The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3104: Dungeon

    In the realm of heaven, his cultivation base is tyrannical, and he can cross the world, but when he arrives at this place, his blood **** state cultivation base is really too low. People can do it whatever they want.

     Wang Feng can almost imagine that the purpose of reporting Bei Yunxue and others in the sky is in exchange for fame, but fame and fortune are not so good. For this, he paid a heavy price and was put into prison.

     "It really deserves it, this is retribution."

     Hearing Wang Feng’s words, Bei Yunxue and the others all felt very relieved. This sky is really hateful. Now he is in prison. Isn’t it the heavens punishing him?

     "The wicked are free and the wicked grind, I'm afraid that the sky never dreamed that the fame he wanted was like this." At this time, Zi Sha spoke, and her little face couldn't help being filled with pleasure.

     "Then we still have to hide in prison to kill him?" Bei Yunxue asked at this time.

     "Since he has found his location, he is naturally going to go to the prison to kill him. This person is a complete misfortune and cannot be kept." Wang Feng said, a trace of misery flashed across his face.

This Qiongtian actually confessed his wife. If he is allowed to continue to live, who knows what other things he will do, so this Qiongtian must be killed, even if Wang Feng pays some price for it. He also did not hesitate.

     "Nian has played a role for you, and I will give you a happy one now."

     Looking at the convulsive official who fell on the bed, Wang Feng directly killed him and let his struggle slowly stop.

This official is also the cultivation base in the middle of the Blood Saint Realm. The turtle shell loves this kind of corpse very much. Although he only has one evil spirit left, Wang Feng himself owes him a lot of the corpse. .

     took away the body of this person, Wang Feng did not hesitate, turned around and left here, he was going to kill the sky in this prison!

"How's it going?"

     Seeing Wang Feng's return, the tortoise shell also asked.

     "It's done." Wang Feng said in a low voice, and then the two of them left this place directly as if they were two okay people.

     I am afraid that the people in this mansion do not know that their master has been killed by Wang Feng. It is estimated that by the time they react, Wang Feng and the turtle shell will no longer know where they are going.

     "Where is he?" Out of the mansion, the turtle shell asked.

     "He is in prison now."


     Hearing what Wang Feng said, this tortoise shell thought that something was wrong with his ears, right? How could this heavenly sky be taken to the prison?

     He reported the people around Wang Feng. This should be a great contribution. How could he be put in a cell?

     "It may be that his request was too excessive and people feel uncomfortable, so let him lock him up." Wang Feng thought of a reason at random and said.

     "Dungeons are generally heavily guarded, we are afraid we will suffer in the past like this." At this time, the turtle shell said with some worry.

"Even if it's the knife mountain oil pot, I have to try it." Wang Feng said with a firm expression. Since he has already discovered the place where the sky is, if Wang Feng lets him continue to live, then Wang Feng will treat himself The people around you are not responsible.

     So he would rather take a risk and kill the sky in the prison.

     "If this is the case, I will accompany you on this journey." Wang Feng has a slaying heart for this sky, and this tortoise shell also looks down on such people.

     Everyone is a survivor, but he wants to murder his colleagues in the celestial realm. He doesn't even have the same spirit as the enemy. He is only wasting air when he is alive. It is better to just die like this.

     So Wang Feng wanted to kill Qiongtian, this tortoise shell did not intend to let this person go, he must die.

After      learned where Qiongtian was, Wang Feng didn't hesitate anymore, he went straight to the prison.

     Of course, it is impossible for Wang Feng to go to the jail without any preparation. He stopped in an alley away from the jail and opened his celestial eye here.

     Tianyan's gaze is completely invisible and intangible, but Wang Feng can see clearly the internal structure and defense situation of this jail with his heavenly eyes.

     "Is this prison so big?"

The sky jail of the Tianwai Dynasty is different from other places. The sky jail of the Tianwai Dynasty is completely built under the ground, and only the entrance is on the ground. Once you enter this door, you will enter underground.

The whole city is full of rich auras, which is very suitable for people to cultivate, but in this dungeon it is scary and scary. Under such circumstances, no one can practice properly. After all, it is deep. Are you in a dungeon and want to enjoy the same treatment as ordinary people? That is simply dreaming.

     The dungeon is too big, it is like another world, and there are many prisoners here, many of them are wearing a lot of iron chains, they should be people who have committed serious crimes.

     But these people, Wang Feng didn't pay attention at all, he just glanced over it, because he was looking for the sky.


     When Wang Feng's gaze swept across one of the cells in this cell, suddenly the person in this cell who was closing his eyes and rested his mind instantly opened his eyes. This person is not someone else, and he is looking for the sky.

Although his cultivation level has not broken through to the Blood Saint Realm, he has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, and he still has keen perception ability. At this moment, a feeling of being spied appeared in his heart, so he opened it instantly. Got binocular.

