The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3097: Wanted Female Family

"On my side, on your side, resolve the battle as soon as possible." Wang Feng said, and then he burst out of his own breath. He swept out the few people in front of him instantly, spouting blood from his mouth. I don't know life or death.

     On the side of the tortoise shell, although he is not as powerful as Wang Feng, he is also a strong man in the middle of the blood holy realm. He can also cause severe damage to the people in this place, causing them to scream.

    Wang Feng didn't pay attention to the battle situation over the tortoise shell, because his request was very simple, as long as he didn't die.

     As long as Wang Feng ends the battle, he will quickly support the past.

     Although Wang Feng’s cultivation base is not in the late Blood Saint Realm, his combat effectiveness is not something that monks of the same level can fight against. Even if several people attack him at the same time, there is only one outcome for the opponent, and that is death.

From the beginning of the battle to the end of the battle, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell spent less than a minute here. Although the tortoise shell also killed some people, most of the people in this place were damaged in Wang Feng’s hands. He was almost alone. This place was completely overturned.

     "The people inside, you can't escape."

     The two of them slaughtered in this place, and before they had time to leave here, a large number of guards appeared outside the gate, all of them were officials.

The Qingyu Army’s intelligence base itself is an army system, so they are very close to the government, and Wang Feng and the others did not deliberately suppress their aura in their battles, so these people rushed here at the fastest speed, and all the front and back doors were closed. It's blocked.

     "Do you want to kill them?" At this moment the turtle shell asked.

     "No." Wang Feng shook his head, and then said, "We have limited time now. It is not appropriate to waste time with these people. Let's go first."

     How long the battle between Emperor Yongzhen and Su Hong will last is unknown to Wang Feng, so at this time he should hurry up to destroy other army strongholds instead of wasting time in this place.

     Follow Emperor Yongzhen and they can destroy the intelligence agencies of the empire, but now that Emperor Yongzhen is gone, Wang Feng and Turtle Shell can also choose other relatively weak military intelligence points to start.

     Anyway, no matter what they do, their ultimate goal is the same, that is, to plunge this empire into chaos.

Although the officials outside are aggressive and they have an absolute advantage in terms of numbers, it is a pity that when they saw Wang Feng and the tortoise shell coming out of it, they still subconsciously retreated a certain distance, because they were from Wang Feng and the tortoise Shell felt a cold killing intent.

    , coupled with the blood on their clothes, at the moment they look like two murderers, these people are not afraid.

They all knew what the people in this house were doing, and they were born in the army, and their combat effectiveness was extremely strong. In addition, there were a lot of masters in this place, and the two of them actually killed here. Their horror.

     "Come if you are not afraid of death."

     Wang Feng spoke, and then he directly went forward with the turtle shells and ignored these people.

     "They killed the people in the army, and they have no forgiveness. If we can catch them, it will be a great achievement. Don't be afraid of everyone. Let's go together."

     At this time, a man in armor spoke, trying to grab Wang Feng and the tortoise shell to claim credit.

     It's a pity that few people listened to what he said. What a joke, the other party slaughtered all the people in this house, and even if they were all on, there would be only a dead end.

     So watching Wang Feng and the tortoise shell move forward, they can only back up.


     Looking at these people, a sneer appeared on Wang Feng's face, and then he raised his hand and pressed it to the ground.

Under the press of     , the roaring power exploded, and all the official guards who blocked him were physically broken. They were not his opponents at all, and shocked the others who were still alive.

     What kind of cultivation power is this? So many people were killed in an instant.


The person who clamored for everyone to besiege Wang Feng and the tortoise shell before saw Wang Feng’s horrible cultivation power, his whole body was not good, his face was pale, and he was hiding among the guards. His fragile heart brought a little comfort.


     Looking at these people's insults, Wang Feng didn't kill them anymore, because even if these people killed more, it wouldn't help. Right now they have other business to do, so naturally they won't waste time here.

     left this city, Wang Feng and Turtle Shell went to another city.

     Because in the same star field, this army has more than one intelligence stronghold. Although the Cyan Feather Army, Red Army, and Saintess Army are all armies of the empire, they each have their own stronghold.

     Last time these generals were convicted of a felony by the palace because they destroyed the intelligence base of the Flame Army. They even lost the position of the general. Now I don’t know how they will end up.

     And now Wang Feng and tortoise shell are doing the same thing, and the army stronghold they want to destroy is not a certain army but all the army.

     God Army, Red Army, Blue Feather Army, Saint Woman Army, and even some of the strongholds of the Flame Army he did not let go.

