The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3182: Go to the main star

With his master and others, Wang Feng descended on the satellite domain where the Li family was located. Right now, the Li family was also here. Since the master and others asked to come here, Wang Feng would naturally satisfy them.

"Master, I know that you all want to make a name for yourself in this world. As an apprentice, I can't take care of you too much, otherwise you won't be able to play the role of experience."

Speaking of this, Wang Feng turned and left, and said, "Master, let's start our separation from here."

"Let me wipe it, can you find us a place to live anyway?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, Great Emperor Xuanyu widened his eyes and asked in an incredible way.

"Master, you want people and people, and ability and ability. Of course, you have to solve the problem of finding a place to live. I am only responsible for bringing you here. The rest is up to you."

"You bastard!"

Hearing Wang Feng's words, the Great Emperor Xuanyu was so angry that he almost beat Wang Feng.

It's a pity that he is not as good as Wang Feng now, and his fighting power is even farther apart. Even if he fights, he is not Wang Feng's opponent, so he can only withdraw his hand in a vicious manner, and said viciously: "You stubborn fellow, Don't let your teacher have the day to surpass you, otherwise I must teach you a good lesson."

"Master, if that day, even if I give up resistance and beat you up, I will not complain."

"Okay, then we gentlemen can't chase after a word, remember what you said today."

"If you speak from my mouth, I will never break my promise. Master, you can improve your cultivation level. If you can surpass me, I will lose." After leaving a word, Wang Feng didn't stay anymore and went directly with the turtle shell. After leaving here, he did not take away anyone, including his apprentice Bi Fan.

His cultivation is too far from his own. Even if he is together, it doesn't matter much. It's better to let him go to nature and let him find his own opportunities. ,

Wang Feng was just trying to motivate them all. You must know that the higher your cultivation level, the harder it is to improve. It is precisely because he understands this that he hopes his master can practice hard.

As long as one person breaks through to a very high level, he can be a role model for others, so although Wang Feng only said a few words, it is enough to affect many of them.

"They are all very important people in your life. Would you please give them a place to shelter them from wind and rain?" After leaving the Great Emperor Xuanyu and the others, the turtle shell said angrily.

He was also a person who had lived in the heaven for a long time, and seeing Wang Feng treat his masters like this, he couldn't stand it anymore.

"I'm doing this to be good to them." Wang Feng sighed and said: "The more help is given to them now, the harder it is for them to get exercise, and housing is not a big problem for them. I believe they can Very good solution."

"I'm afraid you can't bear it?"

"If you can't bear it, you have to endure it. The lower the start, the better. We treat them now as if they are still living in the same place. Even if they are in danger, we don't have to intervene."

"What about the fatal crisis?"

"Fatal crises say otherwise. In short, I will treat general dangers as ignorant and will not come to rescue them."

"I hope they can all grow up this time. It's too difficult for Heaven to support me alone." Wang Feng let out a long breath, then shook his head and left here with the tortoise shell.

To leave them here, Wang Feng is certainly not at ease, but he knows that this is a step that must be taken, because the better the protection, the harm to them.

So he assumed that they had never been here before, otherwise Wang Feng would always remember them.

The flowers in the greenhouse can't withstand the ravages of strong winds and waves, so they have to experience things themselves, and Wang Feng cannot help them either.

Since they could all live to the end in the heavens back then, Wang Feng now has reason to believe that they will also live well here, without any problems.

"Indeed, it is really impossible for a world to be supported by one person alone. The dynasty in front of this day is like this. They are of course a powerhouse of Su Hong's level, but once he is restrained by others, there are not many people under his hands. Usefulness."

"There is still usefulness. Without these people under his hands, I'm afraid this dynasty would have ceased to exist."

"We have already killed two groups of people in the palace. It is estimated that they will not be able to make up the third wave of people in a short time. What should we do next? If there are no people, the Li family can't help. "

"Forget it if we can't help. We have hands and feet, and we don't necessarily need help from others."

"Then we seem to have nothing to do."

"Everything that is not conducive to this empire is something we need to do, how can we say that there is nothing to do."

After saying that, Wang Feng pondered for a while, and then he said, "Come with me."

"What are you going to do?"

"Follow me and you will know."

While talking, Wang Feng took the tortoise shell and went straight to the main star.

"Do you still want to sneak into the imperial city?" the tortoise shell asked in surprise.

So many high-level officials have died in this imperial city. They must be looking for the news everywhere. Once the two of them are found in the imperial city, wouldn't they just throw themselves into the net?

"This main star is so big, and it's not only the imperial city that can accommodate people. We are not going to the imperial city, but to another place of the main star."


"Just follow me."

Heavenly person Wang Feng has temporarily arranged it. They may encounter danger in the future, but it is better than Wang Feng staying with them.

If Wang Feng accompanies them, they will not have the effect of experience, and they may even directly lead them into the abyss of immortality. After all, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell are now repeat people of the heavens are infected with them. Relationships will not have any good results.

So it's better to live by yourself now.

"Why is this getting desolate?"

Under Wang Feng's leadership, Turtle Shell and the others came to the other end of the main star. This place is very far away from the imperial city, and it is estimated that no one will find here.

Although the main star is the place where the palace is located, the main star has not been fully developed, and many places are still deserted and inaccessible.

If this is not the case, the last time Wang Feng and the others discovered the tomb of Emperor Yongzhen, I am afraid that someone had already taken out the tomb of Wang Feng and others.

So now Wang Feng is going to these barren land where few people go. Others don't want to open up wasteland, he does.

Of course, this is not a reason. The real reason to go to this place is because when he searched for the soul of the general of the gods, he learned from the memory of the opponent that there was a statue in the barren land of the main star, which existed on it. What an opportunity? At this moment, Wang Feng is here to see this thing, otherwise he would not bother to run.

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