The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3185: Powerful magic weapon

Just when Wang Feng was looking at the turtle shell and didn't know what was going on, suddenly Wang Feng realized that golden light was blooming in front of him.

The source of the golden light is on the picture scroll in front of him. The lines that Wang Feng copied before are now radiating light. A mysterious force swept out from the picture scroll, and Wang Feng was dumbfounded. .

He was just copying these things from his mind, and they turned out to be like this. What is going on?

At this moment, Wang Feng really had a lot of doubts in his heart, but no one would respond to him, because the tortoise shell didn't know what this power was about.

"Does this pattern itself already carry power?" Wang Feng muttered to himself.

It's just that as soon as he finished speaking, a feeling of weakness swept through Wang Feng's heart, making him almost fall into the void.

Writing these things actually consumed most of Wang Feng's cultivation base, which once again exceeded Wang Feng's expectations.

Putting this scroll into his space ring temporarily, Wang Feng said: "Turtle shell, I'm really embarrassed this time, I don't know if this scroll will carry an attack."

"You kid, you are planning to pit me to death." Hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell cursed and walked over from a distance.

"I think these lines are already attacking moves, and when I copy them, they consume most of my body's strength."

"Most power?"

Hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell's face was shocked. No wonder the attack he had just suffered was so violent. It must have been caused by Wang Feng's loss of power.

"Previous scholars can hide their ultimate moves in the font, and the things you just copied may be such ultimate moves."

"Killing is invisible, powerful."

Hearing the words of the tortoise shell, Wang Feng's face showed a pensive color, and said: "No wonder I have so hard to record and copy this thing. This pattern itself must be an extremely powerful killer."

Speaking of this, another impulse appeared in Wang Feng's heart, that is, he wanted to take out the picture scroll from his spatial ring and fill in everything that was lacking.

Although copying these lines will cause him serious wear and tear, Wang Feng wants to see what kind of power the picture scroll will explode when he actually copies it?

Now Wang Feng has a magic weapon to make magic weapons out of thin air. It was originally an ordinary picture scroll that could no longer be ordinary, but when Wang Feng added these lines behind, this picture scroll unexpectedly broke out with the power that can shake the turtle shell, which is really unexpected. Wang Feng's expectation.

After all, this tortoise shell is also a powerhouse in the late Blood Saint Realm.

"It's a pity that neither of us knows what this thing is, otherwise we wouldn't be like we are now, like headless flies."

Speaking of this, Wang Feng put his gaze on the huge statue. Although this statue has been a long time ago, it is protected by these lines. The statue is still lifelike. Even the skin does not fall off at all. These lines will The statue is well preserved.

It's just that the more I look at this statue, Wang Feng feels a sense of familiarity, as if I have seen this statue somewhere.

Wang Feng, the top powerhouse, has seen two people in total, one is Emperor Su Honggou, and the other is the former emperor, which is now Wang Feng and their allies, Emperor Yongzhen.

However, this statue is not similar to Emperor Yongzhen. It should have nothing to do with it. However, Wang Feng came from the heavens, so he would not have anything to do with this statue.

Where did this familiar feeling come from? Wang Feng was a little confused.

Shaking his head, Wang Feng didn't continue to delve into this issue, because since he couldn't get a conclusion in the first time, it obviously won't work later, so let's let the matter go first.

After resting silently for a while, Wang Feng took out the picture again.

He was never a person who gave up halfway, since he had copied half of the things in his mind, then he would never give up.

Maybe once he finishes copying, this picture scroll will become a powerful attack magic weapon, so Wang Feng will never stop halfway.

"You do it here first, I'll go look around."

The tortoise shell was injured by Wang Feng's scroll before, so he didn't continue to be a melon-eating crowd in this place at the moment, so let's wait for Wang Feng to copy the entire scroll.

Wanting to copy the things in his mind, Wang Feng needs massive strength as support. After several strokes of power consumption, Wang Feng finally copied the things in his mind completely on this picture scroll.

Almost immediately after Wang Feng completed the copying of this picture scroll, suddenly a majestic coercion swept from the picture scroll, as if a strong monk appeared here.

"Sure enough, it is the realm pressure brought by these lines."

Looking at the picture scroll in front of him that exudes coercion and contains golden light, Wang Feng really did not think that some lines alone would have such pressure. What are these lines?

"Turtle shell, hurry up and take a look, I have already copied this thing." Looking at the turtle shell hiding in the distance, Wang Feng said.

"Are you sure it is safe for me to come here?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell said with some worry.

"Don't worry, this thing doesn't take the initiative to explode, and it won't be dangerous."

Out of trust in Wang Feng, the tortoise shell cautiously walked towards Wang Feng. When he saw that the scroll did not really explode, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"What the **** is this thing? It can hurt people like me."

"Maybe you are so ugly, you can't stand this picture." Wang Feng made a joke.

"No matter how ugly you are," the tortoise shell cursed back.

"I don't know who left these lines. It's really mysterious. It's really unexpected that the copied things have such a powerful attack power."

"Let's try the power of this scroll first."

At this moment the turtle shell spoke.

"it is good."

Hearing his words, Wang Feng's heart couldn't help but look forward to it. If this picture scroll can really explode with powerful, it would be a surprise.

"go with."

Looking at the scroll floating in front of him, Wang Feng flicked his sleeve, and the scroll flew out.


A earth-shattering roar sounded, and this picture scroll was inspired by Wang Feng’s power to produce a light mask. In the area covered by this light mask, everything was annihilated, even the earth was here. Under the bombardment of powerful forces, several terrifying cracks appeared.

These cracks were torn apart at a distance of about ten meters, which looked like a few abysses.

"This thing is too powerful?" Seeing this scene, Wang Feng and the turtle shell couldn't help but glance at each other, seeing the shock in each other's eyes.

This picture scroll was made by the tortoise shell watching Wang Feng copy it stroke by stroke. It was beyond his expectation that such a powerful lethality could erupt through copying alone.

"There will be another weapon to deal with the enemy in the future." With a smile on his face, Wang Feng didn't expect the power of this scroll to be so powerful.

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