The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3098: Scare urine

     Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell are still killing people everywhere at the moment. They didn't even know that Bei Yunxue and the others had already issued wanted orders, and it was this sky that caused all this.

     He knows that Wang Feng is now the main criminal of the empire. If he can catch Wang Feng's wife, then he is not afraid that Wang Feng will not submit.

     When he was in the heavens, he knew that Wang Feng was a person who valued family affection. The people around him were his fate. As long as these people caught one of them, Wang Feng would be finished.

    Wang Feng was younger than him and born later than him. Wang Feng came to this world and he was at the level of a general. If he could catch Wang Feng and do meritorious service this time, he might also be able to climb to a high position.

     So when he found someone with enough weight, he directly confessed to the person closest to Wang Feng, with the goal of killing Wang Feng.

     "Unexpectedly it was you."

In the city where the **** fortune teller is located, the **** fortune teller is staying in a small alley at the moment to calculate who confessed Wang Feng. He quickly calculated the result, his face showed an unexpected look, because he did not think of this sky. Even survived.

     Did he find a way to leave that world just like himself?

     Qiongtian and Wang Feng have a great feud, Wang Feng cannot take him away, so now the only thing left is that he left by himself, but this person's luck is too good, right?

    , he can even traverse through such a dangerous chaotic fog, which is indeed a bit capable.

     "If you know that the other person is still alive, you don't know what you will think." Looking at the sky, the fortuneteller muttered to himself, and then he left here without hesitation.

     His cultivation level is too low, he can't help Wang Feng solve this trouble, so if Wang Feng wants to be in peace, then he can only hide his own women.

     "What are the people over there doing?"

     came out of a city again. Wang Feng and Turtle Shell were about to leave here to go to the next city, but when they walked to the gate of the city, they found that many people gathered together in this place, as if they were watching something.

     They came in from another city gate before, and they didn’t find anything, but now that there are so many people watching here, what are they looking at?

     was puzzled, Wang Feng opened his own heavenly eyes, and he also wanted to see what these people were looking at.

But when he saw clearly what was on the bulletin board, the murderous spirit in his heart could not be stopped at once, and the people around them were scared back again and again, because they had a kind of body beside Wang Feng. Feeling in hell.

     The illusion that they would die at any time made them dare not stand around Wang Feng.

     Wang Feng's murderous intent was unstoppable, and not only shocked the people around him, even the tortoise shell was also shocked. It is unknown why.

     All the way down, Wang Feng was able to hide his murderous aura calmly, but now why he can’t hide it? Could it be that he killed too many people and caused side effects?

     "What's the matter with you?" the tortoise shell whispered.

     Hearing his words, Wang Feng didn't give any response at all, and walked straight ahead.

     saw Wang Feng advancing, all the people watching in front of him retreated, because they were all scared.

     came to the notice board. Wang Feng clearly saw that all his women appeared on the notice board without exception. Their portraits were drawn to life. No wonder it attracted so many people to watch.


     At this time the tortoise shell also came up, and saw what was on the notice board. He just wondered why Wang Feng's murderous aura suddenly broke out, but now he finally understood.

     Because he didn't expect that the portraits of Bei Yunxue and others would be published in this way, and they would be arrested.

     everyone knows that this must be aimed at Wang Feng. No wonder Wang Summit can't hide his murderous aura.

     and the tortoise shell also understands that Wang Feng cares about the people around him most in his life. Sometimes he can even ignore his own safety for the people around him, so someone wants to target his wife. It is strange that he can bear it.

     In fact, let alone Wang Feng, even any normal person would be tempted to see such a scene.


     made a low voice, and then Wang Feng came directly to the notice board, he tore all these portraits directly, and lit the portrait in front of everyone.

"what are you doing?"

     Seeing Wang Feng's actions, several guards guarding this notice board immediately aimed their weapons at Wang Feng.

     even dared to tear off this portrait. You must know that this was sent by the empire. Tore off this thing is equivalent to opposing the empire. In the territory of the empire, I am afraid that few people have the guts to do so.

     Hearing what the other party said, Wang Feng didn't speak, just a very cold gaze swept over.

During this period of time, Wang Feng and the tortoise shells were killing everywhere, and the murderous aura on their bodies was almost full of substance. So when his eyes swept over, the guard was stunned. At this moment, he only felt his own Many evil spirits appeared in front of him, and these evil spirits were rushing towards him, making him fall to the ground with a horror.

     A puff of yellow liquid flowed from his lower body at this moment, and the people around him hurriedly avoided farther, because no one thought that this guard would be frightened by Wang Feng's glance.

     Yes, it was scared to pee. A well-trained guard was scared to pee when someone looked at him. Such a person is simply discrediting the government.

