The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3095: Infer

     In front of outsiders, he Su Yao is a high-powered prince. Countless people are rushing to flatter him, but in front of his father, he is only an heir, and he has been afraid of his father since childhood.

     So now that his father was angry, he naturally did not hesitate at all. He knelt on the ground with a puff, and the people around couldn't help but feel dark in his heart.

     They wanted to inform Your Majesty, but this Highness stopped them stubbornly. Now that Your Majesty is out, how can he have a good life?

     just said that they are a rice bucket, and now their fate is worse than them?

     Of course, they just said this in their hearts, they didn't dare to show it, and they didn't even dare to have a smile on their face, they were afraid of offending Su Yao.

     "Do you know why I let you kneel down?" Looking at Su Yao, Su Hong asked calmly.

     "I know." Su Yao nodded, not daring to look up at his father.

     "When such a big thing has happened, you don't even send someone to notify me. If I never leave the customs, will you wait until someone kills the imperial city again to notify me?"

     "Or you have to wait until the entire empire is destroyed before you tell me."

     "Father, I just don't want to disturb your cultivation, I'm afraid you will become crazy." Su Yao said with support.


     Hearing this, Su Hong was really furious. He raised his arm and almost hit Su Yao on the head.

But when his hand reached mid-air, he stopped abruptly, because this Su Yao was also a prince anyway, if he really hit Su Yao in front of a hundred officials, he would be more alive than dead. To be uncomfortable, he is also a prince anyway, and he also has to face.

     "I am disappointed with you."

When he said the last few words, Su Hong seemed to be exhausted all over his body. He stepped back a few steps. If he was not supported by someone, he might have to fall. Somersault.

     Su Hong is the emperor, and his cultivation base is almost invincible in the world, but no matter how powerful he is, he needs someone to inherit.

     The third prince and the second prince have fallen one after another, and only one Su Yao remains.

     originally thought he could count on Su Yao to inherit the throne and lead the empire to a higher peak, but now it seems that Su Yao simply cannot shoulder such a heavy responsibility.

    The empire has already been targeted in this way, and he hasn't sent anyone to inform him. What point of this approach is worthy of being an emperor?

     If he really allowed Su Yao to sit on the throne, he was afraid that this empire would become something of others within a hundred years.

     "Father..." Hearing Su Hong's words, Su Yao couldn't help but shake his body, and turned his eyes to his father's body.

     "Originally, I was planning to make you a prince, but now it seems that you are not eligible for this position at all. You should continue to go to the army for a year, and we will talk about this one year later."


     Hearing what the emperor father said, Su Yao really paled, because he didn't expect the emperor father to respond so much this time.

Around, those civil and military officials heard Su Hong saying that they were going to make Su Yao the prince. They were also quite surprised. Su Yao was obviously overwhelmed. If he became the prince, they would be such a pig. The teammate was killed.

     Fortunately, your Majesty is not blind, and he is going to send Su Yao away from here.

     With Su Yao's current abilities, he is indeed not suitable to be a prince. It is better to go outside to practice.

     "Yao'er, this is the last chance I will give you. If you are still so ineffective, you should never think about the position of prince. The father will not put Jiangshan in the hands of an immature person."

     "The boy understands."

     Hearing Su Hong's words, Su Yao lowered his head, not daring to say a word.

     Although he is Su Hong's only heir right now, if he is really ineffective, his father can still have other princes.

     With Su Hong’s current state, he would not die easily at all, so he has time to continue training other people. By then, Su Yao will be a prince at best, but what's the use?

     Although the prince is also of high authority, compared with the emperor, it is really like dust.

     So if he wants to get the throne, Su Yao must change himself forcibly. If he can't change it, then his lifelong dream will probably be broken.

     In order to get the crown prince, he didn't even dare to marry, because he was afraid of delaying himself.

     Now that his father has already said so clearly, if he still does nothing, then he is really too stupid.

     "Go, go now, I don't want to see you." Looking at Su Yao, Su Hong waved and said.

     "Father, take care."

     got up from the ground, this Su Yao bowed to Su Hong and said.

     "No one in the world can kill me yet, I don't need you to worry about it."

     "The kid is leaving."

     Just now, Su Yao was still beating other people from a high position, but in a blink of an eye, he didn't have this ability, and he even had to be demoted to a soldier, living with countless army.

     But all this is only temporary. When his experience is over, he will still be the superior prince, and he might be able to become a prince by then, with a further identity and status.

     As long as he becomes a prince, the throne is not something that he can easily get?

"and many more."

     Just as Su Yao was about to leave here, Su Hong suddenly stopped him again.

     "Is there anything else the emperor father wants to tell the child?"

     "You can't step into the imperial city for half a step within one year!"

