The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3054: Purgatory

     This time, all the medicinal materials used to refine this pill were taken out by Wang Feng himself. Su Yao would not be grateful to himself, so he still wanted to ask for it. Is this shameless?

     gave him one even if it was good, but he was so cheeky to ask for it, and Wang Feng almost couldn't help but scold him.

     seems to have seen some changes in Wang Feng, Su Yao's face also showed a trace of embarrassment, and said: "General, don't worry, what medicinal materials you used this time, I will personally make up all of them."

     "Thank you so much."

     Hearing Su Yao's words, although Wang Feng didn't want to give him the pill, but since Su Yao had already asked for it, Wang Feng couldn't show that he didn't want to give it, right?

    Since he couldn't keep the pill, he simply acted a little bit more simply and took out the pill directly.

     In this way, he can still make a good impression in Su Yao's heart.

     "What did the general say thank you? This is what I should do. I am embarrassed to take your medicine, so I have to make up this medicine."

     "His Royal Highness, do you want to take all of my pills?" Wang Feng asked at this time.

     "How can I take it all? I know that taking this medicine will bear the corresponding side effects. If I take it all, then I will die suddenly on the spot?"

     This taboo pill is sometimes a good thing if taken well, but if taken badly, it is harmful to others.

     It’s not that no one took a lot of taboo pills before, and then caused himself to go crazy and died suddenly. Therefore, Wang Feng is just reminding Su Yao not to harm himself.

     "Your Majesty, I would like to advise you that it is better to practice this kind of thing with your feet on the ground, and sometimes you can't get the good results you imagined."

     "General, well, I understand all the truths you said. I still need to figure out how to defeat my good brother. If you are okay, go back first."

     "His Royal Highness, I don't know where is your decisive battle?" Wang Feng asked at this time.

     Before this Su Yao hadn’t made it clear where he was, and where would Wang Feng go to watch the game?

     "Our decisive battle is in the center of the imperial city, which is also known as the purgatory field."

     The imperial city is expressly forbidden to fight, and where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. It is impossible to wipe out things like hatred, so this also promoted the birth of the purgatory field.

    Whether it is day or night, this purgatory field is a very lively place. Of course, the reason why this place is called a purgatory field is that people are dead here every day, like hell.

     And because there are people fighting every day here, it also promotes another profession, gambling!

     Some people have made a fortune in this place, and some people have also planted a big somersault in this place, losing everything they have.

     In short, this purgatory is a mixed place. The average person would not go here, and only the rich guys would go here to gamble or something. It was just for fun.

     But just three days later, this place ushered in a brand new change. There were a large number of guards in this place early in the morning, and no one was allowed to come here for a decisive battle today.

     is so because Su Yao and King Xiangyang will fight in this place today.

     Who are Su Yao and King Xiangyang? That was a member of the royal family, with a distinguished status, so today this purgatory was opened exclusively for the two of them, and ordinary people were not even qualified to enter, and it was even impossible for onlookers.

     people are dignified, even if the owner of this purgatory is reluctant, but he dare not stop the other party from sending guards to surround this place.

     And now he himself has a hard time, because a prince and a vassal, if anyone has something to do in this place, he may not be able to escape responsibility.

     So now he is also in a dilemma, it is impossible to stop Su Yao and the others, and if something unexpected happens if it is not prevented, then he can't bear it either.

     In a word, the gods fight, the mortal suffers, he is this poor mortal.

The guards had arrived at the scene early to take control, and it didn’t take long. Su Yao and King Xiangyang both came to this purgatory. Perhaps it was because there would be a big battle next, which was rare when Su Yao and King Xiangyang met. Without pinching, they all just glanced at each other calmly, and then each returned to their respective places, waiting for the coming of the battle.

     "Wang Feng, do you think Su Yao can kill the King Xiangyang?"

     Su Yao and King Xiangyang have already arrived in this purgatory, and at this moment Wang Feng is still on the road with a tortoise shell. Su Yao and King Xiangyang are going to fight, and Wang Feng is of course to come and see.

     And the tortoise shell told Wang Feng a long time ago that he will come too, so now Wang Feng has brought him with him.

     "I don't know if I can kill or not." Wang Feng shook his head and said, "But I think this Su Yao is very likely to fail."

     "You didn't refine the pill for him, why do you still say that?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the face of the tortoise shell showed a strange color.

This Su Yao is a prince no matter what, and his cultivation level is not low. The King Xiangyang is certainly great, but this Su Yao is not like a wine bag or rice bag. Wang Feng came to a conclusion so early that it really made the turtle shell unpredictable. .

"I personally think that King Xiangyang may not be as simple as it seems on the surface. He gave me the feeling like a poisonous snake lurking in the dark. It is possible to rush out and bite at any time. You have to understand, this poisonous snake's bite Sometimes it is fatal."

