The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3094: Kneel down!

"The huge collaterals are all over, and in the entire dynasty system, there are a few more powerful than this royal collaterals, so no one of them dare to make a mistake now, and can only help Su Yao, a good assistant, to help him control the government. "

     Father and the emperor are no longer, and all government affairs need this Su Yao to take care of, so when he heard that the outside intelligence agency was being attacked, he could do nothing except throw things.

    Because he understands that the person who attacked their intelligence agency may be the middle-aged man who fought with his father, he is not even afraid of his father. Now he wants to destroy the intelligence agency, who can stop them?

     To say something awkward, even if they send more people out to stop them now, I am afraid there will be nothing but death.

     The opponent's cultivation base is too high. Except for his father, there is no one in the world to rival him, so now Su Yao, no matter how crazy he is, he doesn't dare to command randomly.

    Below him, although a large number of civil and military officials gathered together, none of them dared to speak, nor did they dare to offer advice, even counselors did not dare to speak nonsense.

    Because they also knew like Su Yao that the person who attacked the intelligence agency might have been the middle-aged man with a terrifying cultivation base. If he were there, even if they were to send out the entire empire, they would have no effect.

     Today, only your Majesty can stop him, and the other monks will have to die as many as they go.

     Under such circumstances, none of them dare to offer advice, because they don’t want to be sinners.

     "His Royal Highness, what shall we do now?" At this time, a military officer lowered his head and asked.

"What can I do?" Hearing this, Su Yao's front was also very ugly, saying: "The opponent's cultivation base is too high, and none of you is his opponent. What can you say to me? "

     "I am waiting for incompetence, but I hope your Highness will forgive me."

     Hearing this, everyone present bowed down.

     "Forget it, get up, I know you are as helpless as I am." Seeing all of them kneel down, Su Yao sighed and made these people get up.

     "His Majesty, nowadays, only by letting your Majesty go out can it be possible to stop the other party. No matter how we discuss it, I am afraid we can't come up with a solution."

The news of the destruction of the intelligence agency has been passed to their palace for a while. If they had already sent a master to stop it before, but this time they didn’t do it because they knew they dare to attack such an important department. There is only the middle-aged person.

     And after passing through the information they got from the front, the person who shot was indeed the middle-aged emperor. Undoubtedly, he was the only person in the entire dynasty who had the courage to openly confront the empire.

     "If I knew this a long time ago, I should have killed you at all costs."

Thinking that this person was resurrected in front of them, Su Yao felt extremely regretful, because this person was very weak when he just regained consciousness. If he could inform his father at that time, he would use his father's ability to kill him. It's definitely not a problem.

     It's only a pity that it's too late to say this, the other party has recovered, and it is not so easy to kill him.

     The last time the killing statues in the imperial city were all out, they still couldn't keep him. It will be even more difficult to kill him in the future.

Thinking of the original tomb, Su Yao couldn't help but the shadow of Wang Feng appeared in front of him. Wang Feng was willing to let himself be smashed into the abyss in order to save him. The situation at that time deeply touched his heart, and Let him completely trust Wang Feng.

    Because everyone thinks that this is a Jedi below, there is definitely no way to survive when falling, so Wang Feng was able to save him at that time, this was not something ordinary people did.

     Even now, he still thinks that Wang Feng is a spy is not true, after all, he has not seen Wang Feng rebellious.

     If Wang Feng hadn't rebelled, and he was still his person, maybe he could do it at this time.

     looked at a figure below, Su Yao couldn't say anything that Su Yao wanted to say, because these people are simply a rice bucket and they are useless.

     enjoy the high salary given by the empire, and there are fixed resources to receive, but now they can't get it out at all, it is just a wine bag and rice bag, if it is not for the face of everyone, he wants to directly scold it.

     "What a pity, what a pity."

     looked at the hundreds of civil and military officials in the dynasty, Su Yao suddenly sighed. He wanted Wang Feng to return, but he also understood that it was impossible for Wang Feng to return.

     He saved the middle-aged emperor who attacked his father, there must be a connection between the two of them, no matter what their relationship is, in short, his prince’s mansion, Wang Feng, can’t come back.

     As for becoming a general, it was even more impossible. He let people go from his father's hands. His father must now do everything possible to kill Wang Feng and would never allow him to survive.

     And according to his father's statement, Wang Feng has been violently killed in the void, afraid that there is not even a whole body.

     Thinking of the days spent with Wang Feng in the past, Su Yao sighed. How much he hoped that Wang Feng was still alive, so that he could at least persuade Wang Feng to turn his head.

     Although he didn't know how he saved the middle-aged man, Su Yao was more willing to believe that Wang Feng was forced and controlled by others.

     After all, they had all been to the tomb at the beginning. It is very likely that he will be controlled. If the middle-aged man can be killed, maybe Wangfeng will recover.

