The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3091: Emperor Yongzhen

     "Then who are you?" At this time, the Li family Patriarch asked.

     "I am the master of your ancestor Li Qingwen, Emperor Yongzhen!"


Hearing this, there was an uproar in the room again. What a big joke, the ancestors they don’t even remember must be a very old person, and this person himself said it, that’s the last dynasty .

     Since the last dynasty changed to the present, I am afraid that the time cannot be calculated. Who can live such a long time in this world? Unless a ghost?

     "So this guy is called Emperor Yongzhen."

     is right here, and both Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell clearly heard the title of the middle-aged emperor. From the beginning, Wang Feng didn't ask him what he was called, and he didn't say it himself. Until now, he didn't introduce himself.

     "At the beginning, Li Qingwen was my very proud subordinate. However, despite the ruthless years, he also died early."

     "Are you really the emperor of the dynasty of the past?" At this time, the head of the Li family spoke, using honorifics unconsciously.

     Because he thinks what the other party said is very likely to be true, because the other party's realm is too strong, so strong that he has no room for resistance at all. There is no need for such a master to deceive him.

     "What? Have doubts about my identity?"

     said that there was a sneer on the face of Emperor Yongzhen, and said: "You go out to inquire, and see if the person attacking the main star imperial city is me."


     heard this, the sound of cold breathing sounded again in the ancestral hall. Before they heard the other party's words, they only felt surprised in their hearts, but what they heard now made them feel disgusted with the stormy sea.

The main star’s imperial city was attacked. This is no longer a secret matter, because the masters sent by the imperial palace are catching people everywhere. This matter has already been raging, and they are the heyday of the largest city in this affiliated star region. The family, how could it not be aware of this situation.

     Even at the request of the main star, they had to cooperate with the palace to find someone.

     But what they didn't expect was that this person had appeared in their family and had a great connection with their ancestors. This was beyond all of their expectations.

     attacking the palace is a huge crime. Who dares to come out as a substitute?

     And the arrogant high-ranking aura that this person shows from time to time can indeed prove that he was also the emperor in the past. Such a person finds their Li family, what does this want to do?

     "Then senior, what do you want us to do for you?"

     Under the pressure of absolute strength, this Li family can say that there is no capital to resist at all, so at this moment the Li family head asked directly.

     He knew that it was absolutely impossible for the other party to come to their family without incident. If that is the case, then why should he make a mistake.

     "It's very simple, I want to live in your family."


     Hearing this, the face of the Li Patriarch suddenly showed embarrassment.

     is extremely sensitive to know the other party’s current identity. Once the palace finds that they are harbouring criminals, their Li family will definitely face annihilation, and the whole family will come in.

     "I only want to ask you one question, do you want to promote the Li family again and become a great family in the world?" Emperor Yongzhen said, directly throwing out a huge temptation.

Others certainly have no confidence to say this sentence, but he is different. He has the strongest realm in the world, and even dares to fight against the current emperor Su Hong. His words are still very important, which means that the gold content is very high. What a lie.

     Undoubtedly, hearing the words of Emperor Yongzhen, the Patriarch of the Li family couldn't help but feel moved. The opponent's cultivation base was very strong, and he was able to retreat even if he attacked the imperial city. This is enough to prove his terrible.

     Although this Li family has a certain status in this subsidiary star field, once out of this subsidiary star field, or even out of this city, how many people know about their Li family?

     If the Li Family is allowed to develop slowly, the ghosts know how long it will take them to develop before they can become a real big clan, but once they get on the ride of others, it is possible that the Li Family can rise in a very short time.

     It’s just that the risk is too great. After all, no matter how powerful the Emperor Yongzhen is, there is only one person, but Su Hong sits on the whole country. How to fight?

     is a good thing to get on a big ship, but the ship may tip over at any time, they have to be cautious.

     But thinking that the Li family might not have much way out in the future, the Li family couldn't help but get excited.

     Obviously, this is a way out. It may be a real way out, or it may be a way of no return. They need to go blog.

     "Can you really lead the Li family back to the peak of the past?" The Li family head asked, seeming to have some kind of decision in his heart.

     "Since your ancestors were able to ascend to high positions under my leadership, as long as I bring down the current dynasty, then you are the absolute heroes, and I will not treat you badly at that time."

     "Then what do you need our Li family to do for you?"

     "I don't need to do anything for the time being, I'm just looking for a place to live, and with your cultivation base, they won't be able to help me except for some information."

     The Yongzhen Emperor had to deal with the entire dynasty, and although the Li family had a little power in this subsidiary star field, once they boarded the main star, it was really not enough.

