;/

Looking at Wang Feng, the turtle shell said. &1t;/

"If you are sure, you can naturally." Wang Feng nodded, then said: "But don't bring people here."&1t;/

"Don't worry about this, I will definitely not bring the war here." The tortoise shell said here and said: "The other people will be handed over to you."&1t;/


Hearing the words of the tortoise shell, neither Wang Feng nor the tortoise shell hesitated and left here. &1t;/

"How many people are here, but what's the matter?"&1t;/

Both Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell are strong, so they are naturally very clear where the other party will arrive, so the two of them soon appeared in front of these people. &1t;/

"Late Blood Saint Realm!" &1t;/

Seeing the tortoise shell and Wang Feng appear, the middle-aged man who came down couldn't help but shrink his pupils, because he didn't expect to be able to meet a master of the same level in such a place. Isn't it a coincidence? &1t;/

"We just just walk around, why? Not welcome?"&1t;/

Although he was shocked, the middle-aged man quickly returned to normal and calmed down. &1t;/

"This is our private realm. Of course, outsiders are not welcome, especially those of you who came out of the barren land." Turtle shell said, not concealing his high fighting spirit. &1t;/

"Interesting, such a big star, you actually said it is your private domain, who gave you the right?" The tone of the tortoise shell was very unpleasant, so this middle-aged man naturally did not suppress the anger in his heart. Meaning, sneered. &1t;/

"I said it is my private domain, that is my private domain. Does anyone need to agree to this?"&1t;/

"Well, now I also say that this is my private domain, you two get out as soon as possible." Looking at the two of Wang Feng, the middle-aged man shouted loudly. &1t;/

"You are the one who should go."&1t;/

The tortoise shell didn't hesitate while talking, and he started directly. &1t;/

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