The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3106: Imperial city blockade

     At this moment, Wang Feng looks like a young man with a mediocre level of cultivation. He is inconspicuous in the crowd, and beside him, the tortoise shell is also afraid of being discovered, so he hastened to change another appearance.

     "Go, find a place to live first." Wang Feng said, and then he and Turtle Shell went directly to an inn.

    The imperial city is so big, the population can be described as countless. They can certainly prevent Wang Feng and the tortoise shell from escaping, but if Wang Feng and the tortoise shell do not escape, they want to find people like finding a needle in a haystack.

    Because the population of this imperial city is too large, if they are checked one by one, they may not be able to check it out if they are given a year.

     So the meaning of these lockdowns is definitely not to investigate Wang Feng, but to wait for Su Hong to return.

     With Su Hong's ability, if he wanted to investigate the imperial city, it might be a momentary thing, because different realms can't be compared at all. What everyone can't do does not mean that Su Hong can't do it.

     Once Su Hong returns, if he wants to find Wang Feng, he is afraid that Wang Feng and the turtle shell will not be able to hide.

     "Asshole, we must be trapped here to wait for Su Hong to come back."

     Wang Feng had already thought of the other party's intention to do so. This tortoise shell was also an old immortal who lived and didn't know how long, so he had guessed the other party's intention now, and cursed in a low voice.

     "So we can't just wait and die here. We will go out of town if we get the chance." Wang Feng whispered.

     "Yes, although there are many masters in the imperial city, the monks in the late Blood Holy Realm are limited after all. I don't believe that they can block every city gate."

     "For such a big city, if it is closed for too long, there will be a big mess. Don't worry, just wait."

    While speaking, Wang Feng entered his guest room and began to recover with his eyes closed.

     was annihilated, and his deity's soul suffered a certain amount of trauma, so now he needs to recover his soul from the injury, otherwise it would be no fun if something happened next.

     Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell have left the prison and hid in the inn. The two of them have changed their appearance and aura. At this moment, even if someone familiar with them is in front of them, I am afraid they cannot recognize who they are.

When      was in prison before, the reason why Qiongtian was able to call out Wang Feng’s identity in one mouthful was because he knew that only Wang Feng would take the initiative to kill him.

     He lives in prison is just a play, the purpose is to seduce Wang Feng to the bait.

     Right now Wang Feng took the bait, but unfortunately, this Wang Feng turned out to be just a clone.

     After the two elders killed Wang Feng's clone, the complexion of Qiongtian was as ugly as it was. He thought Wang Feng's deity would come.

     By that time, with the two people behind him, it would definitely not be a problem to catch Wang Feng.

     It’s only a pity that when one foot is high, he thinks that digging a hole can trap Wang Feng and kill him. However, Wang Feng has long been aware of the abnormality in this dungeon and only used his clone to enter.

     So even though he has killed Wang Feng's clone now, he has never seen Wang Feng's deity at all. It is simply impossible to find Wang Feng in this huge imperial city.

     What is going on in the imperial palace, Wang Feng didn't go to see, and at this time, if he still looked at the imperial palace with his heavenly eyes, it would be no different from looking for death, because the other party must be looking for him.

Once      was found by them along the way, then Wang Feng could really dig a grave for himself.

     This time he was unsuccessful in killing the sky, and it would become more difficult to kill him next.

    Because he must have mixed up with these royal families and others, unless Wang Feng is killing a master in the royal family, otherwise he would not be so easy to kill the sky.

     One miss is difficult to have a second chance, Wang Feng still understands this truth.

     This sky seems to have a very low cultivation level on the surface, but his mind is very vicious, he even dug a hole to make Wang Feng jump. If Wang Feng is a little stupid, I am afraid he has already been put on the set now.

     At the moment, the sky has not been killed, but Wang Feng is trapped in the imperial city with the tortoise shell, and it is difficult to escape.

     Once that Su Hong returns, I am afraid that Wang Feng and the tortoise shell will be miserable. Maybe they will be discovered directly. Then how will they live?

     jumped out of the desperate pit, but fell into a larger pit. It is almost impossible to get out now, so Wang Feng can only wait.

     He was waiting for the opportunity to leave.

     a huge city, so many vendors, how much do you consume every day in the city? This is totally incalculable.

     Therefore, every day the city is closed, many problems will occur. How can it be possible to enter but not exit?

     Now Wang Feng’s only hope is in the Yongzhen Emperor, hoping that he can delay this Su Hong as much as possible. Once Su Hong returns, I’m afraid things will be in trouble.

    While Wang Feng was meditating in this room to heal his injuries, suddenly a large number of iron knights heard from below them. You don't need to look at Wang Feng to know that there are many people below.

     "Block this store and investigate one by one."

     At this time, a voice came from downstairs, and it turned out that someone wanted to search the store.

     "Should we not be found?" Hearing the movement from downstairs, the tortoise's shell was shocked and said.