    Because the masters above the main star are like clouds, their cultivation is a fart.

     "Do you really have contact with our ancestors?"

     "Such as fake replacement, there is absolutely no deception."

     "With such a high level of cultivation, you can get better resources anywhere, why should you choose our Li family?"

     "The reason is very simple, because after you are my sergeants, I will help others as well, and I will help you as well. In that case, why should I choose others? Wouldn't it be better to choose the offspring of my old men?"

     "Senior, you will live in our Li's house temporarily, and we will never disclose your information."

     "Even if you reveal it, it doesn't matter. Except for the dog emperor Su Hong, who can do to me?" There was a hint of pride on the face of Emperor Yongzhen, who was not afraid of anyone.

     In the imperial city, Su Hong defeated him only because of the killing statue, but once Su Hong had no the killing statue, he and the Yongzhen emperor were still not half a cat. Who can do what?

     So this Emperor Yongzhen has nothing to worry about now, he can do whatever he wants. ,

     "From now on, no one is allowed to reveal what happened here, and offenders...kill without pardon!"

    Since he decided to work with the other party, this necessary work is still to be done. To be precise, this Li Family Patriarch did it to the Yongzhen Emperor.


     Hearing the words of the Patriarch, the people present did not dare to refute it, and they even wanted to follow the Patriarch’s idea and want to follow the Yongzhen Emperor.

     He was right. Their Li family used to be very glorious in their ancestors. They were a great family. Unfortunately, with the passage of time, their Li family gradually declined.

     Now that they have a chance to return to the peak of the year, why don’t they fight for it?

If      succeeds, their Li family will become famous in Liwan and become the most popular figures in the world, but if they fail, their Li family’s foundation may also return to the dust, the soil to the soil, and nothing will be left.

     But they want to make the family rise, this is a price they can afford, maybe they will succeed in the end?

     "You have been paying close attention to the movement on the main star recently. I may have to meditate for a while." At this time, Emperor Yongzhen said.

     "Senior, rest assured, although our Li family is not a prosperous family in the world, we still have some business on this main star. We can use these as a cover to inquire about news."

     "I don't care how to inquire about the news, I only need the final result."

     "Well, I also think that you will come here after you are my old subordinates. If you do anything wrong, then I can only abandon you."

     "Senior, don't worry, we will definitely do it." The Li Patriarch said with a package.

     "Prepare one room for me, oh no, it is three rooms, I will use it soon."


     Although they don’t know what the other party wants three rooms for alone, since this is the first order given by the other party, they naturally have to comply.

     "Come on, take them to the hall to have a good rest, and then prepare three wing rooms." The Li family owner called.


     "When will you two hide? The place I live has been arranged for you." At this moment, Emperor Yongzhen spoke, and Wang Feng and the turtle shell walked out of the spell he set.

     Seeing the two extra people in this room, everyone in the Li family was shocked again, because from the beginning until now, they have not found these two people in this place. How did they get in?

"you guys?"

     "They are all mine, and they are also bullies who are committed to overthrowing the rule of this dog emperor."

     "I said I am Wang Feng, you certainly don't know him, but if I say that I am the newest general of this dynasty, and the youngest general, I believe you will recognize me."

"Oh it's you."

     Hearing what Wang Feng said, the Li family present couldn't help being surprised.

You must know that when Wang Feng was canonized, the news spread throughout the entire empire. How could they not know it, and even they knew more than ordinary people. After all, they also have eyeliners on this main star. How could they have never heard of the famous Wang Feng? The previous officials were assassinated one after another. I heard that this general helped solve the case. This should be you, right? "The Li Family Patriarch asked.

     "Don't talk nonsense, I am not helping them solve the case, I just want to gain the trust of Prince Su Yao, and even solving the case is a trap I set up to weaken the strength of this dynasty."


     Hearing Wang Feng's words, everyone present felt a chill. There is an emperor, and now there is another strategist in the dark. Everyone is lurking to the prince. His abilities are evident, and he is definitely not easy to provoke.

     "Which one?" At this time, the Li Family Patriarch put his gaze on the tortoise shell and asked.

     Since Wang Feng is a talented person, it must be the one beside him.

     "He just eats dry food, don't care about him." Wang Feng said at this time.

     "Sister Ni, if you slander me again, be careful that I tear your mouth."

     Upon hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell immediately cursed.

     "I just made a joke, are you serious?" Wang Feng shook his head, and then said, "He is my accompanying assistant, do you all understand?"

     "I understand."


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