The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3093: Combat intelligence agencies

     "What's going on? I feel uneasy about speculation."

In the room of the Li family, Wang Feng was originally practicing meditation, but at this moment he suddenly woke up from the state of cultivation. He seemed to feel that someone seemed to be aiming at him, but who this person was, Wang Feng couldn’t tell. .

     Wang Feng understands that this kind of feeling cannot appear for no reason. It must be someone who wants to target himself in secret, is it Su Hong?

Before, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell appeared in front of Su Hong. With this Su Hong's ability, he should have no problem in calculating that he should not have much difficulty. He may have realized that he has not fallen yet, so he will do it again. Come against yourself.

     It's a pity that Wang Feng guessed wrong this time. Su Hong was very confident of his own finger. Even if he had serious injuries at the time, he felt that his strength was enough to kill the opponent.

     So in his imagination, Wang Feng had already become a dead person, how could he spend more energy on him.

     For this Su Hong, there is only one enemy, and that is Emperor Yongzhen.

     This person has the same realm as him, and he will not be weaker than him in comparison. Even the other party dared to openly fight to the imperial city, which shows that he is bold.

     So if this kind of disaster is not eliminated, he will not get peace for a day.

     "Turtle shell, I'm here."

     opened his door, Wang Feng entered the room where the tortoise shell was.

     "Sister Ni, are you too indifferent?" Seeing Wang Feng entered without knocking at the door, the tortoise shell suddenly shouted.

"Don't make trouble, I want to tell you something serious now." Wang Feng said, and then he came to the tortoise shell, and told him what happened to him just now, so that the tortoise shell couldn't help but groan. Lulu said: "Since you feel this way, it means that there is really a crisis targeting you in the dark. You have to be careful."

     "I'm not afraid if it's obvious, but I'm afraid that some young people will use tricks in secret."

     As the saying goes, open guns are easy to dodge and dark arrows are difficult to defend. Wang Feng has not felt this way in his heart for a long time, so he feels the seriousness of the situation at this moment.

"There is nothing terrible, as long as the emperor is here, I can solve any crisis when it comes." At this moment, the voice of Emperor Yongzhen sounded outside the door of Turtle Shell, and he even eavesdropped on the conversation between Wang Feng and Turtle Shell. .

     "Eavesdropping on other people's conversations is bad behavior." At this time, Wang Feng said.

     "I just heard a little bit, and it didn't involve your secrets. What are you afraid of?"

     "Can we two have any secrets?"

     "First recover from the injury, and then I will take you to some action." The middle-aged emperor said, then he turned and left here.

     "Forget it, I will recover in your place."

Looking at the tortoise shell, Wang Feng didn’t go out anymore, he just sat down here. Anyway, the two of them have been together for such a long time, and they have had no scruples long ago, and they stayed here, and there was nothing to discuss. .

     himself, Wang Feng's injury has almost recovered, so he has recovered without using two days here.

     As for the tortoise shell, Wang Feng saw that he was always looking at his last remaining evil spirit in a daze. Wang Feng didn't know what to say.

This time, only one evil spirit from the tortoise shell died. It must be extremely uncomfortable in the heart of this tortoise shell. Therefore, Wang Feng doesn’t know how to persuade him at this time, so he can only let him slow down. Slowly daze.

     "Have you two recovered well?"

     Just then the voice of Emperor Yongzhen sounded, and then he opened the door from the outside and walked in.

     "What's the matter?" Looking at the person, Wang Feng asked.

     "Didn't I tell you before? Let you recover well, and then I will take you out to do something."

     "What's the matter?"

     "Of course it is something that makes others feel unhappy." Said this, Emperor Yongzhen couldn't help showing a hint of coldness on his face, and said: "How is your injury?"

     "Don't worry, you can already act." Wang Feng nodded, a trace of killing intent appeared in his heart.

     This Su Hong was miserable this time, and even almost killed him, so this account cannot be easily settled like this, Wang Feng has to get back in revenge.

     "If that's the case, then follow me."

     "Where are we going?",

     left the city where the Li family was located, Wang Feng asked.

     "An empire is usually composed of various institutions, and then formed into a large and operational machine, and now what we have to do is to dismantle some parts of the empire machine, let them gradually paralyze."

     This empire looks so powerful on the surface that it is unmatched, but as long as it pulls away, there is still a way to destroy him.

     Moreover, the Yongzhen Emperor himself had sat in the position of the emperor, and he had a much more comprehensive understanding of the entire empire than Wang Feng and others, so he knew how to effectively attack the dynasty outside the sky.

     "Then which institution should we destroy first?"

