The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3099: Catch spies

Wang Feng shot too quickly, and there was still no sign. Although this person wanted to fight back, his reaction was still so slow, and because he was too slow to fight back, his end was miserable and he was directly hit by Wang Feng’s fist. It hit his head.

     How fragile a person’s head is, and how domineering Wang Feng’s fist is, so under his punch, this person’s head exploded directly, and even the soul was mostly shattered, and he was already close to death.


     Seeing Wang Feng's move so decisively, the other people couldn't help but jump their eyelids. At this moment, they didn't hesitate, and they all killed Wang Feng and the turtle shell.

    Since the other party is so decisive, it has settled down the relationship between the other party and these women.

     So as long as these two people are caught, then there shouldn't be much problem in capturing these women.

     It's a pity that these people are too arrogant. They want to catch Wang Feng and the tortoise shell, which is almost like a dream.

     "Since you are going to follow, don't blame me for being impolite." Wang Feng's mouth made a cold voice, and then he did not hesitate to kill him.

     is not at all polite to these people, because their attention is to catch Wang Feng's wife. How can Wang Feng stay like this?

     These people claim that many people can control Wang Feng two people, but it is a pity that Wang Feng is like the dragon going out to sea, unstoppable, how could these people be his opponents.

     So in just a few short rounds, these people all failed miserably by Wang Feng's hands, and their faces showed an unbelievable color.

     Their cultivation base is no weaker than Wang Feng, even in the city, they are absolute masters.

     But when a few of them joined forces, they were still no match for a young man. How strong should this person be? Is this hidden strength?

     It's a pity that no one has responded to the doubts in their hearts. Wang Feng took their lives directly, without having to answer them.

     "It's a pity that these people thought they could do anything to us. I didn't expect to die so badly." At this time, the tortoise shell looked at the bodies of these people floating in the air and said, shaking his head.

     "Don't worry about how miserable they are, put away their bodies and let's go."

"it is good."

     Since their own women are in danger, Wang Feng must be by their side as soon as possible to block all the trouble and danger for them.

     As a husband, this is Wang Feng's unshirkable responsibility.

     For safety's sake, when Wang Feng and the tortoise shell were about to return to the star field where everyone in the heavens were, they turned left for a while and then turned right for a while before they walked towards the canyon.

The reason why      did this was because Wang Feng wanted to determine if anyone was following them. Although Wang Feng was confident that he would not die against the people in the later stage of the Blood Saint Realm, he could not guarantee that he would find out if someone followed him.

     Although it takes time to go in circles, it is at least safe.

     When Wang Feng stepped into the entrance of the small world where everyone in the heavens lived, the people in the heavens were naturally particularly shocked, because none of them expected Wang Feng to come back. ,

     "Wang Feng, you are back."

     saw Wang Feng, the Great Emperor Xuanyu greeted him immediately and dragged Wang Feng in.

     "Master, what's the matter?" Looking at Emperor Xuan Yu, Wang Feng asked.

     "Wang Feng, our spies outside said that you are causing great trouble now and are being chased by people. Don't you know, we are all very worried about your safety, and we are afraid of what will happen to you."

"Master, don't worry, I'm fine." Wang Feng shook his head, and then his eyes began to search among the people, until he finally saw his favorite Sister Xue and others, he was relieved. Fortunately everyone It's all right.

"what happened?"

     Seeing that Wang Feng's eyes were no longer on himself and others as soon as he came back, the Great Emperor Xuanyu couldn't help showing doubts on his face and asked.

     "There is something, something big." Wang Feng said in a deep voice, and then he walked towards Sister Xue and the others.

     I heard that Wang Feng is back, and Ye Zun and others have also left the customs one after another. Originally, among the crowd, Ye Zun was the first to break through to the Blood Holy Realm. Now not only Ye Zun, but also Emperor Xuanyu has also broken into the Blood Holy Realm.

     So they are all discussing whether or not to go out, and now that Wang Feng is back, they happen to talk to Wang Feng about this.

     "I see your eyes are on your wife and others as soon as you come back. You have been out for so long, are you homesick?" At this time Emperor Xuanyu said.

     "Master, the situation is not what you said." Wang Feng shook his head, and then said: "This time there is a crisis that will directly target them, so I will rush back."

     "Is there anything like this?"

     Hearing what Wang Feng said, Emperor Xuanyu and the others were not fools, so they understood at once.

Since all of them have lived in this place, many of them have not taken a step here. Even if someone goes out, they are only inquiring about the news. Now Wang Feng actually said that Bei Yunxue and others were targeted. Doesn't that mean they are A spy appeared somewhere?

When I think of this, their complexion can't help but feel a little ugly. You must know that the only people still alive in the heavens are these. If someone really wants to go out and be a spy, wouldn't it mean that everyone will be harmed? dead?

     doesn't give people a way to survive, so don't think of any way to survive, so at this moment, the faces of Emperor Xuanyu showed murderous intent.