It's a pity that there is no one here. I saw the roaring voices from the cells next to him. Obviously, the people detained in this place are either the gangsters or the people who are forcibly detained here. These people have Many mouths made unwilling voices, and the whole dungeon was very noisy, like a vegetable market.

     "Why is it noisy? Believe it or not, take me out and have a fight?" At this moment, several guards on patrol passed by and shouted loudly.

     Although they are only guards and their status in the empire's system is not very good, their existence in this place is the greatest threat to these criminals.

     Hearing the words of prison, these people really did not dare to make noise anymore, because they all understood that offending prison would not have any good fruit.

The opponent has a soul refining whip in his hand, which can directly beat their souls and bring them inhuman torture. Therefore, these people yell when there is no one. When these prisons come, they have a little temper. No.

     If it's just ordinary pain, I'm afraid that everyone present will not be afraid, because they are all monks. What is a little bit of pain?

     Who has not been injured in the process of cultivation?

But the whip used in this cell to beat the soul, they are not afraid of it. Often the people who are beaten almost lose half their lives. In the past, there were people who were abruptly shattered their souls, so these people can be described as these prisons. Very scared.

     "Oh, you little white face is still sitting here in a jerk, do you really think this place can be practiced?"

     When these prisons passed by the cell where Qiongtian was located, they saw the Qiongtian sitting in danger and sneered.

     There is no spiritual energy in the cell. It is basically impossible to cultivate and break through the realm in this place, so in their opinion, this person is just doing useless work.

     "Although you are in prison, I didn't provoke you or bother you. You don't have to take care of me, right?"

     "You still dare to argue, believe it or not, I will reward you with a whip now?" the prison said viciously.

     He didn't expect that someone in this prison would dare to use such a tone to talk to himself, really didn't want his life?

     heard the other party's words, even if the sky was holding a sigh of breath in his heart, but at this moment he did not dare to continue to talk back, because if he continued to beep with the other party, he would not be immune from a whiplash.

     "Why? Dare to speak?"

     saw that the other party did not say a word, the prison sneered.

     Hearing what the other party said, Qiongtian still didn't respond. No matter what the other party yelled, he treated it as if he hadn't heard it, making the prison feel very angry.

     "Open the door, I want to go in and beat him." The prison became more and more angry, and he wanted to rush in and beat the sky.

"Don't go in anymore. This person's cultivation level is so weak that he might be killed all at once. This person is going to commit a crime. The adult has ordered that he cannot be killed for the time being." At this time, another person spoke and prevented this person from going in and hitting him. This sky.

     "Damn, you are lucky this time."

     Hearing this, the prison did not dare to rush into it forcibly.

    Because the adult has given instructions, then how dare he get into trouble?

In this big prison, his identity is enough to deter these criminals, but compared with those big people living in the sun, he is not a single fart, so he dare not risk offending the big guys to satisfy his abnormal psychology .

     "Why is this sky like a ghost?"

     At this moment outside the prison, Wang Feng has already used his eyes to see the sky, because everyone has seen it, even if the appearance of the sky has changed a little, Wang Feng still recognized him for the first time.

     But what Wang Feng didn't expect was that the sky had turned into another face with scars everywhere, and the whole person looked very ugly.

     If it weren't for Wang Feng who had seen Qiongtian before and had worked with him, maybe now Wang Feng would not dare to recognize this person as Qiongtian.

     "What does it look like?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the turtle shell asked.

     "This sky has been disfigured." Wang Feng shook his head, and then said, "If this person hadn't been turned into ashes, I would recognize him, and I would not dare to recognize him."

     "No matter how he disfigured, in short, our goal now is to kill about the defense in this prison?" At this time the turtle shell asked.

     "For some reason, the defense is very lax."

     "Could it be fraud?"

     Hearing Wang Feng’s words, the tortoise shell had a guess in his heart almost instantly. How could an empire’s prison be weakened? Isn’t this a conspiracy?

     "It's possible." Wang Feng nodded, and then said: "Maybe this is the double song of the sky and the empire, deliberately drawing us out."

     "How is the cultivation level of this sky?" At this time the turtle shell asked again.

     "It's still a giant, and has never reached the Blood Holy Realm."

     "At such a low level, who would cooperate with him to sing the double song? Does he have such a great face?" Turtle shell asked rhetorically.

     "It doesn't matter, I want to make sure there are no traps in this place, we will know if we try it." Wang Feng's body shook as he spoke, and then another Wang Feng appeared, his separated clone.

     The Qiongtian's cultivation base is so weak, Wang Feng can kill him with his clone.

Even if Wang Feng’s clone cannot be found in this dungeon at the end, Wang Feng’s soul is at best injured. There will be no life worry at all. Regardless of whether there are traps in front of him, Wang Feng’s clone is not. Will be afraid.


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