"Does this still need to be said? Of course it is the intelligence agency." Emperor Yongzhen said, and then he said: "The operation of an empire must be inseparable from information. As long as we remove their intelligence agency, they will Being temporarily paralyzed, this will be more conducive to our next actions."

     "If my guess is good, their intelligence agency should be in their imperial city?"

"We don't need to go to this imperial city now, just remove their branches." Emperor Yongzhen said, and then he said: "Except for the main star, the other satellite regions all have their branches. Monitor the world. If we can pull out all of their branches, what's the use of them even if they have one main star left?"

"Cut it on its four feet, naturally it is useless." Hearing this, Wang Feng quite agrees that this strategy is still feasible. The intelligence agencies of this empire are very important. If these agencies can be killed, this The empire could not collect reliable information, and naturally could not make the most correct response in the first time.

     "Should we start with this star where we are?" Wang Feng asked.

     "That definitely won't work. Let's start with other stars first, and then put the star we are in in the middle. In this way, even if the empire wants to investigate, I am afraid it will not find us here."

     "If that's the case, don't waste time and start acting."

With Wang Feng and their cultivation base, it is too simple to destroy an intelligence agency. Even if this agency has a lot of masters, they still die tragically in an instant, because the emperor Yongzhen slapped his hand. Going down, the place where this institution is located collapsed, leaving a huge palm print.

     As for the people below, no matter what the realm, all of them died tragically, and no one survived.

     The huge branch of the Imperial Intelligence Agency was destroyed in an instant like this, which is a miserable situation.

     In the vicinity of this intelligence agency, Wang Feng and Turtle Shell stood side by side, blocking their way.

     As long as someone flees from this direction, the two of them will naturally stop him.

     With the cultivation of the tortoise shell, he may not be able to kill the enemy, but as long as he can hold the opponent a little, the opponent will only have a dead end.

     Because Emperor Yongzhen is not a decoration, he will help the turtle shell.

     Here, Wang Feng, he has a monk in the middle blood sacred realm. People in the same realm with him can only escape from the dead end, and they are not his opponents at all.

     As for the late Blood Holy Realm, there is no way for this place, because there are not many monks in the late Blood Holy Realm looking at the entire empire, so how could it be in this place.

     There is a way that people go to high places and the water flows down. People with this level of cultivation have already boarded the main star to enjoy better cultivation benefits, how could they stay here.

     Therefore, Wang Feng and the three of them calmly removed the empire's intelligence agency. The people inside were destroyed even with their belongings. The scene was very tragic.


     Seeing that the people here are almost dead, Wang Feng and the three people quickly left here without hesitation, because they were going to the next place.

Most of the people in the      intelligence agency have already died, the house has completely collapsed, and all the contents inside have been destroyed. Even if they are some of them slipping through the net, what effect can they play?

     So these people, Wang Feng and others, don’t care about it at all, just go to the next place.

    The three people have very strong intentions, so in just half an hour, they have destroyed several branches of intelligence agencies, causing them heavy losses.

     When they came to this last city, they found that the gate of the intelligence agency in this place was wide open, and the people inside were constantly evacuating outside. Obviously, they had received the news and were being evacuated.

     But Wang Feng and the others have already arrived. How could these people want to withdraw.

     "Leave me everything."

     Emperor Yongzhen spoke, and then he lifted his palm and pressed it against these people all at once.


The earthquake trembled, and accompanied by a huge roar, the houses in this place collapsed directly. The people below died and fled. This place soon became a ruin, and the intelligence agency on the last satellite field also It's over.


     destroyed so many of their intelligence agencies one after another, this palace will definitely go into madness, maybe that Su Hong will have to dispatch so it's better to leave at this time.

     Without intelligence agencies, their information collection will surely be paralyzed soon, and then the next step will be implemented.

Intelligence gathering agencies are like the eyes of a person. With eyes you can see many things, but without eyes, your world will be plunged into darkness, so destroying their intelligence agencies is only the first step. The following emperor Yongzhen must have other steps.

In short, whatever he does now will not be beneficial to this dynasty, because his purpose is also very simple, is to bring down the opponent, so their arms and legs must be removed one by one, and then go to deal with the palace inside. people.


     In the palace, a young man smashed a precious water bottle in his hand to pieces, and this person was Su Yao.

     The last fierce battle between Su Hong and Emperor Yongzhen wounded him again, so now he is recovering from his injuries, and the country cannot be ruled out for a day, so Su Yao naturally played this role.

He is a direct prince, fully qualified to preside over the court, and now the collateral is gone, no one will threaten him anymore, so he can sit in this position securely, no one dare to disagree, because he But your Majesty is standing behind him, who dares to mess around?



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