     "So, Su Yao will still be in danger of life?"

     "Then I don't know." Wang Feng shook his head, and then he said: "At that time, we can take a look at the situation, but it won't work. It's not impossible to help Su Yao secretly."

"How to help?"

     "Didn't I say everything, just look at the situation."

"Stop, what do you do?" When Wang Feng brought this tortoise shell to this purgatory not far away, the two of them were directly stopped here, and one of the guards even pointed a weapon at Wang Feng. At first glance, it is unkind.

     The people who are truly qualified to watch the battle have already entered, because Su Yao's idea is to kill the Xiangyang King in full view, so how could he not invite people in the audience.

     At the moment, Su Yao and King Xiangyang are both present, so the purgatory field is temporarily blocked, and no one is allowed to go out or in.

    Wang Feng and the tortoise shell want to get in, how easy it is.

     Seeing that the other party had pointed their weapons at him, Wang Feng's heart suddenly developed a murderous intent, but this place was not his house, so even if he had anger in his heart, he couldn't break out.

     He could only flip his hand to take out his general token, and said, "I don't know if I am qualified to go in?" Wang Feng said coldly.

     "Of course you can, of course you can."

     saw the token that Wang Feng took out, the guard was also shocked, because he didn't expect that this legendary general would appear here, and a dignified general would enter. How dare they stop them? Unless they don't want to die.


     Seeing that these guards are so intrigued, Wang Feng didn't have to worry. At this moment, he took the tortoise shell and walked directly towards the purgatory.

     "What a strong smell of blood." Just when they walked into this purgatory, Wang Feng and the tortoise shells immediately smelled an extremely strong smell of blood.

     and this place is still very cold. At first glance, it is a place where people have died all the year round. All the people who have lived here for a long time are pale. It is because they have been harassed by death and it is difficult to expel them.

     is that the environment has changed them, it is naturally difficult for them to recover, unless they leave here completely.

     "General, why are you here?"

At this moment, a voice rang not far from Wang Feng and the turtle shell. It was a person in Su Yao's mansion who saw Wang Feng and Wang Feng. To be precise, he saw Wang Feng and walked towards them with a surprised look. come.

In Su Yao’s mansion, Wang Feng is a general, second in command, and a celebrity, but this tortoise shell is different. Although he is also the cultivation base of the middle blood holy realm, but under his deliberate hiding, he can say He has no reputation at all, and it is reasonable for others not to know him.

     "What? I can't come yet?" Hearing this, Wang Feng's face was surprised.

     "That's not it." Hearing Wang Feng's words, the man shook his head repeatedly and said: "His Royal Highness ordered that you don't want the general to see your Highness...tragic."

     When it came to the last two words, this person was obviously hesitant, but when he thought that Wang Feng was not an outsider, he still said it.

     This Su Yao actually didn't have much confidence to destroy the Xiangyang King, and Wang Feng had a relationship with him. He didn't want Wang Feng to see that he was beaten by King Xiangyang to vomit blood.

     So he didn't mean to invite Wang Feng to come here, just invited other people.

     "What are you talking about? We are now living under the same roof anyway. It means seeing other people's misery. Your Royal Highness is really worried."

     Wang Feng shook his head, and then he said, "Take me to the place where your Royal Highness is."

     "Yes, the general, please come with me." Hearing Wang Feng's words, this person did not hesitate, and walked towards a wing with Wang Feng.

     There is a time limit for the competition, and the time has not yet arrived, so the King Xiangyang and Su Yao are still resting Your Highness Qi, the general is here. "

     came to the outside of the wing, this person said respectfully.

     "General?" In the wing, Su Yao heard that Wang Feng was here, and he was also surprised because he didn't invite Wang Feng. What is he doing here?

     "General, why are you here?" The door of the wing room was opened, Su Yao walked out of it, and put his eyes on Wang Feng.

     "His Royal Highness, I have helped you refine the pill, and you didn't even invite me to come for such a big thing. This is really not interesting enough. In the eyes of your Highness, the weight is not as good as others?"

     "General, what are you talking about? I just don't want you to see me injured under the hands of King Xiangyang, so I am worried about me."

     "Worry about you? I'm."

     Hearing Su Yao's words, Wang Feng really admired his shamelessness. Who is Wang Feng? Still worried about him? That is simply a dream.

He just thought so in his heart, but he would never say that. He saw Wang Feng put his gaze on Su Yao and said: "Your Majesty, we are now on the same boat anyway, we are all on the same boat. Lost, today is the day when you and the King Xiangyang are desperate, I should be here, or else how can I feel comfortable in my conscience?"


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