Wang Feng's deity has the ability to change appearance. Since this clone belongs to Wang Feng, Wang Feng can naturally change his appearance.

     Before, Wang Feng killed an important court official in someone else’s mansion, so now Wang Feng’s clone has transformed into the official who was killed by him, and it is more appropriate to use this identity to get into the prison.

     "I have seen an adult."

     When Wang Feng's clone approached the entrance of the dungeon, the two people at the entrance of the dungeon immediately recognized Wang Feng's identity, and their faces showed respect.

     You have to know that these adults don't come here on weekdays. It's really not easy to see them.

     "Open the door." Looking at the two people at the door, Wang Feng said calmly.

     "I don't know what your lord is?"

     Upon hearing Wang Feng's words, the two men both showed their doubts. They wanted to ask Wang Feng why he was in jail, but their status was too low. They asked rashly for fear of offending each other.

"I'm here to interrogate the prisoner, do you still need to intervene?" Seeing the two men dulling, Wang Feng's expression suddenly sank, scared the two men quickly opened the door of the dungeon, and respectfully invited Wang Feng in .

Living in the imperial city, if they don’t even have this ability to observe and watch, they might not know how many times they have died. They are high-ranking court officials. They are just two guards guarding the cell. Their identities are different. How far can be imagined.

     "Okay, it's nothing for you, so go ahead by yourself." Wang Feng said with his sleeves waving. "


     Hearing what Wang Feng said, the two of them naturally did not dare to follow Wang Feng, so they had to withdraw from the jail and continue to guard their door.

     "Why is the lord a bit weird, the interrogator here doesn't even bring his entourage, it doesn't look like an interrogator." When he walked out of the dungeon, a guard muttered to himself.

     "Let's not talk too much about the adults. If we talk too much, we will lose. Don't do it. We won't even know how we died when we die." At this time, another guard stabbed him and said.

     talking about court officials, this is a serious crime. Once discovered, almost no one can save them.

Entering the dungeon, Wang Feng could feel that the aura in this place was almost exhausted, and there was an invisible formation at the door to prevent the influx of aura from outside, so entering here is like coming to another world, not like In the imperial city.

     "My lord, why are you here free?"

When      saw Wang Feng, the other prisons in the room immediately surrounded him. Obviously, they all recognized Wang Feng, to be precise, they recognized the person Wang Feng had changed.

     "I want to interrogate the prisoner, you will lead the way." Wang Feng said coldly.


     Wang Feng's words, these people dare not disobey, and quickly lead the way.

     "I don't know who the adult is going to be interrogated?" At this time, a prisoner asked carefully.

     "Do I want to interrogate someone to report it to you? Do you think your life is too long?" Wang Feng snorted coldly, so scared that the prison could not help his face pale.

     They can dominate in front of these criminals, and they can even bully them, but in front of these adults, they are no different from ants. How dare you make mistakes?

     Maybe they just need to move their fingers and they will die.

     "Just show me the way ahead. If you speak again, be careful that I cut your tongue."


     Hearing Wang Feng's words, the prison was so frightened, and then he didn't dare to talk nonsense, and quickly led the way.

    Where is the sky, Wang Feng is very clear now, so when these prisons took him to the cell of the sky, Wang Feng stopped.

     Looking at Qiongtian who was imprisoned in the prison, Wang Feng really felt a little regretful for him. He came here to expose his wife, but he did not expect that he suffered from prison disaster. This Qiongtian is self-sustaining and deserves it.

     "My lord, is that him?"

     Seeing Wang Feng stopped, the prison in front of him also stopped, and asked respectfully.

     "Open the cell." Wang Feng said, and then he had secretly stored up his strength, as long as he could really touch the sky, he would kill the opponent.

     This guy shouldn't continue to live in this world, he must die.


     Hearing what Wang Feng said, the prison at the door of this cell did not dare to hesitate at all, so he quickly opened the door of the cell according to Wang Feng's instructions.

     "Who are you?"

     saw Wang Feng walk in from outside, the Qiongtian's face showed a coldness, and then he stood up.

     He instinctively realized that the person who came in might be an enemy or not a friend.

     "Who I am is not important to you, what is important is that I am here to judge you now."

     "Judge me?"

     Hearing these words, Qiongtian sneered, his face under the hat was gloomy, and he said: "What qualifications do you have to judge me? Why am I guilty?"


     Hearing this, before Wang Feng spoke, the prison next to him yelled and said, "Talking to the adults while wearing a hat, are you challenging the prestige of our adults?"

     "What are you doing with so much nonsense? It's too pretentious to take the hat off for him." At this time, another guard spoke, and felt that the other person did not respect people at all.

     "Your sin... is too big."

     Looking at the sky, Wang Feng didn't hesitate, he directly raised his hand, and took a picture of the sky.

