"Senior Ye Zun, you said that if you haven't seen someone else's relatives, can you figure this out from him?"

     At this time, Wang Feng suddenly put his eyes on Ye Zun and asked.

     "No." Ye Zun shook his head and gave a very affirmative answer.

     He is good at calculating and is very familiar with this line, so he gave the answer all at once.

"Although the calculations are ethereal and boundless, but in fact there are traces to follow. How to calculate something that you haven't seen before?" Ye Zun said here again: "Since the other party can describe your wife so accurately Waiting for the appearance of the person means that the other person is very familiar with us, even an acquaintance."

     "But the surviving people in the heavens are here, who will it be?"

     "Don't worry about this, let me calculate it." Ye Zun spoke at this time, and then he sat down on the spot, and said: "Now, none of you bother me, let me find out who is doing it behind my back."

     "These people are really hateful."

     Watching Ye Zun sit down, the Nine-turned Great Emperor spoke, his complexion also very ugly.

     Heaven can now be supported entirely by Wang Feng. If it weren't for the pill that Wang Feng brought back to them before, it might not have been easy for their cultivation base to improve so quickly.

     Now that someone wants to target the people around Wang Feng, this is entirely Wang Feng's life.

     Everyone says that it’s no good for their wives and children, but they just want to do this. Isn’t this meant to provoke Wang Feng?

Wang Feng completely did things like rushing to the crown and being a red face, so when Ye Zun was trying to figure out who this secret messenger was, the Great Emperor Xuanyu said in Wang Feng's ear: "Apprentice, Don't worry too much. Since their portraits only appear on the reward order, it means that others have not been able to find people."

     "I want to know who leaked their existence, if I knew it, I would definitely break them into pieces!"

When      said this, Wang Feng's face also showed a deep anger, and the Great Emperor Xuanyu was startled.

     haven't seen him for a while, he knows that his apprentice has become even more powerful. I'm afraid that none of them will be Wang Feng's opponent together. His strength is no longer comparable to them.

     all said that a famous teacher made a good disciple, but now the high disciple gave him the long face of being a master. He actually didn't teach Wang Feng much, everything grew up slowly by himself.

     "Don't worry, I believe that we will definitely find people. The enemy is not out, and we must not mess with ourselves." Emperor Xuanyu patted Wang Feng on the shoulder and said.

     "Master, do you think that Qiongtian is still alive?"

     At this moment, Wang Feng suddenly spoke, and the emperor Xuanyu couldn't help his eyes widening when he said it, showing a shocked expression.

     "Why do you have this idea?" Emperor Xuan Yu asked rhetorically.

"I have taken away all the people who survived in the heavens last, and the people from the outer dynasty will definitely clean up again in the past. Almost no one can escape, but the sky was sent away by the emperor early. , Do you think he will survive?"

     "From the self-destruction of the avenue to the arrival of the army outside the sky, this sky has indeed never appeared. As you said, maybe this **** is really alive."

"found it."

     At this moment, a voice came from Ye Zun's mouth. He had already found out who had confessed Bei Yunxue and others by his own means.

     Ye Zun has been in this line of calculation for a long time. Even the **** fortune teller did not dare to make a mistake in front of him. Now the **** fortune teller can calculate the identity of the opponent, and he can naturally with Ye Zun's ability.

"who is it?"

     Hearing what he said, Wang Feng and others all gathered around and asked.

     "Is it Qiongtian?" Wang Feng asked at this time.

     Hearing what Wang Feng said, Ye Zun's eyes widened, showing an incredible color, and said, "How do you know?"

     "It really is him."

     Seeing Ye Zun’s expression, Wang Feng’s complexion was really gloomy and terrifying. He didn’t expect that the sky was still alive. The heavens were all over. How did he survive alone?

    , you must know that crossing this chaotic mist is very dangerous. Even if it is the giant's later cultivation base, it may be a life of nine deaths. Even the emperor did not dare to take risks. The survival of this sky is really beyond Wang Feng's expectations.

     "Isn't this guy already dead in the heavens? Why is he still alive?" At this time, the nine-turned emperor said, he was also particularly surprised.

     "Maybe he had some **** and luck passed through the chaotic fog, or that he was fond of a monk from outside the world and recognized someone as a father, so he was brought here."

     There was a sneer on Wang Feng's face, and his heart had already given birth to a murderous intention to this ‘old man’.

     dare to target his wife, this Qiongtian really doesn't want to live anymore.

When      was in the heavens, Wang Feng's cultivation base was still weaker than him, and the help of the **** emperor and others was needed to subdue him and exile.

But now Wang Feng’s cultivation has completely surpassed him. As long as they meet each other, Wang Feng can guarantee that he will die without a place to bury him. If he dares to target the people around him and his wife like this, then the sky will Has become a target for Wang Feng to kill.

