The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3184: The power of lines

After resting for a while, Wang Feng opened his eyes, and he wanted to record the things on it again.

There are dense lines on the statue. Wang Fengguang took a long time to record it. When he remembered all the lines on the statue clearly in his mind, his face was already abnormally pale. , It seems that there is no blood color that a normal person should have.

"If it weren't for seeing you still breathing, I would directly recognize you as a dead person."

Looking at Wang Feng's current appearance, the tortoise shell was also obviously startled, and shouted.

"It's just that the overdraft is a bit serious. It'll be fine when I take a break." Wang Feng's mouth made a sound, and then he didn't move at all, he just sat down on the spot.

Putting some pill into his mouth, Wang Feng recovered on the spot.

It's just that although he was regaining his energy, he didn't give up rest in his mind at this moment. He was still watching the things in his mind silently, and then he looked at the weirdness of these things.

He was thinking about this in his mind, and he was also subconsciously imitating these lines on his hands. He seemed to be ecstatic, and the tortoise shell looked a little worried.

They came here to look at the statue, but now Wang Feng looks at the statue like this, is he going to be crazy?

Thinking of this, the tortoise shell couldn't help pacing back and forth. He wanted to wake Wang Feng, but when he saw Wang Feng's pale face was almost like tin foil, he endured it again.

"Fine, I want to see what you will make." Looking at Wang Feng, Su Yao made a sound, and then he simply sat down not far from Wang Feng, and Ren Wangfeng made it now. He doesn't care about anything, he just wants to see the result.

Combining the imprints left in his mind, Wang Feng is now trying to uncover the secrets of these lines.

But his hands hadn't been portrayed for long, suddenly his whole body froze, and his body trembled slightly.

The tortoise shell hadn't understood what was going on. Suddenly Wang Feng opened his mouth and spewed a mouthful of blood. The tortoise shell was so scared that he rushed in front of Wang Feng and said, "How is it?"

"Unexpectedly, this thing could cause backlash. I was too careless." Wang Feng said, his face couldn't help being shocked.

From the beginning, he guessed that the lines on these statues were weird, but now as he imitated them, these things could actually cause the backlash of power in his body. What kind of power do these lines have?

"Turtle shell, you are so knowledgeable, do you know what these powers are?" At this time, Wang Feng fixed his eyes on the tortoise shell and asked.

"Sorry, although I live longer, but this does not mean that I know everything. It is the first time I have encountered this mysterious power, so I am afraid I can't help you." Tortoise Shell is helpless. Said with a shrug.

"Then you can also help and advise." Wang Feng waved his big sleeves as he spoke, and a white scroll suddenly appeared. Wang Feng was about to seal the power in his mind on the scroll and leave it to the turtle shell to watch.

It's just that these lines are like having some weird power, Wang Feng is very difficult to copy, as if there is some power in the dark to prevent Wang Feng from leaving these lines, it is very difficult for him to write.

"The sky is open!"

There was a low drinking sound in his mouth. Wang Feng wanted to see what was going on. If there was something to prevent him from leaving these lines, then his heavenly eyes might be able to see it.

It's a pity that Wang Feng, the mysterious power that prevented him, couldn't see it at all, but could only feel it.

It takes a great deal of effort for Wang Feng to make every stroke, so after only a small amount of writing, Wang Feng is already out of breath and can't hold on.

"No, I can't write these things coherently." Wang Feng said, shaking his head.

"Wang Feng, do you think this thing was left by a super strong?" At this moment the turtle shell asked.

"Even copying is so laborious, it must be the handwriting of the strong, but I don't know how powerful these lines will eventually erupt." Wang Feng couldn't help but look forward to it.

"According to my past memory, it seems that some people are studying these things." At this moment, Wang Feng suddenly said.

"Appreciate further details."

Upon hearing this, Wang Feng's gaze was placed on the tortoise shell and said.

"In the past, some scholars practiced to facilitate their own reading, so they often turned what they wrote into their attack weapons. These scholars looked very weak on the surface, but the words they wrote were their attacking methods. "

"You mean that these lines may also be left by those scholars?"

"This is just one of the assumptions, but whether it is or not remains to be verified."

"Regardless of whether it is the authenticity left by these people, after I copy these things, you can see it."

While talking, Wang Feng closed his eyes, he was raising his spirits and preparing to write all the rest.

This tortoise shell is also a strong man in the late Blood Saint Realm. Maybe he really has a way to help himself understand it, and once this thing is written, not only the tortoise shell can be seen, but other people can also see it.

"Damn, don't you write."

At this moment the tortoise shell suddenly cried.

"What's wrong?" Wang Feng asked with a look of surprise on his face when he heard him.

"Just looking at what you wrote now I actually feel dizzy. If you write the rest of it, I'm afraid I will get hurt." said the turtle shell.

"Why?" Hearing this, Wang Feng's face was surprised. He was just copying something. The tortoise shell actually said that he was going to be injured. Isn't that nonsense?

Without taking what the turtle shell said seriously, Wang Feng was still tirelessly copying what was in his mind.

When he copied all of them, suddenly the tortoise shell not far away opened his mouth and spewed a mouthful of blood. He immediately hid in a very far place and said: "I told you all, let Don’t write, you are hurting me now."

"This...what's going on?"

Seeing the tortoise shell vomiting blood, Wang Feng's eyes widened and revealed an incredible color. He didn't do anything. He was just copying what was in his mind. The tortoise shell actually vomited blood. What happened?


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