     Qiongtian must be the real body that appears here at this moment. As long as Wang Feng can kill him, then the Qiongtian will never have a chance to speak again.

     So how could Wang Feng keep his hand at this time, lifted his palm directly, and patted it towards the sky.


     was slapped by Wang Feng's palm, and the hat on the face of the sky also fell, revealing the ugly face underneath, but at the moment, there was blood on the corner of his mouth, and a slight smile.

     He actually blocked Wang Feng's palm and did not die.

     "My lord, you?"

     saw Wang Feng in the cell and acted on the criminals. These prisons all looked a bit dull, and for a while, they didn't know what to do.

     If an adult wants to try a prisoner, he can be tried, but he just shot someone and seriously injured him. Doesn't it seem to be in compliance with the regulations?

"see it?"

     Looking at Wang Feng, Qiongtian stretched out his hand and took out a heavily sunken iron block from his chest, and threw it aside.

     is this thing blocking Wang Feng's palm, otherwise the physical body of the sky must have been torn apart by Wang Feng's clone.

     "Wang Feng, don't think that I didn't know it was you, your hiding in front of me... it's useless." A crazy grin appeared on his face, and then two old men appeared on both sides of the sky.

     Seeing this scene, Wang Feng's avatar couldn't help but his complexion changed drastically. He didn't expect that this place actually had a full set.

     These two people must hide by the side of Qiongtian to catch themselves. Once Wang Feng's deity rushes in, I'm afraid it will suffer.

     "Catch him, he is the sinner of the empire, Wang Feng!"

     Qiongtian yelled, and then the two old men beside him shot together and went straight to Wang Feng's clone.

     Although Wang Feng's clone possesses certain strength of Wang Feng's deity, there is always a gap between this clone and the deity, so when these two old men appear, Wang Feng's clone knows that he can no longer leave.

The reason for      is very simple. These two elders are all cultivated in the late Blood Saint Realm. Even if Wang Feng's deity is here, whether he can leave or not are two different things.

     Before Wang Feng opened the Sky Eye, he didn't see these two people. It can be seen that they are very well hidden. Perhaps only a realm like them can escape Wang Feng's Sky Eye exploration.

     Fortunately, Wang Feng sensed that the defenses in this cell were too lax, so he let his clone go in and kill people. If his deity enters now, I am afraid that there will be no return.

     thinking of Wang Feng's back, a layer of cold sweat appeared on his back. This was a well-designed game, and the purpose was to attract him to this place.

    Even Wang Feng can imagine that the planner of this game is this sky.

     Because only he knows himself like this, he must know that he will come to this place to kill him, so he will come to the cell to wait for Wang Feng to come, and then come to catch the turtle in the urn.

When      saw this dungeon, a layer of light shrouded in an instant, and the tortoise shell couldn't help but change its complexion, because he had already noticed something at this moment, it was clearly a trap.


The clone of      was not worth mentioning in front of the two old men, so Wang Feng's clone died in this dungeon in an instant, and there was no way to get out.

     has a certain connection with the deity, so when Wang Feng's clone dies, his deity snorted along with him and suffered some injuries.


Without the slightest hesitation, Wang Feng turned and left at this moment, and moved away from this alley at the fastest speed. This time he failed to assassinate the sky, and the other party would definitely do everything possible to catch him, so Wang Feng at the door of this dungeon can't stay. Up.

     "Is it exposed?" After Wang Feng quickly left the alley, the turtle shell asked.

     "It's not exposed, but this dungeon is a carefully laid out trap, just waiting for me to jump inside."

     "Damn it."

Hearing this, the tortoise shell scolded immediately. This is really damning, and it is so set up to deal with them. Fortunately, Wang Feng has the It’s no use real body to go in, or else now I'm afraid I'm already trapped in this dungeon.

     "Look at the top of our heads."

     just at this moment the tortoise shell pointed to the sky above them and said.

Following his gaze, Wang Feng could see that a mask had appeared above the imperial city, covering the entire imperial city. It was surprising that someone had initiated the formation of the entire imperial city, temporarily removing the imperial city. Sealed up.

     "From now on, the imperial city can only enter but not exit."

     A loud roar sounded, making the complexions of Wang Feng and the turtle shell gloomy, and they all understood that this must be aimed at both of them.

     "What a wonderful setting." The voice in the void was still reverting, and it lasted for a long time, and in such an illusion, Wang Feng's complexion also became ugly.

This imperial city is closed, and it is definitely not that easy to get out, and Wang Feng’s clone was slaughtered, and even his deity was affected to a certain extent. If they forcefully rush outside at this moment, they may not go far. When they were intercepted, experts from the palace swarmed in. Even if the two of them had nine lives, they were not enough for others to kill.

     "Largely hidden in the city, we can only hide in this imperial city now." Wang Feng said, and then his appearance changed again, and even his aura changed along with it.


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