The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3115: No free lunch

"Why, figured it out?" Looking at each other, Wang Feng asked.

"Do you really have such a high probability to help me break through?" the middle-aged man asked.

"If you don't believe me, you can take the pill from me first, and then tell me the news after the cultivation base breaks through."

"Then you can wait?"

"Your cultivation level itself has reached the initial peak of the Blood Saint Realm. What you need now is just an opportunity, to be precise, a medicine guide. Once I provide you with this thing, your cultivation level will naturally A natural breakthrough will not take long."

"Well, as long as my cultivation level can break through, I can tell you what you want to know, and I will know everything by then."

As the old saying goes, people don’t punish themselves for their own sake. Isn’t he sitting in this position for such a long time just to get resources to break through his realm?

But now his cultivation is stuck at the peak of this initial stage, there is no way, even taking pills is of no use. If Wang Feng can really help him break through, then he will be able to speak in front of the headquarters. This is for him. Things that are profitable and harmless.

So what if he tells Wang Feng something?

Anyway, no one knew that he had revealed the news to Wang Feng.

"This is a pill. After taking it, you can just hit the realm." Wang Feng said, flipping his hand and took out a pill.

Give people what they need to let them take orders. Since this person is unwilling to tell Wang Feng the news, Wang Feng will now let his cultivation level be improved. Then, what else can Wang Feng want?

Cannibalism is short, and it is just a pill. Compared with the price Wang Feng paid last time, it is nothing. Compared with Wang Feng, he saved a lot of money for himself.

"Then you wait for me here." This middle-aged man, and then he called two servants to serve Wang Feng, and he grabbed Wang Feng's pill and ran into the secret room where he usually practiced.

Although he entered the secret room, Wang Feng's heavenly eyes could easily see through the secret room and could also see the middle-aged man.

I saw that after taking out Wang Feng's pill, he was not in a hurry to take it, but was carefully inspecting the pill. It is estimated that he was checking whether the pill was poisonous.

Carefully sail the ship for ten thousand years. Although he felt that Wang Feng had no need to deceive himself, he would never take an unidentified pill into his mouth.

After checking for almost ten breaths, he safely put the pill into his mouth and sat down with his eyes closed.

Wang Feng’s pill is more effective than others, so this person quickly reacted after taking the pill. His breath has leaked out of his control. At this moment, he is launching an impact on the middle stage of the Blood Saint Realm. , Once successful, he can smoothly move from the early stage of the Blood Holy Realm to the middle stage of the Blood Holy Realm.

"What are you doing for him?" At this time, the sound of the tortoise shell sounded in the ear of the tortoise shell, and he felt a little puzzled.

You must know that Wang Feng is very hostile to these cultivators from the outside world. It doesn't matter if you don't kill the other party, he still needs to give others a pill to help others improve their cultivation. This is not like Wang Feng's style.

"It's just an elixir, we still earned it by all accounts." Wang Feng smiled slightly, and then said: "If the elixir is not given to him, it is estimated that we will have to bleed again based on how dark their hearts are. If we can make a breakthrough in his cultivation, he will naturally appreciate us in his heart, and we can ask whatever we want."

"You are completely buying the other person's heart."

"What the buyer is thinking about, if this person can really be used by us, it will be much more convenient for us to do everything in the future."

"But are you really sure he can take orders from us?"

"Give people what they need, and he can naturally help us with all his heart." Wang Feng showed a mysterious smile on his face.

The middle-aged man was indeed very careful when inspecting the pill, and he was about to crush the pill to see the inside of the pill.

But how could this person know that Wang Feng actually quietly planted a trace of poison in this medicinal pill, and this trace of poison would hardly be noticed, only after Wang Feng controlled the poison get.

It's just that there is no need for Wang Feng to use this poison, because he thinks this person should listen to him temporarily.

As for whether he will listen to it in the future, it's up to him.

Thinking of this, Wang Feng's mouth couldn't help but show a sneer, just so that the tortoise shell could be seen.

He knew that Wang Feng would certainly not help the other party easily. Is this Wang Feng's medicine so delicious? It is certainly impossible for this person not to pay the price.

This tortoise shell really knows Wang Feng too well. What would he do if he was okay?

