The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3176: Killers

"It's a pity that this body's cultivation base actually died in a place where birds don't shit. If I want to choose, at least I have to die in a beautiful place, right?" At this time, the turtle shell shook his head and said.

"You two villains, you don't dare to fight me openly. You know you are playing these insidious tricks. Even if I go to hell, I will not let you go. I will wait for you below."

"Then you wait slowly, when will you be able to wait for us, when will you win." Turtle Shell said with a smile.

"You don't need to talk so much with the dead, he will die on his own." At this time, Wang Feng spoke in no hurry.

This old man in the late Blood Saint Realm is very strong, but now he is in deep trouble, even if Wang Feng and Turtle Shell don't make a move, he might not end well.

Those little creatures, Wang Fengzheng, have nothing to feed them, and now this person is the best food.

After eating the old man's corpse, these little creatures will become stronger, just like evil spirits with tortoise shells.

"The soul still wants to escape?"

At this moment, Wang Feng and the turtle shell saw a soul rushing out of the old man's body, it was the remnant soul that had been born from gnawing.

His soul has been severely damaged by the gnawing of those little creatures, even after escaping now, his face can't help but look scared.

He might not have dreamed that these little creatures were so terrible that he didn't even have the power to parry.

"Where are you going?"

The figure flashed, and Wang Feng directly blocked the person's soul.

He was not Wang Feng's opponent when he had a physical body before, and now only the remnant soul is left, so naturally he has no power to fight back.

"The body has been given to you, and this remnant soul must be left to me."

At this time, the sound of the tortoise shell sounded, and he also came to Wang Feng and said.

His evil spirits also need a powerful soul, and the remnant soul of this old guy is the best food for his evil spirits right now.

You must know that his evil spirits have not yet enjoyed this blood Saint Realm late stage soul. Right now, this person's soul has been severely damaged and can be controlled and used by his evil spirits.

With so many evil spirits, only one survived in the end, so he naturally wanted to fight for some welfare.

"In that case, this evil spirit will be given to you." Hearing his words, Wang Feng didn't say much, and directly gave up the position.

The old guy from this palace has been seriously injured now, and he has no ability to resist at all, so he was quickly controlled by the tortoise shell. He was not killed immediately, but let the tortoise shell give it to him. Stayed there, ready to serve as food for his evil spirits.

On the other side, the little creatures that this old guy had lost his soul support and were released by Wang Feng in just a short amount of time were completely eaten away, leaving nothing behind.

Even after these little creatures ate the old guy's body, they attacked Wang Feng and the turtle shell.

They are different from the evil spirits of the tortoise shell. They were forcibly controlled by Wang Feng and did not recognize the owner at all. So now that they have lost their target, the Wang Feng and the tortoise shell are naturally recognized by them as food.


It's just that Wang Feng wouldn't be afraid of these little creatures at all. When they swept toward him, Wang Feng directly opened his Dantian space and just took these little creatures in.

"Next I have to recover well, and then we will go back and have a look."

Su Yao actually brought someone to destroy the Li family, and this account could not be settled so easily.

"By the way, how many people from the Li family finally escaped?" Wang Feng suddenly asked at this time.

When the people who covered the Li family retreated, Wang Feng's main energy was all on Su Yao and others, and he didn't dare to be distracted at all, so Wang Feng didn't know how many people from the Li family had escaped.

"Not much, only the head of the Li family and a small number of people escaped with me. I'm afraid more of them have been killed." Turtle shell sighed.

When Su Yao and others did not come, the Li family was still alive and well, but in an instant, the living became dead, and the huge Li family is probably now in ruins.

"It's really hateful that the people of the Li family are greedy for prosperity and wealth and sell all of their families." Thinking of the traitor from the Li family, this tortoise shell couldn't help feeling a little angry.

"As the saying goes, we can resist the temptation of this empire, but others may not be able to resist it. Generally speaking, the Li family is not well managed. If they manage strictly, someone will disappear if they are missing. It’s time to act immediately. Patriarch Li also slapped us on his chest before saying that it’s okay. I guess he has already regretted his death now, right?"


Hearing what Wang Feng said, the tortoise shell sighed and said nothing.

The Li family has become history. Even if they still have survivors, it will be difficult for them to make a comeback.

Because there are no even the most basic personnel, what do they do to make a comeback?

The Li family is almost finished now, the blame is that they can't manage their own people, and they have nothing to do with Wang Feng.

From when they were willing to cooperate with Emperor Yongzhen, it is estimated that they have made such preparations, so now they have fallen into this situation, the reason can only be found from to restore their own The Sky Eye didn't take long. In the previous battle, Wang Feng didn't have much trauma except for the Sky Eye overdraft, so now it doesn't take long for him to recover naturally.

When Wang Feng recovered, he saw that the tortoise shell was letting his evil spirits eat the soul of the old man in the palace, and the screams made his scalp numb.

"I just said why I always heard mosquitoes calling in my ears. I didn't expect you to torture him like this." Looking at the scene before him, Wang Feng said calmly.

"Like this kind of person, it's not a pity to die. The dog-legs of Emperor Suhong Dog, even if they die ten thousand times, are not too many."

Thinking of the innocent treatment he had suffered, the tortoise shell didn’t have any pity in his heart. At the beginning, he didn’t do anything. He killed them just by crossing the road. So now he is going to kill them. Isn't people a matter of reason?

Besides, this old guy came here to kill them, and now he missed and was captured, and being killed was his reward.

Murderers are always killed. This is an unchanging truth.

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