The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3116: Advent to Sirius

Since this pool of the Tianwai Empire is already muddy, Wang Feng now wants to make this pool more muddy before he can fish in the muddy water.

   The Soviet army wanted to unify Sirius so much, so Wang Feng helped them by pulling out a sharp tooth from the outer empire.

   The nine affiliated star regions, if one of them breaks away from their main star, their losses will be very heavy. This is something that Wang Feng is very happy to see.

At the speed of Wang Feng and the tortoise shell, the two of them soon came to Sirius. Although the two of them had not yet descended on the ground, they had already smelled the **** smell in the void, on this star. I am afraid that it has experienced a **** killing.


  The eyes of the sky opened, and Wang Feng quickly saw a battle not far from their place. At least more than 100,000 people fought here in this place. The entire city was severely damaged, and there were countless casualties.

   In the camp of these attackers outside the city, Wang Feng saw a banner with the word'Su' written in large on it.

   If Wang Feng didn't guess wrong, the predator team that attacked the city was the Soviet army, the Soviet army that occupied almost half of the stars.

  Wang Feng didn't expect that he encountered such a battle when he first arrived. Didn't God create opportunities for him again?

   Although this Soviet army is powerful, the city they are attacking is completely easy to defend and difficult to attack. The city wall is tens of meters high.

   In addition, the sky and surroundings of this city are all wrapped up by the formation, it is not so easy to get in.

   People only need to dispatch a handful of people to intercept all these Soviet troops outside the city.

   "With such a strong **** smell, I don't know how many people died on this Sirius." At this time the turtle shell said.

   "The more you die, the better." Wang Feng said, and then his heart moved, and all of the blood around him suddenly poured into Wang Feng's body.

   Although these blood qi is not strong, but the accumulation is small, if Wang Feng can absorb enough blood qi, maybe his cultivation level will be improved at once.

   This Tianwai Dynasty is collecting blood qi on a large scale, and even the reason for the existence of the whole heaven is to create blood qi for them, so now Wang Feng absorbs the blood qi from their world, isn't this the best revenge?

   "I almost forgot, you can also absorb these blood qi." Seeing that all the blood qi beside Wang Feng poured into his body, the turtle shell said.

   They can only comprehend the realm in their cultivation, but Wang Feng is different. He can absorb these blood qi to speed up his cultivation, so if Wang Feng can use these blood qi to break through to the late Blood Holy Realm, then this is undoubtedly a good thing for them.

   "There is now a sound of fighting in the northeast, can we go over and take a look?" At this time the turtle shell asked.

   "That's natural." The place that the tortoise shell said was the city that Wang Feng had just seen. Since the Soviet army had been attacking the city for a long time, Wang Feng just happened to come and help them.

   As long as they break the city, more people will definitely die tragically by then. Then Wang Feng will absorb the blood and collect the corpses with tortoise shells. It will kill two birds with one stone.

   "Elder, the defense of this city is too strong, we have been unable to attack for a long time, and we have suffered heavy losses."

   At the gate of this city, a tribe named Su ran to an old man and said.

   "This city is the key to our unification of the entire star. As long as we break this city, we can use this place as a springboard to attack any party. This city must be broken!"

   The elder of the Su family spoke with a gloomy expression.

   This city can be described as a strategically important place. Once this is broken, then their next battle will be much easier, and even the time for unification will speed up. If this is not broken, then they may not be so easy to unify the entire star.

   Therefore, this city must be broken, and it must be broken in the shortest time, otherwise they will have no chance when they wait for the rescue.

   Although their Soviet army has controlled half of the star, it is very difficult for them to rule the remaining half.

  Because the place they controlled was too large, their Soviet army had been scattered everywhere. To put it bluntly, it was a pile of scattered sand. If it weren't for the strength of their Soviet army, I'm afraid their Soviet army would have been overthrown by another wave.

   So this battle is only suitable for quick battles, and the longer it is, the more disadvantaged it is for them.

   It's a pity that the words are harsh, but this city has a formation method, they can't break it at all, they can only do anxiously outside here.

   "Give you half an hour, do whatever it takes to break this battle." The elder Su spoke and gave his subordinates a death order.