     No matter who the person standing behind him is, or whether he is a survivor of the heavens or not, what he is doing now has laid a solid foundation for his fall.

If the sky does not treat Wang Feng anymore after escaping from the heavens alive, even if he appears in front of Wang Feng, Wang Feng might want to spare his life because he is a colleague. After all, the heaven is broken and he can survive. People are very lucky. What if the bit of hatred in the past is let go?

     But now he actually wants to punish Wang Feng like this, then how can Wang Feng stand and kill him?

     Wang Feng's character has always been a must-have. Since the sky wants to choose to do it first, Wang Feng can only follow his will.

     is tougher, who is Wang Feng afraid of?

     "Sister Xue, since you have been exposed, it is really inappropriate for you to stay in this place. Now I will put you in my dantian, or I can't worry about it."

"no problem."

     knew that they and others now meant a drag on Wang Feng, so naturally they would not have any opinion on Wang Feng's arrangement.

     "Sister Xue, for your safety, I can only wrong you temporarily."

"What's wrong with this, at least we can talk to you at any time when we stay in your dantian. Compared to leaving us here, I think this is better." Bei Yunxue responded, making Wang Feng's face unbearable. Lived with a wry smile.

     "Yeah, what Sister Xue said makes sense, and I agree."

     "Wang Feng, what are you going to do next?" Ye Zun asked at this moment.

     "This place may be found at any time. If I stay here for a minute, you will be a bit more dangerous. I will take them out for refuge."

     "What about us?"

     "I will reinforce the formation for this place. If someone finds this place, you will inform me and I will come anytime."

     Although Wang Feng took away Bei Yunxue and others, the Li family was in this subsidiary star field. Once something happened here, Wang Feng could come here to support him in the first place.

     So as long as Wang Feng sets up the formation here and can block the incoming people for a period of time, then Wang Feng has enough time to come back to rescue.

     "That's fine too."

     This place can live with many monks in the heavens. It is obviously impossible to move away at once, and if there are so many people in the city outside, others will definitely be suspicious.

     Once someone knows that they are the survivors of the heavens, maybe they will face a disaster of extinction.

     This Tianwai Dynasty will never allow them to survive, and will definitely do everything possible to deal with them, so it is really not suitable for them to move from this place now.

     there are so many people who can't be placed, and can only continue to stay here.

     Anyway, they have lived here for such a long time and they haven't seen anyone come here. Even if the people who came, they all left after they noticed the poisonous gas in this place, and they didn't dare to stay again.

     After all, poisonous gas and the like are things that everyone is taboo. No one wants to get involved with this stuff, and there may be a denser poisonous fog inside, naturally, few people are willing to go deep into it.

     Bei Yunxue and others have all installed in Wang Feng's dantian space, which is a temporary relief from Wang Feng's heart.

     wanted to arrest someone unless stepped on his body. Instead of letting others protect Sister Xue and the others, Wang Feng would rather do it himself.

     Since the portraits of Bei Yunxue and others have been hung on the notice board, Wang Feng did not hesitate, he went directly outside the small world of the heavens and began to strengthen the formation in this place.

    When Wang Feng left last time, his cultivation was not in the middle of the Blood Holy Realm, so he felt that the indestructible formation was not the same now, so now he needs reinforcement.

     If someone had known that someone would target Sister Xue and others, Wang Feng should first let the Yongzhen Emperor come to this place to reinforce the formation. With his cultivation level, the formation he displayed might be unbreakable except Su Hong.

It is a pity that at this moment he is fighting Su Hong on other satellite domains. Wang Feng cannot call someone, so now he can only strengthen these formations by himself~www.NovelMTL.com~ The reinforcement formation is for Wang Feng It’s not a difficult thing to say, he quickly completed it, and added some more formations. In this way, even if someone comes to this place, they will be trapped by the formation first, and no one else will come. The notice, Wang Feng can feel it himself.

     "Master, I have strengthened the formation outside. Then you must be careful. If there is a situation, you can choose to withdraw at any time."

     The old saying goes well. If you leave the green hills without worrying about firewood, as long as you live, everything can be restored, but it's just a place to live, and if it is destroyed, it will be destroyed.

     After all, even the huge heaven has now become a dead zone. What is it that this small world is destroyed by people?

     "Say we are careful, I think it's true that you have to be careful." Looking at Wang Feng, Emperor Xuan Yu said with some worry.

     Before they were going to talk to Wang Feng about going out and making trouble, but now that this kind of thing happened, they can only postpone the day of going out indefinitely, because they all understand that once they are captured, I'm afraid Wang Feng will be in trouble again.

Since this sky can confess Bei Yunxue and others, it can naturally confess them, so once they go out and are caught, then others are equivalent to catching Wang Feng’s weakness. This is not something they want to see. .



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