The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3174: 1 bite


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"Since the power is about the same as mine, then there is a chance to kill you."

While speaking, Wang Feng did not hesitate, and swept forward again. He didn't want to give the other party a chance to breathe.

He knew that people of this level were not so easy to kill. Once the opponent was given a chance to react, it would be difficult to deal with him, so now Wang Feng can only take a quick fight.

Wang Feng had already fought with the opponent here, and in the turtle shell, he had also fought with another person early.

Both of them are cultivation bases of the late Blood Saint Realm. Even if the tortoise shell is slightly weaker, he will not lose so easily.

Right now, Wang Feng needs to find an opportunity to join forces with the tortoise shell to kill one of them first.

It's not that Wang Feng has never done this before. When the power of the game between the two sides is similar, it is safest to kill one first, but it is too difficult to find such an opportunity.

Because besides Wang Feng, here are all powerful monks in the late Blood Saint Realm. It is really not easy to make a sneak attack in the chaos.

But it was not easy, Wang Feng had to go like this, because if he didn't sneak attack, the chances of him and Turtle Shell wanting to win were almost zero, and Wang Feng knew that these two people must be waiting for Su Yao.

If Su Yao and the three of them also came, then Wang Feng and Turtle Shell would only be able to escape.

So the current strategy is to defeat one of them, and then work together to kill the other. Only in this way can Wang Feng and Turtle Shell win. This is their only way to win.

"Get out of here!"

Looking at this old man close at hand, Wang Feng's cultivation strength, and then he burst out his supernatural powers.

Reversal of Time and Space was learned by Wang Feng from his master, Emperor Xuan Yu. Now Wang Feng has learned this magical power for a long time. Now he can use it without any muddles. It's like his own magical powers, and he can use it very smoothly. , Its power is naturally very strong.

This old man was instantly enveloped by Wang Feng’s magical powers. His power was constantly being weakened. Perceiving such changes, the old man’s complexion could not help but become very ugly. This magical power could actually weaken his strength. In order to plunge directly, what else did he use to fight Wang Feng and the others?

"Let's enjoy it first."

Seeing that the old man had been temporarily restrained by his supernatural powers, Wang Feng didn't hesitate at all. At this moment, he went straight to the opponent where the turtle shell was.

"Turtle shell, get ready."

Wang Feng spoke, and then he rushed towards the person.

Seeing Wang Feng rushing over, the old man who was fighting with the tortoise shell couldn't help his expression change, because he knew that once the two men joined forces, he might not be the opponent.

So at this moment, there is absolutely no need for him to fight against Wang Feng and Turtle Shell.

He turned to retreat.

It's just that the tortoise shell is now in front of him. How could he retreat so easily. If he walked away so easily, he would really look down on the tortoise shell too much.

"I didn't get my permission. Isn't it too rude to want to leave like this?"

At this time, the tortoise shell sneered, and then he instantly attacked the person.

This old man wanted to leave, but if he didn't resist the tortoise shell's attack, he would definitely suffer severe damage, so as a last resort, he could only deal with the tortoise shell's attack.

"Try the gift I prepared carefully for you."

Seeing that the old man was delayed by the tortoise shell, Wang Feng waved his sleeves and suddenly a black mist appeared. These black mists were not ordinary black mist, but highly toxic. It was not only caused by Wang Feng’s true energy. It is extremely poisonous, and he crushed the poison pills he refined and mixed it with it.

Once this ordinary person comes into contact with this poisonous mist, he is afraid that his flesh and blood will fester in an instant. Even if he is a powerful person at the later stage of the Blood Saint Realm, when he is enveloped by this mist, his mouth can't help but let out There was a screaming scream.

Before Wang Feng's Eye of Destruction, his physical body itself had a lot of injuries, and his skin was broken.

But now as these poisonous mists enveloped him, the wounds he had had before were violently attacking, causing him huge pain.

This old man can cultivate to the current state, he is not a weak person, but this poisonous and corrosive pain is too severe, even if he is determined, he can't support it now.

"Old guy, die for me."

Wang Feng's poisonous mist had already caused severe damage to the old guy, and the tortoise shell just seized this opportunity and launched a surprise attack directly. He wanted to kill the old man in the late Blood Saint Realm.

The Divine Army general they killed was Wang Feng. This time the tortoise shell also wanted to kill a late blood saint. This tortoise shell was also a monk at the late blood sacrament level. If he killed a blood saint in its heyday For the masters of the late stage, that is definitely unlikely.

It's good that he can tie the opponent.

But now the opponent is not a master of the late Blood Saint Realm in his heyday, he has a chance to kill the opponent.

"I broke through to the late Blood Saint Realm, and I have never used my trick. Now you can try it."

While speaking, the body of the tortoise shell suddenly appeared in the void. His body was too big, almost like a moving star.


Seeing this struggling person, he didn't hesitate to swallow this person in one bite.


Seeing this scene, Wang Feng really didn't know what to say. The tortoise shell swallowed people directly. Is this too abnormal?


After swallowing this person, the tortoise shell made a sound, and then Wang Feng didn't hesitate to jump on his The two of them left here instantly.

Although the other person was bothered by Wang Feng's magical powers, if Wang Feng and the turtle shell continued to kill him, it was obviously unlikely, because at the other end of the void, Su Yao and others had already arrived.

If he doesn’t leave, I’m afraid I can’t leave. Besides, if the tortoise shell swallows this person, it doesn’t mean that he has killed the other person. It will take some time for him to digest this person, so they have to leave. .

The tortoise shell moved forward very fast, his huge size did not affect his speed, he was like a star moving fast in the starry sky, the scene looked very vast.

"If you eat this person, there will be no problems, right?" Wang Feng asked on the back of the tortoise shell.

"Don't worry, as long as we let him place the order, he will not die in my stomach, and he will die under our joint efforts. He has become the fish on the chopping board, let us kill." Turtle shell said, but he was not worried. .

Since they could kill the general of the **** army once, wouldn't it be possible to kill the old guy who was alone and seriously injured?

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