The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3175: No way to escape

Taking a look behind him, Wang Feng found that Su Yao and the others had been lost, and they had already entered the depths of the starry sky. It was almost impossible for Su Yao and others to catch up, so they were considered safe.

"It was really thrilling this time, and I was almost trapped." Galloping forward for a while, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell stopped on a dead star. Although there was no breath of life and no spiritual energy, Wang Feng and There is no problem with Wang Feng staying here.

"Let me out if you have the ability."

At this time, a voice came from the body of the tortoise shell. The old guy in the palace was not dead yet, but was temporarily trapped in his body by the tortoise shell.

"Let him out," Wang Feng said at this time.

They are already in the uninhabited area, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell can work together to kill the old man, so even if he is released, there is only a dead end, and he can't escape at all.

"it is good."

The tortoise shell originally wanted to digest this person directly, but this old guy is also a strong man in the late blood sanctuary. It is not so easy for this tortoise shell to digest, and it may even cause internal injuries to his body, so now He released it to kill is the safest way.

With a thought, the tortoise shell spat out the old man from his mouth.

Just when they came out, Wang Feng and the other two were attacked by this person.

"We worked together to kill these two people." The old man from the palace said. He thought he was in the place just now. Unfortunately, when he finished speaking, he realized that he was no longer where he was before. Place.

No one around him responded to him.

"This is a place where birds don't poop, even if you scream harder, do you think anyone can save you?" At this time the turtle shell sneered.


Hearing the tortoise shell, this man couldn't help but swallowed hard. If he is really alone now, then he can imagine his fate. It is absolutely impossible that Wang Feng and the tortoise shell will work together. opponent.

"If I were you, I would rather give up resistance now, at least I can die a little decent."

In this ghost place, the possibility of this person wanting to escape is completely zero. He is destined to die, so now the tortoise shell is not in a hurry, and he can even talk and laugh.

"If you can live, no one wants to die, even if you live in this world, the old man is unwilling. If you want my life, you can trade your life."

While speaking, the old man exploded with all his aura, and it seemed that he was about to fight with Wang Feng and the net broke.

"Do you know how the general of the Divine Army died?" At this time, Wang Feng stood up, just like the tortoise shell, calmly.

This old guy has now become a turtle in the urn. He has only one death. It is useless to escape. So when he wants his life, it is entirely up to Wang Feng and the turtle shell.

"Did you kill it?"

Hearing what Wang Feng said, the old man seemed to understand something, his face was shocked.

You must know that the generals of the Divine Army led troops to fight all year round, and his combat experience was so rich that he felt unbelievable when he was killed, but now it seems that the murderer who killed the Divine Army general is in front of him.

Rich combat experience can indeed save his life sometimes, but he didn't encounter a gangster.

The reason why Wang Feng and the turtle shell were able to kill the general of the gods last time was entirely because the turtle shell used a very rogue style of play, wounding the enemy by one thousand and eight hundred. It was precisely because the turtle shell used this unexpected method. The style of play, that's why Wang Feng was able to successfully use his own heavenly eyes to successfully kill the opponent.

Otherwise, the two of them may not be able to successfully kill the general of the gods.

But now it's different. The old guy in this palace has already suffered heavy losses. He doesn't have much resistance at all, and killing him is not a big problem for Wang Feng and the turtle shell.

"Since you already know it, why should you say it? It's better if you know and I know this kind of thing. It's not good to say it." Wang Feng said with a slight smile.

Hearing Wang Feng's words, the old man couldn't help his stiff body. He thought that if he tried his best, he would still have a chance to leave, but since they can kill the general of the gods, it shouldn't be too big to kill him. problem.

After all, his combat effectiveness is not much higher than that of the generals of the Divine Army. Besides, he is seriously injured now, and his resistance is reduced again, and he may be difficult to get out.

"If you want to kill me, take out your strength and let me die in battle."

This old man is also a bone, and he is not afraid of death.

Perhaps he also knew that he had no way to go, and wanted to spell out either Wang Feng or the tortoise shell.

But Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell would not give him this kind of opportunity, because the other party is already in a mortal situation, so why should they give the opportunity?

"You can die if you want to fight, but the problem is we won't let you die."

While speaking, Wang Feng exploded his magical powers, and then a green light and a dark mist floated out of his chest.

This mist continued to sweep away with the green light, like a long dragon with a green head, sweeping towards the old man.

"Fuck me~!"

When a person is about to die, it is very likely that he will explode with unprecedented potential. This old man is like this now. He knows that his hope of survival is very slim.

But as long as there is such a glimmer of hope, then he will never give up.

Wanting to hurt him with these little tricks is simply a dream.

It's just that the little tricks in his eyes are not little tricks. It is Wang Feng who released those little guys in his dantian.

Although the gnawing ability of these little guys cannot be compared with the evil spirits of the tortoise shell, they are better than the large number, and the opponents generally ignore them regard them as fog.

As long as they don't defend it in the first time, it will be difficult to defend behind.


He originally used his own power to sweep the mist away, but the mist was not swept away at all, but all fell on him.

It wasn't until this time that he could see clearly that these were not mists at all, but they were really small creatures that bite.

These things are really too much, all attached to his body, first he bit his clothes, then the flesh and blood, and even some small creatures, went straight into his body along the wound on his body.

Under this circumstance, the eyes of the old man turned blood red in an instant, and his mouth uttered a terrible scream. Because of a carelessness, he has paid a very miserable price. He is now probably his accomplice. Can't save him.

He can kill the small creatures outside of the body, but it’s not so easy to deal with the small creatures in this body. Moreover, there are so many small creatures that he can’t defend it at all. Already on the way to Guimenguan.

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