The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3169: Old friends meet


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"As the saying goes, money can cause ghosts to persevere. Isn't it normal to take refuge in me when driven by profit?"

Su Yao sneered, and then he said: "You Li family betrayed the empire and committed such sinful things. From now on, none of your Li family wants to leave here, and I, in the name of the empire, You will be sentenced to death directly, and you will be afflicted with the nine tribes, and you will not stay one!"

Su Yao's voice is very cruel, and it also represents a certain determination of his.

The reason why the Tianwai Empire has come to this point is entirely because of Emperor Yongzhen. Since the Li family dared to hide Emperor Yongzhen privately, they should have expected that they would have such a day from the beginning, so It is just the punishment they deserve.

Crowd, when Li Jiaming heard the words of Zhulian Nine Clan, his body couldn't help but tremble, but now he fell into Su Yao's hands, he had no right to intercede.

"Jia Ming, you bastard, we always treat you as a brother in vain, but now you are doing such a rebellious act, I will not let you go as a ghost." Before this time, I told the family owner. The young man from the Li family who was missing yelled.

This person disappeared, and he was also worried that the other party would have a problem, so he reported to the owner of the house, hoping to find the person back safely.

But he never dreamed that instead of missing him, he actually went to inform the informant. Since he chose such a path, it meant that he wanted to put the entire Li family to death. This would betray the family and the ancestors. He can do all the things he can do, and he really doesn't deserve to be the Li family.

"I am ashamed of everyone."

Hearing this, Li Jiaming, who was next to Su Yao, knelt down to Voidzhi suddenly. He was really shameless to face these people.

"So weak, what great things can be done? If you dare to kneel down when I am present, then I will let you go down now."

Although this Li Jiaming had attacked the whistleblower, Su Yao's hatred for Emperor Yongzhen was too deep, so even if this Li Jiaming had become his person now, he would not let it go.

Because after all, he is still a member of the Li family.

"Listen to my order and kill everyone in this family, men, women, children, women, children and babies. Don't let them go."

After killing this informant, Su Yao gave an order, and immediately all the people he brought burst out of the blood sacred stage aura, the lowest being the blood sacred stage, which was very powerful.

"Being a man and staying on the sidelines, so we can meet each other in the future, so not leaving a way to survive, it would be too cruel, right?"

At this time, a discordant voice sounded, and Wang Feng stood up.

At this moment, he is different from when he was in the imperial city, so even if this Su Yao stood in front of him, he did not recognize that this person was the Wang Feng that he had relied on so heavily in the past.

"It's good to be a man to stay a line. You and the former emperor dealt with our empire in this way, and you can say that you are a man to stay a line. Are you too thick-skinned or I look so stupid?" Su Yao sneered at this time. Said.

"There has never been any unprovoked killing in this world. The reason why your empire is now being targeted, you have to think about what you did."

"His Royal Highness, don't talk nonsense with him, kill him, he won't talk so much nonsense."


Hearing what his subordinates said, Su Yao raised his hand and motioned him not to worry.

"You said that our empire did things that angered and blamed people, so what are you talking about that we did?"

Su Yao's face showed a hint of arrogance when he said here, and said: "When my father was reigning, the world was peaceful and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment. Has there ever been any anger and complaint? You must pay attention to evidence when you speak."

"The peace you see is only superficial. Why did your father break through to such a realm? I think you should know what's going on?"

Hearing Wang Feng's words, Su Yao almost immediately thought of blood qi, his father can absorb blood qi, and the reason why his cultivation base can break through is because of absorbing this thing.

Without this vitality to provide support, it would not be easy for his father to break through the realm.

But he had never heard of his father's indiscriminate killing of innocents outside, and at most he absorbed a little bit of the blood of soldiers who died after training.

"I don't care about my father's affairs. In short, you have committed a heinous crime now, and you must die."

It was said that the people behind Su Yao were all straight, ready to do anything.

"Your father killed innocent people indiscriminately, but now you still want to help the tyrants to abuse him. If someone like you sits on the throne, it will only be a generation of unconscious princes.

"Wait, who are you and how do you know these things?"

At this moment, Su Yao seemed to have thought of something, his face was shocked, and his eyes were fixed on Wang Feng.

"Don't you already know who I am?" Hearing this, Wang Feng's face showed a smile, and then he directly lifted his disguise and changed his original appearance in the prince's residence.

"It really is you."

Looking at Wang Feng, Su Yao's face couldn't help showing a touch of emotion. The reason why he rushed to this Li family so quickly to destroy the Li family was true, but in fact, the one thing he wanted to do most was to see him. Wang Feng, for Wang Feng, his heart is really very complicated, because Wang Feng really helped him and saved him.

If it were not for Wang Feng to rebel in the end, Wang Feng would really become his right and left hand, courageous and strategic, and knowing how to protect the Lord. Isn't such a subordinate what everyone dreams of?

With a wry smile on his face, Su Yao said, "General Wang, you originally had a bright road, but...but why did you do this?"

"My words are very I don’t want to repeat it a second time. Your father didn’t want me to live, so now I naturally want to rise up. You are here today not for the purpose Kill us? Come on."

Although Su Yao has brought a large number of masters now, Wang Feng is no match for the real gossip. He can at least retreat with his whole body. The only pity is that Wang Feng, a member of the Li family, may not be able to save.

Because there are too many opponents, how could Wang Feng stop everyone.

"General Wang, originally we could be very good friends, but you are going to run in the opposite direction. I want to know why?"

"Everything started because of your father. I deliberately approached you just to deal with your father. He indiscriminately killed innocent people and killed countless people. Everything was just to satisfy his selfish desires. Since you are willing to help him help him to abuse him, Then just let your horses come."

"General, you..."

Looking at Wang Feng, Su Yao really didn't know what to say. Su Yao's heart at this moment was undoubtedly very tangled, and he couldn't do a killer against Wang Feng.

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