If he only destroys the four other strongholds of the army, but does not move the flame army, this discerning person knows what is going on at a glance, so how could Wang Feng do such a mindless thing? Since he wants to remove the stronghold, then he will Will not be single.

     accurately said that he still left a little back for the Flame Army, and didn't completely remove all their strongholds.

     Because the current general of the Flame Army is still a puppet of him and the turtle shell, keeping these strongholds can be regarded as a little convenience for the puppets.

     successively destroyed dozens of military strongholds in this satellite region, but the two Wang Feng went straight to the next place without hesitation.

When they were about to leave this star field, they still felt that terrifying fluctuation. The battle between Emperor Yongzhen and Su Hong has not stopped. If they continue to fight like this, I am afraid that half of the star will be affected. .

     But this doesn't matter to Wang Feng, anyway, he doesn't live on this star anymore, let alone damage it a bit, even if they blow the stars out, it doesn't matter to Wang Feng.

     "There are a total of nine satellite regions. If we continue like this, I am afraid we will not have time to remove all the army strongholds." After leaving the satellite region, the turtle shell said.

     "I know." Wang Feng nodded, and then he said, "We can only do our best to remove these strongholds. Once we encounter resistance, we will immediately retreat."

     What Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell are doing now is just to clean up the remnants. If they really encounter a large number of masters, they can be withdrawn. Even if the masters of the late Blood Saint Realm intercept them, Wang Feng is confident to walk away.

One star after another, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell produced a large number of killings in a very short period of time. Wang Feng has not remembered how many people he killed. In short, he killed him in the end. There was a layer of blood on it, which looked extremely intimidating.

     as if he stood there to represent hell, others are not afraid.

     "Wang Feng, you can't kill for the time being. If you continue like this, I think it will be difficult for you to get rid of these." At this time, the tortoise shell grabbed Wang Feng's shoulder and said.

     "It's okay." Wang Feng shook his head, and then said: "I have killed even more people. This is nothing, as long as you refine it a little later, it will be fine."

     "In that case, let's go to the next place." Tortoise shell said, and then he went to the next city with Wang Feng without hesitation.

"this is?"

    Wang Feng is still killing people in the major satellite regions at the moment, and in the satellite regions, this **** fortune teller is holding a broken flag to slander and deceive everywhere, although he is deceiving everywhere.

However, the outer dynasty is really too big. Just one star is enough for him to stay for a long time, and there are nine such stars. When he turns all the nine stars, I don’t know how long it will take. So he is not afraid at all.

But just as he was preparing to do business in this city, he was suddenly attracted by the scene ahead, and saw that many people gathered at the gate of the city. Everyone was discussing in a low voice, not knowing if they were watching. What a lively.

With curiosity, this scheming man also leaned in and took a look, but he was shocked by this look, because he actually saw familiar people, and one after another beautiful and flowery women appeared in the portrait. Above, the vividness attracted many onlookers.

     These people are amazingly Bei Yunxue and others.

     The tortoise shell keenly estimated the danger that Wang Feng might present last time, but what he didn't expect was that the danger came from his female companions.

     With Wang Feng’s character, if the wife next to him is in danger, he will be desperate. Who on earth has confessed his wife?

     The people who can know Wang Feng’s wife and children must be from the heavens, but those who survived in the heavens owe Wang Feng a great deal of kindness. Could it be that someone betrayed the country for glory?

When I think of this, this sacred man can’t help his face change slightly. No matter how he says he is a member of the heavens, even he knows that people who entrap this world will avenge the people of the heavens, but now there are still people who have a portrait of Wang Feng’s wife. It's done, is this going to put Wang Feng and death?

     "All of them are absolutely stunning. If I can have one, I don't care even if I lose my life for a hundred years."

     There is a male monk in the crowd who speaks, and there is almost no resistance to this level of beauty.

     There is a saying that heroes are saddened by Beauty even heroes are like this, not to mention they are assholes.

     "I think you'd better forget it, for the beauty is willing to pay a hundred years, if it were me, I would rather trade it for a thousand years."

     "You two shameless people, what are you talking about? If it were me, I would rather trade forever."

     "You beasts, I would rather trade for 100,000 years."

Originally, the portrait on the notice said that whoever can provide the whereabouts of these women will have a great reward, but when these people saw the appearance of the women above, they immediately fought over here one by one. It will all fight the same.

     As for the original content of this notice, everyone directly ignored it. The reason is simple. Since these beauties are so beautiful, they certainly don't look like bad people.

     "It's really vicious."

Although      God fortune teller has never considered himself a good person, he is not a big evil person. When others target Wang Feng so much, they must want him to die. Who can do such a big evil thing?

     Thinking of this, the fortune teller lowered his head, turned and left here, he felt that he had to make some calculations for this.

     He is not for reward, just for the deceased.



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