"Haha, I broke through."

It didn't take long in this secret room, the middle-aged man had already rushed out of this secret room with a look of ecstasy.

At this moment, he has already exuded the aura of the mid-term Blood Saint Realm, which is much stronger than before.

With the help of Wang Feng's pill, he actually broke through the realm. This is what he wants to happen all day and night, even in his dreams. The breakthrough in realm has almost become his heart knot.

Now that his cultivation has successfully broken through to the middle of the Blood Saint Realm, he is naturally ecstatic.

But soon he also noticed his own gaffe. After all, he is also a management-level person in this place. It is a bit wrong for him to ignore his identity so much.

"How about it, I didn't lie to you?" Looking at this happy man, Wang Feng took a sip of tea and asked calmly.

"Please be my respect!"

Looking at Wang Feng, the middle-aged man directly knelt on one knee, clasped his fists in both hands and gave Wang Feng a big gift.

Because Wang Feng has fulfilled his wish for many years and is really a great benefactor.

"Get up, you and I are just asking for what you need." Wang Feng said, and then he said: "Remember what we said before?"

"Remember." The middle-aged man nodded, and then he dismissed the subordinates in this room and said: "There are indeed rebels everywhere, and the most powerful of them belong to the Soviet army on Sirius."

"Su Army? What is it?"

Hearing this, Wang Feng's face showed a smile. Could it be that this is still an army failure?

"That is the name of a power." The middle-aged man responded.

"Then is this a force?"

"It can't be regarded as a troop. After all, the empire has not yet been destroyed. If someone really dares to form an army, they will definitely be destroyed. This is just a force, a force slightly stronger than others."

"Can you talk about the internal situation of this Soviet army?"

"This Soviet army does not have our spies, so I don't know much." The middle-aged man shook his head, and then he said: "According to the news we have received, this Soviet army is actually a large family. The patriarch has the cultivation base of the late Blood Saint Realm. Under their leadership, many cities of this Sirius have been conquered by them."

"Could they still occupy the entire Sirius?" At this moment the turtle shell interjected.

"From the current situation, they do have this purpose."

"Since it's just a family, how can it be possible to control a star in such a short period of time, are you sure there is no one behind them?"

"I don't know this anymore. I have already said it before. We don't know much about this Soviet army. After all, they don't have our people inside."

"Then apart from this Soviet army, are there other more powerful forces?"

"This is a bit too much. These rising powers, large and small, are everywhere, and I can't explain it to you for a while. Well, I have a list of them. If you need it, I will give it now. You bring it."

"If that's the case, please bring it to me. I helped you this time. You give me this list, and you and I are cleared." Wang Feng said.

"it is good."

Since Wang Feng had already said so clearly, if he still didn't know the situation, then he would be too stupid.

He thought that Wang Feng would make many excessive demands after helping him break through the realm. He was even prepared for this, but now Wang Feng is willing to let him go so easily, so how could he not give Wang Feng the list? .

Even if two minutes were not used, this person had already handed the list to Wang Feng's hands, saying: "The powers that have risen recently are all on it. Although I don't know what you are going to do, I can help you. That's all."

"Thanks a lot."

Holding this list, Wang Feng stood up and left here with the tortoise shell.

"We just left?"

After walking out of this seemingly ordinary jewelry store, the tortoise shell asked.

"Otherwise, what do you want?" Wang Feng asked rhetorically when he heard the tortoise

"The last time this force took so many treasures from our hands, I thought you would take this opportunity to blackmail him severely."

"Hehe, don't worry about this, the water is long and we will come here again." Wang Feng smiled slightly, and then he took the tortoise shell and left the city, even this city.

Since this most powerful force is above this Sirius, he naturally has to go and take a look.

In fact, this middle-aged man really didn't make a mistake. Wang Feng wanted to inquire about these forces to help them secretly. If they encounter any trouble that cannot be solved, Wang Feng can also help them.

What Wang Feng hopes to do now is that these forces are getting stronger and stronger, and it is best to seriously threaten this outer empire, so that they can fight together.

What's the point if it's all a small mess? This is contrary to Wang Feng's original intention.

(End of this chapter)

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