The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3167: Inform


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"Even if you kill me, I won't say it, I won't betray my family." the man called.

"It's a big joke. If you don't want to betray your family, what is your purpose for coming here? You have betrayed your family from the beginning, but your heart is not willing to admit it."

Su Yao's face showed arrogance here, and said: "As long as you tell me what I want to know, I will satisfy you with everything you want, rights, beauties, status and status can all be given to you."

As soon as the voice fell, Su Yao's voice suddenly became very cold again, saying: "But if you don't say anything, you can only go to **** to enjoy these things."

"How should I choose? I think you know your heart. Tell me what you want to say. I can save your life."

Hearing Su Yao's words, this young man from the Li family really struggled freely. On the one hand, he wanted to benefit, but on the other hand, he was afraid that he would offend the Emperor Yongzhen, so at this moment he really did not Know how to choose.

"Tell me!"

When this young man didn’t know how to choose, he suddenly felt that his neckline was caught by Su Yao, and he was lifted up abruptly, and Su Yao’s voice penetrated directly into him. Of the soul.

Without any hesitation, the young man's mouth almost subconsciously came out with a sentence: "I said."

Perhaps in his hands, he still can't let go of the imaginary glory and wealth, so forced by Su Yao, he immediately made a choice in his own heart. After all, he is still a traitor, one who will drag the Li family into the abyss. traitor.

"Who is hiding in your Li family!"

Holding this person, Su Yao shouted.

"We hide a former emperor, a Wang Feng, and an old man whose name I don't know."


Hearing this, there was a commotion in the hall, because the reason why the dynasty was so miserable was because of the former emperor, but what they did not expect was that the former emperor would actually hide in This person's home.

Puff through.

Hearing the other party's words, Su Yao's body shook, and then the person in his hand didn't grasp it, and was directly thrown to the ground.

The reason why he did this was not because he heard the words of the former emperor, but because of another person, Wang Feng!

There was a time when he relied on Wang Feng so much, even set him as a general, and regarded him as his confidant, but what was the end result?

He turned out to be betrayed by his most optimistic person. He turned out to be a spy who lurked by his side. Now that he hears the word Wang Feng again, if his heart says that there are no waves, it is absolutely impossible. .

"Impossible, it is absolutely impossible."

Muttering to himself, Su Yao's footsteps were all retreating, his face was filled with incredible expressions, isn't Ci Wangfeng already killed by his father?

Is it possible that he did not die once, but survived?

"Is this serious?" the official beside the young man asked at this time.

If the emperor of the previous dynasty really hid in their home, then their family had committed a heinous crime, and even the Nine Clan would be considered minor.

"It's true." The young man nodded.

At the moment he nodded, he knew that he had no turning back. The whole family was covering up the news for fear of leaking out.

But now he revealed the news to the senior officials of the royal family. He had betrayed the family and betrayed his ancestors.

It's like opening a bow without turning back an arrow. Since he is here, it means that he has no turning back, or he will only die.

"His Royal Highness, this is our most important discovery now." Hearing this, many officials were moved.

You must know that the reason why their empire has become so miserable now is entirely because of this person. Now that they have discovered his lair, they naturally have things to do.

At least this family harbouring the prisoners will be destroyed.

"The horse gathers masters for me, and we flatten this family!"

Su Yao spoke, with a biting chill in his voice.

Hearing what he said, this young man in the Li family was full of chills. He knew that his identity as a sinner in the family was determined, and that he betrayed Emperor Yongzhen was tantamount to betraying his family.

Thinking that his old parents are still in the family, his heart is even more regretful. If he had known this long ago, he shouldn't have come here.

But now it is too late for him to regret it, because Su Yao is absolutely impossible to let go of his family.

"You, lead the way!"

Looking at this young man from the Li family, Su Yao said.

"I can't,"

Hearing this, the young man turned pale in fright. The original betrayal of the family had already made Wang Feng's heart very sinful. If he were allowed to lead the way, how desperate would his family members see him?

To know that there are still his relatives, as long as he thinks of the scene, he will feel that his whole body is cold.

"Now I can't help you. Your Royal Highness allows you to lead the way. You will lead the way honestly. As long as you lead the way, you will not be lost in prosperity and wealth." At this time, the official who brought the young Li family here said.

"Yes, as long as you are willing to lead the way for your Highness, after the rebellion is quelled, I will ask you to be appointed as a nobleman and stay in the main star from now on.

You need to know how much the monks in the sub-star area want to do when staying in the main star. Unfortunately, there are strict rules for entering and leaving the main star, and most people simply can't come.

Except for the brave people like Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell, every time they came, they directly broke through and killed people.

But how many people in this world dare to be as crazy as Wang Feng and tortoise shells?

"Boy, follow your highness well, eating fragrant and spicy is definitely not a problem, you have to think about what you want to say next."

"I... heard their coercion and temptation, this young man from the Li family couldn't help but shake.

"Either follow your Highness, or die in this hall now. How do you choose? I think you have a bottomed heart?"

"Since we have already gone this path of no return, I don't have any chance to look back. I can take you there."

After gritting his teeth, the young man from the Li family spoke.

"This is the most correct choice you are making now." While speaking, Su Yao pulled up the young man from the Li family very intimately, and said: "As long as we can successfully destroy your family, my Highness I have rewarded you so much."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

Hearing Su Yao's words, the young man from the Li family reluctantly said.

By now, he couldn't even look back. He had no choice but to Su Yao's boat, because he didn't want to die.

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