The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3117: Lei Feng

Regardless of whether the formation was opened by Wang Feng or not, seeing that the formation that everyone could not attack for a long time was finally broken, these people all rushed into it with murderous aura, as if they were afraid that they were a step slower, and the people in it ran away. .

   Above one of the highest points in the city, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell calmly watched the killing in the city, without any waves in their hearts.

  Because when Wang Feng helped break the formation above the city, he already knew that there would be such a scene, and the people who resisted in this city would surely be killed and injured.

   But all these people who died were people in official circles. Isn't that the people Wang Feng and Turtle Shell always wanted to kill?

   People are constantly dying, and life here is fragile and it is almost no different from grass.

   The entire city was soon filled with a faint blood mist. Wang Feng couldn't help taking a deep breath in it. The whole person looked like a demon.

   There are many monks in the city, but these monks can't stop the Soviet army, because the Soviet army is like a wolf. Since they dare to attack this place, it is natural that the defensive force here is not their opponent.

  The reason why they are anxious is because if they can't rush in and let the other side's support be in place, then they probably won't have much chance.

   Fortunately, with the help of Wang Feng, they have entered the city, so everything has become a foregone conclusion. Even if someone comes back, it will have no effect.

   "Please, let me go."

   The Soviet Army can occupy half a star, that naturally proved their strength, so their team quickly entered the City Lord’s Mansion, causing blood to flow in this place.

  In the city lord’s mansion, at this moment a general knelt down on the ground, his face full of begging, and a few of his subordinates were kneeling behind him, and his face was full of ashes.

   It seems that they already know their ending and there is no hope of life.

   "If you gave up resistance from the beginning, maybe you still have a way to survive, but unfortunately you have chosen to be our enemy. Do you think our Soviet army will let those who are our enemy be spared?"

   The elder of the Su family sneered, and then he raised his palm without hesitation, and slapped the old man in the city lord's mansion to death on the ground, splashed with blood on the spot, and died instantly.

  This person begging for mercy is already dead, so the few behind him naturally have no way to survive, all of them were beheaded and killed by the Su family, and none of them were left.

   This city lord’s mansion soon became a place controlled by the Soviet army. Although they did not slaughter the city, they had actually controlled this city. If the people of this government still wanted to enter the city, it would be impossible.

   "Elder Qizhi, we have already controlled the entire city."

   At this time, a Su family member spoke, and then everyone couldn't help showing joy.

   attacked at the gate of the city for so long, and now they have finally achieved results, adding bricks and tiles to the rise of the Soviet army.

"it is good."

Hearing what his subordinates said, the elder of the Su family couldn't help showing his joy, but soon he thought of Wang Feng and the tortoise shell. Unfortunately, from the beginning to the end, they saw Wang Feng saying to help them break the battle. They never saw the two of them again.

   Since they hadn't found Wang Feng and the turtle shell before, how could they find it now?

The purpose of Wang Feng and the tortoise shell is to help the Soviet army occupy the city. Now that the purpose of the Soviet army has been achieved, there is no need for Wang Feng and the two to stay in this place because they need to go to other places. local.

   What is Lei Feng?

   Isn’t this Wang Feng and turtle shell Lei Feng?

   Do not leave a name for good deeds, the other party can't find them.

   It's just that Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell did not find them, but they directly reported the matter back to the family headquarters for them to decide.

   They helped the Su family so much. If they didn't say anything, it would be too unreasonable.

After leaving this city, Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell soon began to be active in other cities. The places where they appeared were mostly where there were battles. Sometimes this Soviet army didn’t even know who was helping them secretly. , And then they discovered that all the more powerful people in the opposing faction had died suddenly, as if they had been caught by an evil spirit.

If something like this happened in just one place, then everyone might only think that there is something tricky in it, but when the same thing happened in many places, this Su family understood that someone in this secret must be helping them. , Otherwise their frontline will not advance so smoothly.

   "Check, I must find this person back."

   This is the instruction given by the high-level Soviet army, and they even issued a reward-like order. If anyone can invite this person to their family, they are willing to issue a high reward.

   Others have helped them so much for the Soviet army. If they treat it as if nothing happened, don't others want to look down on their Su family?

During this period of time, their Su family has already accumulated a terrible wealth, so they must find someone to thank them, or maybe they can directly draw a great **** to their camp. Come in.

  The Soviet Army wants to control the entire stars. Naturally, when they are using people, there is a shortage of masters. If such a master is willing to help them secretly, wouldn't they be able to control the stars faster?

   "Have you seen? This Soviet soldier is looking for us everywhere, should we show up to make some profit?"

   Inside a city, Wang Feng and the turtle shell spoke.

"What's the advantage of fishing? It's a good thing to keep hiding in the dark like this. Don't forget the purpose of our coming to this place. We are only to develop and grow this Soviet army, so that they can become the main force that delays this dynasty. Don't lose big because of small things." Wang Feng said, shaking his head.

   "But the other party is looking for us so crazily now. Once we show up, we will definitely become their guests. Isn't it happy to take advantage of the opportunity to get some benefits?"

   "The benefits of Don’t mess up our original intention of coming here. If you really want benefits, I’ll give it to you."

   "Cut, what can you do for me?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell's face showed disdain.

   "I can give you corpses, there are as many corpses as you want."

"I have collected enough corpses now, and I only have one evil spirit now, and I don't have so many requirements for the corpse." Speaking of his evil spirit, the mood of the tortoise shell suddenly became much lower, then Only one of the many evil spirits survived, which was a big blow to him.

   "Eat and eat."

   Seeing that he seemed to have hit the pain point of the tortoise shell, the tortoise shell stopped talking to him, but ate his own meal with his head buried.

Although the rights in the city have changed hands, this will not affect Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell, because they only occupy the city lord’s mansion and will not slaughter the city, so the business in this city is still done as usual, and there is not much Variety.

   "One day, I will avenge my dead ghost!"

   There was a deep hatred in the mouth of the tortoise shell, and then he didn't say anything to ask the Su family for any benefit, but just like Wang Feng chose to bury his head and eat.

   (End of this chapter)

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