     Su Hong's words made Su Yao's body tremble, this time he really felt the anger of the father, otherwise he would not add such a sentence.


     Father Emperor's order Su Yao did not dare to violate, so at this moment he could only pay respect to Su Hong and left here very lonely.

When      Su Yao left, all the people present started to report to Su Hong in a whisper. All of a sudden, the entire court hall was noisy, like a vegetable market, very lively.

     "Shut up all to me!"

     At this moment, Su Hong's mouth made a thunderous sound, which immediately silenced Chaotang, and no one dared to kick his breath anymore.

     "Get me the national teacher." Su Hong said, and someone immediately invited someone to go.

     "Can you people still be useful? No one came to tell me after such a big thing happened, what use do I want you to do?" Su Hong sneered and said.

     "Your Majesty, it's not that we don't want to tell you, but your Royal Highness stopped us and didn't let us go." At this time, a military officer spoke, directly shifting the responsibility to Su Yao.

     In fact, the responsibility this time was indeed caused by Su Yao. If they could inform Your Majesty earlier, maybe their intelligence agency would not lose so badly, so Su Yao must be the main responsibility.

     "All are excuses, but just a prince, and he can stop all of you. What happened this time has seriously endangered the safety of our empire. Don't you guys know that you will work together to pressure him?"

     "Your Majesty, we are really...." At this time, one person stopped talking.


     "His Royal Highness is the prince of the empire, with a noble status, and we are only courtiers. Once you offend your Highness, I am afraid that there will be no good fruit."

     "So you let others destroy our intelligence agencies? I think you also know what the destruction of intelligence agencies means to our empire. Without intelligence agencies, we would fall into a situation of slander."

     said that Su Hong couldn't deal with so many officials at once, and this time it was indeed Su Yao's fault. It was not easy for him to blame these people.

     "I will deal with the people who should be dealt with. Your first task now is to hurry up and establish these intelligence agencies again. Do you understand?"


     Your Majesty left the customs, and everyone left here one after another as if they had a backbone.

     Intelligence agencies are very important to the empire, and even related to the safety of the entire empire, so if this thing is not restored, I am afraid that the empire will be in trouble.

     So the most important thing they should do at this time is to restore the role of intelligence agencies instead of staying in this palace and talking about useless things.

     "See Your Majesty."

     Just after these people were almost gone, an old man walked in from the outside. The old man was very old, as if he would fall when the wind blows.

     But this person's status in this dynasty is not ordinary, even if the civil and military officials before seeing him have to give three points.

The reason for      is very simple, that is, this person is extremely good at deduction, and he can solve many troubles that others can't solve, so this majesty treats him very seriously and is named a national teacher.

     Now that person must have disappeared and hid after destroying the intelligence agencies, so this Su Hong found the national teacher and asked him to help figure out the opponent's location, and then he could kill directly.

     "Guoji, let's just avoid the polite things. There are no outsiders in this place, so I can just say anything if I have anything to say."

     "Your Majesty does not need to say." Hearing Su Hong's words, the old man of the national teacher shook his head, and then said: "I know what your Majesty is going to say."

     "Since I know so, please ask the teacher to solve my doubts."

     "Your Majesty, the opponent's cultivation base is tyrannical, if I rashly estimate that he will definitely suffer severe damage, and it may even be killed in the air, so I need your majesty's help."

     "Then what do I need to do?"

     "It's very simple, your majesty, you can use your power to envelop me. In this way, even if the other party wants to use murder against me, it must pass this level of your majesty."

     "Since this is the case, then we will waste time, let's get started."


     "Interesting, there are people who want to calculate me."

     was just when the calculations on the palace side had just Emperor Yongzhen, who was far away in the satellite domain, felt it all at once, and a sneer appeared on his face.

With this emperor Yongzhen’s cultivation base, how could he be calculated so easily, so when he noticed that someone was calculating himself, he closed his eyes directly, and he had to calculate this calculation through the void One's own people carried out a devastating blow.

     is just an ant, and I still want to calculate him, isn’t this looking for death?


In the      palace, the national teacher had indeed estimated that the Yongzhen Emperor, but unfortunately he had just calculated that the other party suffered a devastating blow, opened his mouth and spouted a mouthful of blood, and the whole person fell to the ground.

     was next to him. Although Su Hong had felt that someone was dealing with the national division in secret, the attack was too violent. He also had some improper precautions, causing the national division to suffer heavy losses.

     "Guoshi, how are you doing?"

     quickly helped the national teacher up, Su Hong said.

     "Your Majesty, don't worry, it's just some internal injuries, and it won't hurt your life."

While      was speaking, the national division closed his eyes again, and he still had to calculate. Although he had calculated the opponent, he hadn't got the specific position yet, so he had to make dangerous moves.



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