The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3183: Lines on the statue

"There is a statue on this barren land. This is something from the memory of the **** army general. He will come to this place every once in a while to see the statue, hoping to gain something."

"Then did he gain anything?"

"There is a fart harvest. Since he didn't get anything useful in the first few visits, what can he do in the next few visits? It's not that he can't get anything."

"Then it will be useful if we go to see it?"

"Whether it's useful or useless, you'll see it later."

This statue is hidden in a large mountain. It has been hidden by the general of the **** army using his own magic techniques. If it weren't for Wang Feng to search for the soul, he would probably not find it.

According to the memory of this divine army general, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell quickly penetrated into the depths of this barren land. This place is really too desolate. All exposed on the ground are dark brown rocks, even trees. None, in this environment, ordinary monsters can't survive at all, because here it is too easy to be destroyed by their natural enemies.

Moreover, according to the results of Wang Feng's sweeping down, these places should have been cities before, but unfortunately, with the passage of time, these cities have become ruins, and the people inside have long been dead.

"This is it."

He galloped forward for a while, and then Wang Feng took the tortoise shell and stopped in a canyon. This place looked like an ordinary canyon that could not be more ordinary, but Wang Feng knew that there was actually something tricky in this canyon. , That statue is hidden here.

Looking at the gorge, Wang Feng did not hesitate. He flicked his sleeve and suddenly a mask was hit by Wang Feng’s power. The mask was only used for cover, so the defense was not strong, so it was Wang Feng’s second attack. When it fell, the mask suddenly broke.

As soon as the mask was broken, a huge statue was immediately revealed. Although this statue was not known by who left it, as soon as the statue came out, it was immediately swept out by pressure, even if Wang Feng already had the blood saint. The cultivation base of the middle stage, but when faced with this pressure, his body still couldn't help sinking.

Beside him, although the tortoise shell is better, he is obviously affected.

"Who is this big hand? A statue alone can exude this level of pressure."

The tortoise's shell opened, obviously a little surprised. He didn't expect that there would be such a statue in this place where the bird does not shit. It was beyond his expectation.

"There is something like a killing statue in this imperial city, do you think this statue is the same as that thing?" Wang Feng suddenly asked at this time.

"How do I know this?" The tortoise shell rolled his eyes helplessly and said.

"I'll take a look first before speaking." Wang Feng said, and then he opened his own heavenly eyes.

Observed by the eyes of the sky, Wang Feng discovered that this statue was not made of a combination of mysterious powers. It was a statue made out of ordinary rocks, and its interior was all stone.

But what makes Wang Feng puzzled is that since it is made of stone, why does this statue exude this level of pressure?

The reason why the general of the Divine Army sealed this place at the beginning was probably because he felt the pressure, and felt that there must be some chance in this, otherwise he would not come here after a while.

He felt that there must be some secret on the statue and wanted to swallow it by himself.

Unfortunately, before he could swallow this secret, he was already beheaded by Wang Feng and the tortoise shell, and his knowledge became Wang Feng's possession.

"It's strange, this statue is just an ordinary stone, and there is nothing weird about it." Wang Feng muttered to himself.

"If it is really ordinary stones, then I am afraid that these stones also have secrets." The turtle shell thought for a while and said.

"You are right, the weirdness of this statue may no longer be in its own material, but on the surface of the stone."

"There are all weird runes on the stones. I can't understand any of them. You are a native of this world. You can see what is written on it."

"I have been missing for such a long time, and even the text has changed several times. Besides, these texts may have been left by the seniors of the past, how could I know them."

"Somehow come and take a look." While talking, Wang Feng pulled the tortoise shell over, and the two of them walked towards the statue.

The closer you get to this statue, the greater the pressure that Wang Feng and the tortoise shell have to bear, but they are both strong at any rate, and there is no big problem with holding a little pressure, so the two of them still come slowly. Arrived in front of this statue.

The statue is about 100 meters high, and Wang Feng and the tortoise shell look like two slightly larger ants in front of the statue.

Standing under the statue, Wang Feng can see the dark lines on the statue. These lines are a little messy when they come closer, but Wang Feng believes that the reason why the statue exudes pressure is precisely because of these lines. help.

Otherwise, it would be a strange thing that a pile of broken stones can exude coercion.

"You have a good identification here, I'll stand further and look."

Too close, the statue seems too big, so Wang Feng can't see it clearly, so at this moment, he can only stay away, and then slowly observe the lines on the statue with his heavenly eyes.


Hearing Wang Feng's words, the turtle shell didn't say much, but began to observe the two thighs surrounding the statue.

As for Wang Feng, after he was far away, he could have a panoramic view of the entire statue. With the help of his heavenly eyes, he could even see the many lines on the statue.

What exactly these lines represent, Wang Feng doesn't know, but he thinks these lines should be of great use, otherwise how can they exude coercion?

One line after another began to be recorded in Wang Feng's mind. Since he can't understand what these lines are for now, he can use a dumb method to record all these lines in his mind.

After he has completed all the records, he will slowly portray these things, and it will be much easier for him to penetrate.


Recording these things was originally very easy for Wang Feng. UU Reading but Wang Feng has not recorded half of it. Suddenly he felt dizzy, as if a pile of lead was poured into his head, which was very heavy. .

As a last resort, he could only temporarily end the recording and sat down in the void.

"What's your situation?"

Under the statue's feet, the tortoise shell who was observing the statue found Wang Feng's abnormality and walked over.

"I don't know." Wang Feng shook his head, and then said: "I want to record the lines on these statues in my mind, but now I only feel that the overdraft is very serious, and there is a paste in my head."

"Could it be the reason for these lines?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise's shell showed a strange color and asked.

"It should be." Wang Feng nodded, and then he let out a long breath, and said: "Let me digest and digest first, I must write down all the things on this statue."

It was said that there was a trace of determination flashing across Wang Feng's face. Since they have already come, they can't go back empty-handed.

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