   Hearing the words of the elder, this Su family member straightened his waist and agreed.

   For some time recently, their Soviet army can be described as invincible, and they have won one city after another. If they can't break this city now, then their advancement of the Soviet army is bound to be hindered.

   It may even affect the layout of the entire family, so now they must find a way to break the formation that covers the entire city, even if it is a heavy price.

This person knows a blood sacrifice formation. If they can activate this blood sacrifice formation, they have a chance to break this formation. Unfortunately, this blood sacrifice formation requires a large number of creatures to sacrifice, which is a very vicious method. .

   But in order to break the formation, they can no longer take care of these. It is worth the price to win the city.

"It's just a city formation that traps you all in it. What's the use of you?" At this moment, a sneer sounded, making all the faces of all the people here changed drastically. I didn't find anyone approaching here.


   The elder Su yelled, and at the same time, the people here were also on guard.

   No one has seen it, the voice has been passed over in advance, and the speaker must be a master.

   "Don't worry, I am not your enemy, we are just here to help." Wang Feng's voice sounded again, and then he appeared from the void.

  Looking at Wang Feng, the elder of the Su family couldn't help but his eyes condensed, because he didn't expect Wang Feng to be so young.

   Such a young master can hide under the noses of all of them. I am afraid that this cultivation base has surpassed them.

   "You never know us, why do you want to help us?"

   "Who is my freedom I want to help, do I still need to explain to you something?" Wang Feng sneered, and then he didn't care about the Su family elder, and went straight to the gate of the city.

   The formation on this city is indeed powerful, and the defense is superb. No wonder these Soviet soldiers have been unable to enter after such a long time.

  Since the formation cannot be broken, they naturally have no way to rush in, but the formations are not very challenging for Wang Feng.

   He opened his own heavenly eye, and found the eye of this formation very easily.

When he was in the imperial city, Wang Feng could find the formation eye of the imperial city, and compared with the imperial city, the city in front of him really didn’t know how bad it was, even the formation eye was hidden far away. Not as good as the imperial city.

Therefore, it is really not challenging for Wang Feng to break this formation. The only trouble is that the place where the eye is located is in this city. If Wang Feng wants to break the formation, then he must enter the interior of the city. Row.

   It’s just trouble. Although it’s a bit more troublesome, Wang Feng will still help these Soviet soldiers break this city formation so that these Soviet soldiers can successfully enter.

   "After ten breaths of time, you bring someone into the city." Looking at this Su family elder, Wang Feng said.

   After saying this sentence, Wang Feng took the tortoise shell and turned and left, so that the elder of the Su family didn't even have a chance to question.

   He originally wanted to ask who Wang Feng was, but Wang Feng only gave him a back view, and he was advancing very fast. How could he have time to ask?

   "Elder, what shall we do?" At this time, a Su family member gathered up and asked.

"Hold on."

   Wang Feng said that the time is only ten breaths, and this time is not long, so what's the matter if you wait? He wants to see what the big-talking young man has.

   There were a large number of monks fighting at the gate of the city, but when Wang Feng passed by them, he was like a non-existent person, passing directly from the battle circle and entering the city.

   Seeing this scene, many people even thought it was an illusion in their How did this person get in?


   Just when Wang Feng entered the city for a while, the formation that originally covered the entire city suddenly made a squeaking sound, and then crashed. This formation that had blocked the Su family for a long time collapsed like this.


Seeing the collapse of the formation, the elders of the Su clan didn’t care about Wang Feng’s purpose for doing this. In short, this city was too important for them and it was of strategic significance. They had to take this city. Occupy, because once they missed this opportunity, they might not have the opportunity to attack this city next time.

   Even if it is possible to start again, people will definitely call in many masters, and it may be difficult to gnaw off this hard bone by then.

So now no matter what Wang Feng’s purpose is, since the formation of this city has been broken, even if there is a pit in front, the elder of the Su family has to jump inside, because he has no other choice, he can only insist. On the scalp.

It's a pity that he really underestimated Wang Feng. If Wang Feng really wanted to dig a hole for them, when he was at the gate of the city, Wang Feng could use his own power to wipe out the power of their Su family here. No one survived.

  He just came to ‘help’.

   (End of this chapter)

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