     "Don't come, don't come."

     saw the guard throw away the weapon in his hand, waving both hands wildly in the air, as if resisting something.

     It's a pity that there is nothing in front of him. He does this like a fool.


     Seeing this guard, Wang Feng only felt that the murderous aura in his body could no longer be suppressed. At this moment, he raised his hand and slapped the guard with a palm.

     Although this guard has the cultivation base of the Blood God Realm, it's a pity that this cultivation base is like an ant in front of Wang Feng.

     took a palm, and the head of the guard exploded like a watermelon. The people around couldn't help but scream.

    Because they didn't expect this person to be so cruel, they dared to kill the officials in the street. Is he crazy?


     saw Wang Feng and killed one person instantly. The other guard couldn't help but his eyes widened, and the hand holding the weapon couldn't help shaking.

     "Don't even think about leaving."

    Since these two people posted this portrait, they should die!

     was another palm, and the second guard also tragically died in Wang Feng's hands, not his opponent at all.

After      killed this person, Wang Feng set his sights on the onlookers around him again, and his murderous intent was unabated.

     Seeing this scene, the tortoise shell knew what Wang Feng was going to do. He quickly grabbed Wang Feng's raised hand and said, "We have killed too many people. Don't mess around."

     While talking, the tortoise's shell dragged Wang Feng out of the city along the gate, and even the guards at the gate did not dare to stop him.

     What kind of joke, these two killing gods dared to kill even the official guards, and their level is lower than the guards, how could they dare to stop these two men?

     "Since they saw this portrait, they shouldn't stay in this world." After leaving the city, Wang Feng's mouth made a low voice.

Wang Feng has cultivated his entire life. The people he cares about most are the people around him. Sometimes he even regards the lives of the people around him more importantly than his own. The portraits of Sister Xue and others are actually posted at the gate of this city. What I want to do is self-evident.

"Since this kind of portrait appears in this place, then the same thing must have appeared in other cities, you can kill the people in this place, can you still get rid of everyone?" The turtle shell said, and then he said: "The most important thing we need to do right now is to quickly hide the people in the heavens. Once they are found, the consequences will be disastrous."

     "Yes, we have to go back quickly."

     Originally, what Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell had to do was to kill and remove the intelligence bases of the army, but now that something like this happened, where did Wang Feng care about removing the bases, protecting his wife is the first priority.

Before, Wang Feng killed people at the gate of the city, so when the two of them were about to leave here, their expressions suddenly changed. At this moment, they discovered that in the void behind them, at least four strong men followed. they.

     These people must have discovered that Wang Feng tore off the reward portrait. They felt that Wang Feng and the people above were related, so they followed in secret to see if they could get these women back directly.

     For people of low level, looking at the portrait means watching the excitement, plus admiring the beauty of the woman on the portrait.

But for some people of high realm, this is a good opportunity for them to make contributions. Once they catch the woman in this portrait, they might be able to enter the official career through this, so this temptation is very big for them, so these Talents will choose to follow Wang Feng in secret.

     It's a pity that they don't understand the fighting power of the two Wang Feng at all. Following them will not have any good results, because it will send them to hell.


     looked at each other with the tortoise shell, and then Wang Feng and the two of them did not hesitate and headed directly toward the depths of the forest.

     was behind them, and the people who followed saw that the two were gone, and thought they wanted to get rid of themselves and others, so they quickly chased them down.

     It's a pity that they haven't been chasing for long. Suddenly they all ran into a barrier that they couldn't see and were forced to emerge from the void.

     "After chasing for so long, are you tired?"

     Just then a voice rang behind them, and Wang Feng and the turtle shell appeared.

     The reason why Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell accelerated before was to set up a formation in this to trap all these people.

     wants to follow them, isn’t this looking for death?

     "Unexpectedly, you two discovered us."

     Seeing Wang Feng two people appear, these few people are not afraid, because they are crowded, what is there to be afraid of?

     "Is it weird to find you guys?" Wang Feng sneered and said, "Let's talk, what do we want to do with us?"

     "You openly tore off the reward order. You must know the woman in these portraits. If you two are acquainted, take us to catch the person. If not...huh!"

     After a cold snort, this person's realm immediately began to be released, and the threat was very strong.

     It's a pity that he didn't even know Wang Feng's terrifying combat effectiveness. He even dared to say such things in front of Wang Feng. This is doomed to a tragedy.

     "Do you know what you will face next?" Looking at the other party, Wang Feng asked calmly.

     "What? Do you think you can do anything to us just by the two of you?" The man sneered, not afraid of Wang Feng at all.

     "Turtle shell, the food for your evil spirits is here again." At this time, Wang Feng spoke to Turtle Shell, and then he put out his hand.



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