     "Hou Zhentian, control all the people who have gone out, I want to check them one by one." At this time, Emperor Xuanyu shouted, and Hou Zhentian suddenly appeared and began to arrange this series of things.

     This Hou Zhentian was the superficial person in charge of the Scarlet Flame League when he was in the realm of heaven. Nowadays, although the number of people here has increased, he has rich management experience, so he manages these survivors in the realm of heaven.

     Since someone has leaked the news of Wang Feng’s wife, it may pose a huge threat to all the people in the heavens, so this spy must be found out, or everyone in the heavens will be in great danger because of this.

"what happened?"

     Looking at Wang Feng, Bei Yunxue seemed to be aware of the seriousness of the situation, and his expression was solemn.

     If Wang Feng came back in normal times, she would definitely be cold and warm, but now that Wang Feng's complexion is so ugly, this must be something big, so she knows that it is not appropriate to do that at this time.

     "This Heavenly Dynasty has issued a reward for you, and they want to catch you." Wang Feng opened his mouth, and a trace of murderous intent appeared on his face.

     Because there were too many killings, the air temperature around Wang Feng seemed to have dropped a few minutes at this moment, which surprised the Great Emperor Xuanyu and the others.

     What did Wang Feng do? It was so murderous.

     "Catch us? We don't have any danger to them, so why should we catch us?" Zisha said at this time, her face full of puzzlement.

     "My silly sister, they must be trying to threaten Wang Feng when they arrested us, otherwise why would they bother so much." At this time, Bei Yunxue touched Zisha's head and said.

     "These bastards."

     Hearing this, Zisha's face suddenly showed resentment. They destroyed their heaven and ruined their homes. Not to mention, now they are still arrested to threaten Wang Feng. Are these people too disgusting?

     "When is this?" Tang Airou asked at this time.

     "Maybe it was an hour ago." Wang Feng thought for a while and said.

     "Then is it too late for us to hide now?"

     "Hide? I'm afraid that with the power of this empire, you can't avoid it at all. There is only one way at the moment, and that is you follow me."

     "Do you mean let us hide in your pubic space?" Bei Yunxue asked at this time.

"Yes." Wang Feng nodded, and then said: "Since they want to catch you to deal with me, they will definitely take action, so I can only temporarily include you in my Dantian space. If they want to catch you, they must pass through me, and I can protect you and I can rest assured."

     "Since you have an idea, then we all listen to you." At this time, Bei Yunxue knew that Wang Feng was also for their good.

     They are all a family. They can’t help Wang Feng now. If they still become Wang Feng’s burden, then they shouldn’t be. So entering Wang Feng’s Dantian space may really be the only way at this time.

     Wangfeng’s dantian space is not much different from the outside, and it can be cultivated.

     And the key thing is that once they enter Wang Feng's Dantian space, it is almost impossible for others to arrest them and threaten Wang Feng. Unless Wang Feng died first, otherwise they would never be arrested.

     "I have all the people under control, a lot of one." Just then Hou Zhentian came, and he had gathered all the people who had gone out in a very short time.

     Since the spy happened this time, he also knew that it was a matter of life and death for everyone, so he didn't dare to hesitate, so he naturally gathered the people as fast as he could.

     "Apprentice, your cultivation is the strongest, and your vision is the most vicious. Come with us and take a look." At this time, Emperor Xuanyu said.

     "Master, even if you don't tell me, I will go to see it."

Dare to confess the existence of Sister Xue and others. Once Wang Feng discovers this kind of person, they will definitely not survive. Many people in this place have never gone out, so naturally they can't pass on the news, so Bei Yunxue The news of the people waiting to be leaked is most likely the people who have gone out.

     Of course, they don’t know if they are Wang Feng and others, they are just doing the most basic investigation work now.

     came in front of those people, and Wang Feng's eyes quickly swept away from these someone really did something wrong, Wang Feng might be able to spot them in an instant.

     It's a pity that after walking around with their eyes like this, although these people couldn't look directly at Wang Feng's eyes and lowered their heads, Wang Feng didn't notice anything abnormal.

     "Is it no longer here?"

     Wang Feng made a muttering sound, then he turned his gaze on Hou Zhentian and asked: "Are you sure the people who have been out are here?"

     "You also know that we are in a bad situation now, so many of us have never gone out. We have been practicing here since we came to this place, and the only people who have gone out are these." Hou Zhentian said.

However, there was a hint of hesitation on Hou Zhentian's face when he said, "In fact, in addition to these people, I and the Great Emperor Xuanyu Ye Zun and others have also gone out. Look... do you want to Shall we check?"

"No need." Wang Feng shook his head. The Great Emperor Xuanyu is his master, and Ye Zun and others have also helped Wang Feng a lot. Moreover, everyone has been killed all the way from the heavens, and they have already had a life-long friendship. They would betray the heavens, he wouldn't believe it if Wang Feng was killed.

     It’s just that the spies are no longer here. Then who revealed the existence of Sister Xue and others?



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