The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3168: Li Family


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Under Su Yao's order, soon masters from all walks of life were quickly coming towards the hall.

It didn't take long. There were hundreds of people gathered here.

These people are not soldiers, they are all masters of the palace, and even to be on the safe side, there are also four powerhouses in the late Blood Saint Realm, two are generals of the original gods, and the other two are Su Yao. People on loan.

It is also the eighteen bronze man under his father's throne.

Except for these four people, the rest of the monks are all in the Blood Saint Stage. It can be said that as long as Emperor Yongzhen and Su Hong can't get out, such a team can completely sweep one side.

"Lead the way, go!"

Holding this young man from the Li family, Su Yao and others set off.

But at the moment in the Li family, the people in the Li family don't know that a traitor has appeared in their family members, and this traitor will bring them a devastating blow.

At this moment, they are still busy collecting news from various parties, and they don't know that the hand of Death is reaching them.

"Patriarch, Tianming has been missing for a long time, and I have looked for him wherever I can find him."

This young man in the Li family wanted to report Wang Feng and others. It would be impossible for him to go directly to the palace. He was the last to go to the palace through layers of reports, so it has been a while since he left the Li family.

Now someone in the Li family finally discovered his disappearance and reported it to the head of the Li family.

"Under this situation, he has been missing for a long time. Could it be that he was taken away?" Hearing the words of the clan, the face of the Li family Patriarch showed a surprised look. Now the family members are too busy, he still Can't find anyone?

"Look up his whereabouts carefully." After thinking about it, the Li Family Patriarch said.

Now their Li family is not the previous Li family. Once what they are doing in the Li family is discovered, they will probably be miserable. So no matter who is missing, you must check it out.


Hearing the words of the Patriarch, this person turned and left without hesitation.

After he left, the Li family Patriarch didn’t think much about it. After all, the Li family had already formed an alliance with Emperor Yongzhen and others for so long. Since nothing happened for so long, there should be no problem now. .

But he will understand how wrong his thinking is.

"what happened?"

At the place where Wang Feng and the tortoise shell were, Wang Feng was closing his eyes and perceiving a higher realm. This tortoise shell has now broken through to the late stage of the Blood Holy Realm, so after a long talk with him, Wang Feng felt that he had gained a lot. I just want to study it hard.

But it didn't take long for him to enter his room before he realized that there was such a trace of panic in his heart.

This panic appeared without warning, so he felt that something bad was about to happen.

As a powerful monk, as long as this sign appears, it is an ominous sign.

"what happened?"

Beside Wang Feng, the tortoise shell opened his eyes and asked.

"I feel like my chest is crushed by a big rock, and my breathing has become a little bit difficult."

"Did someone stare at us?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the turtle shell asked.

"I don't know." Wang Feng shook his head, and then said: "Every time there are such signs in the past, bad things will happen. Let's stop practicing and go out and remind the Li family."

Now Wang Feng and the tortoise shell are staying in other people's homes. Since he has bad thoughts in his heart, he naturally needs to remind the Li family.

At least it is good to make them more vigilant.

"Could someone want to target my Li family?"

Hearing Wang Feng's words, the Li Family Patriarch's face couldn't help showing contemplation. He knew that people like Wang Feng would definitely not deceive him by telling lies.

Besides, Wang Feng can come here to remind him that he has done his best. If he still doubts Wang Feng, isn't he too unjust?

"I don't know if anyone has targeted your Li family, but I still hope that you can be more careful recently, don't stray from the front, it is true that the ship capsized in the gutter."

"Don't worry about this, I have already told them all the rules under my Li family. There has been no problem for so long, and naturally there will be no problems now." The Li family patron said, patting his chest.

"is it?"

Almost when his voice just fell, suddenly the city they were in was empty, and to be precise, the emptiness of their Li family split, and then a team of people stepped out from it, it was Su Yao and others.

The main star is not far from here itself, and Su Yao and others are all masters, and their speed is naturally very fast. From the palace to here, they hardly spent ten minutes.

At such a fast speed, they did not believe that the Li family could react.

In fact, the Li family did not react, and they didn't even know what happened to the missing person.

Although Wang Feng had signs in his heart, he also paid too much attention, but now it seems that this is simply a big problem.

As soon as Su Yao and others came out, the aura of the blood saint realm powerhouse swept across the sky and covered the entire city.

Under such circumstances, it would be very difficult to escape.

"you guys……."

Looking at the sky, the Li family leader couldn’t help but swallowed forcibly. Although he pretended that nothing happened, when he saw these people appear, he already understood what happened, so now he speaks. At the time, this complexion was pale.

Especially when he saw Li Jiamingzhi in this crowd, his face showed a terrible rage and shouted: "Li Jiaming, what have you done!"


Hearing the words of the Patriarch This young man from the Li family was ashamed. He did not dare to look at the Patriarch of the Li family at all, so he could only bow his head.

"Yelling, how decent, he is now my distinguished guest. Without him, how could I find you hiding so deeply?" Su Yao said at this time, and then he stared coldly. The Li Family Patriarch glanced at him and he was so frightened that he couldn't help but step back a few steps, and finally retreated to Wang Feng's side.

Looking at the sky, Wang Feng's heart couldn't help feeling a little too. He didn't expect that Su Yao was not killed by the power of self-detonation once, and it was a pity.

After all, Wang Feng had also assisted this person for a period of time, but now it is a bit inappropriate to meet on such an occasion.

"Traitor, traitor!"

Looking at the crowd of Li Jiaming, the Patriarch of the Li family never dreamed that a traitor would appear in his family. Didn't he know that once he betrayed the family, the whole family would be ruined?

The blood of the Li family is flowing in his body, but now he even sells his ancestors, it is really shameless!

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