"If it is really discovered, there is no way." Wang Feng shrugged helplessly, and then said: "Don't think so much. We have changed our appearance now. With these little gongs, you really think they can find out. We can't."

     said that Wang Feng sneered and said: "These people don't care, just deal with it casually."

     "I really have the feeling of being a soldier now." The tortoise shell shook his head and said.

     is trapped in this imperial city, and danger may occur at any time. It is not surprising that this tortoise shell has such an idea.

     "The people inside, open the door."

     These soldiers who were investigating the inn quickly came to the room where Wang Feng and the turtle shell were, and shouted.

Although these soldiers came to this place to check people, they were also afraid of offending those strong, so they did not forcibly break in. After all, this imperial city is a place of crouching tiger, hidden dragon, if they forcibly go to someone else’s room Chong, get a master, then they will be miserable.

     So these soldiers did not dare to break into someone else’s room, that is, shout outside.

     "Go open the door."

     Wang Feng opened his mouth and motioned to the tortoise shell to open the door.

     and he himself was sitting on this bed without moving at all.

     "What is the noise? Believe it or not, my uncle slapped you to death."

     opened the door, and the tortoise shell suddenly cursed.

     "Do you know this person?"

Looking at the tortoise shell and listening to his cursing, these soldiers did not fight back, because they knew that they would definitely cause discomfort when they forced the door like this, so the soldier did not hesitate at this moment and took out a portrait directly. , Wang Feng is painted on this portrait.

     It's a pity that Wang Feng and the tortoise shell have already changed their appearances. Looking for people with Wang Feng's original face is a strange thing.

"do not know."

     glanced at the portrait of Wang Feng, and the tortoise shell immediately denied it.

     "Who is the person inside?" At this time, a soldier looked inside the tortoise shell and asked Wang Feng.

"He is my brother and he is cultivating at this moment. Do you know that you do this will affect his cultivation? At this moment, he is at a critical moment in his cultivation. If you are in trouble because of you, I must make you feel different." As he spoke, the tortoise's skin turned gloomy, exuding murderous intent.

"sorry for disturbance."

     took the portrait and compared Wang Feng. These soldiers quickly closed the team and did not notice anything unusual in this place.

    The imperial city is so big, if Wang Feng and the tortoise shell really want to hide, unless the monks in the late Blood Holy Realm take the initiative to find people, or else these soldiers can use this portrait to look for people everywhere, it can be a fart.

     "Cut, I thought how clever these soldiers are. I didn't expect that they were just looking for people with portraits."

     waited until these soldiers were gone, the tortoise shell's face showed a hint of sarcasm, and said.

     "Since they are willing to spend so much time looking for people everywhere, let them find them slowly. Right now we are still living here and waiting for the chance to leave."

     Just like what Wang Feng said, on the first day the city had just been blocked, naturally nothing happened, but when the second day began, Wang Feng saw something happen.

     For example, a lot of trouble scenes appeared in front of some shops.

     Some people have ordered something, but now that the item is not in stock, they will naturally come to the door to ask for trouble.

     is not that the merchants don't want to give them things, but it's that the outsiders simply don't send them in.

     The reason for this is very simple. This imperial city is now in and out. Who wants to come in and be trapped in this place, so they would rather not do business in the imperial city than trap themselves in this imperial city.

The imperial city is a place of yearning in many people's hearts, but now that the imperial city has changed, no one wants to come in at this time. Isn’t it the same as being in jail, so it’s strange that others are willing to come in? Up.

When      first started, it was only a problem with some small shops. After all, the large shops have stocks, so naturally there is no shortage of stock.

     has not been replenished for a long time, and some major firms have begun to complain.

     What is the business chart? Isn't it just making money?

But now the rules set by the imperial city are completely to cut off their financial The people outside this heard that the imperial city is in or out. Who doesn't want to rush into it at this time, so The supply of goods cannot be effectively replenished, and this large commercial bank is beginning to be unable to sustain it.

Those who can do big business in this imperial city don’t collude with officials, and some officials even pay dividends directly in it. So the imperial palace’s approach is tantamount to cutting off the path for all of them to make money. These people I can't bear it too.

     The imperial city wants to block and arrest people, but everyone also needs to survive. If they can't make money, what can they use to feed the people below.

     After all, some big powers spend an astronomical amount on resources every day. In the long run, no one can afford it.

     So just in less than two days, someone has already begun to put pressure on the palace to let them lift this restriction on entry or exit.

One person’s pressure is useless, but when many people begin to unite to pressure, the palace cannot be seen as nothing, because the entire palace is sealed off and businesses will suffer. Isn’t this palace not? in this way.

     In two days, there has never been a lack of guards in the streets and alleys. They all came to capture Wang Feng, but it is a pity that Wang Feng disappeared out of thin air. No matter how they look for it, there is no clue.


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