I have to say that Su Yao’s thoughts are naive. His father failed to kill Emperor Yongzhen, and the biggest culprit was Wang Feng. So even if Wang Feng admitted that he was under control, how could Su Hong let him? Live.

     In front of Su Hong, Su Yao is a son of man and has no right to keep Wang Feng’s life, so let Wang Feng come back? Then Wang Feng might have only a dead end.

     Now Wang Feng can only go with Emperor Yongzhen.

     "I don't know what a pity, your Highness?" At this time a person in the hall asked.

     Hearing what the other party said, Su Yao just woke up like a dream, and quickly straightened his expression, saying: "It's a pity that you can't come up with a way to do it. It's really a mix of wine and rice bags waiting to die."

This Su Yao took out what he had always wanted to say, and everyone present was silent. Although some old officials looked ugly, Su Yao is now in control of the government, so even though the other party’s words are very ugly, they Only listening.

However, they didn’t say anything, but they sneered in their hearts. They didn’t know about Wang Feng. Su Yao was still a prince, and he couldn’t even distinguish between loyalty and traitor. Isn’t this kind of people compared to them? More food?

"Report, Your Highness Qi, except for the intelligence agencies in the imperial city, all the intelligence agencies on the affiliated star regions have been destroyed." At this moment, a guard ran in from outside, and the guard just came in and immediately knelt on the ground to report. Tao.

     Hearing this, although everyone had prepared in their hearts, they still couldn't help making an uproar. Except that all the intelligence agencies in the imperial city were removed, this was too thorough, right?

     Is this to completely isolate their main star?

     Without intelligence agencies, they couldn't get the news right away what happened outside. They could still know the news from other sources, but there must be a time gap.

     And this little time gap is enough to happen a lot.

     No matter which force it is, it will definitely not work if there is no intelligence organization. Even a family will have a corresponding system. How else will it work?

     So now that their empire’s intelligence agencies have been removed, they probably won’t have a better life in the future.

     In such a critical situation, your Majesty has not come out yet. Does he have to wait until the empire is completely destroyed before coming out?

     "His Majesty, we can only ask your Majesty to leave the customs, otherwise we can't do anything." At this time, a senior official said and knelt directly to Su Yao.

     "My father said that no one should be disturbed when he is practicing in retreat, and he is disturbed at the critical moment of his practice. It is very likely that he will get into trouble. Do you want to kill the king?"


Hearing this, everyone present couldn't help but change their expressions. They are already like this. Your Majesty hasn't come out yet, and even Su Yao doesn't plan to notify his father. In this way, who can stop the empire? Fall?

     Su Yao wanted to become the prince and become the emperor, but the empire is already in danger to such a juncture, he refused to inform his majesty, how can such a prince take on the responsibility?

     His Majesty’s delay in appointing him as the prince is not unreasonable. His Majesty knows Su Yao's foundation, so he will not be his prince.

     If Su Yao's work style is more mature, maybe this crown prince is already in his pocket. It is Su Yao who is not a weapon, who can be blamed?

     "If the other party is allowed to destroy our infrastructure, I don't want it for long, and our palace will be paralyzed." At this time, an old man spoke, and what he said was entirely for the royal family's benefit.

     But Su Yao sounded like this to blame him?

     his father wants to practice, he is afraid that he will disturb him, and then he will be punished. That is his responsibility alone, so for the sake of safety, he does not want to notify his father.

     Anyway, that person's tyranny is not something they can resist. If that's the case, why should they go to death?

     "Your Majesty."

     When the people here didn't know what to do, suddenly there was a respectful voice outside, and Su Hong was here now.

Since Emperor Yongzhen has almost recovered, with this Su Hong's ability, how could he still be in a state of serious injury, he has actually recovered The reason why he did not leave the customs, then It was entirely because he was still comprehending a higher realm and was absorbing a lot of blood energy.

     If it wasn't his confidant who just came to tell him what happened outside, he might not have known that the empire's intelligence agencies had been wiped out, leaving only the imperial city.

     He did not expect that Su Yao would not send anyone to notify him to leave the customs at this time. How can such a person control the overall situation?

     This time, he deliberately handed over the power to this Su Yao, the purpose is to see if he can do the job, but now it seems that it is strange that he can do the job.

     "Father, why did you come out?" Looking at Su Hong, Su Yao's face showed respect, and he hurriedly greeted him.

     "You kneel down!"

     Looking at Su Yao, Su Hong said coldly.

     "Father, what's the matter?" Su Yao couldn't help his expression change when he heard this. He was also a prince anyway, and his father actually let himself kneel down. What does this mean?

     "I asked you to kneel down, do you want me to say it the third time?" Su Hong said, his expression gloomy and terrible.


     Hearing this, Su Yao didn't hesitate at all, and he knelt down on the ground.




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