"It's because I don't know Taishan, who offended the hero, and hope that the hero will not remember the villain and spare me this time."

The old man opened his mouth and his face was full of apologetics, saying that people had to bow their heads under the eaves. This old man was arrogant before, but now Wang Feng is about to strip him naked and leave him on the street. Now it's just like a grandson.

     "If you said this earlier, how could you be treated like this? You are responsible for everything."

     "I took the blame, I was wrong, are you satisfied?" Looking at Wang Feng, let alone how miserable this old man was.

     Even at this moment, there were tears in the corners of his eyes, and he was aggrieved.

     It's a pity that Wang Feng won't be impressed by this. The old man was very arrogant before. If he doesn't teach him a lesson, is Wang Feng still Wang Feng?

     "It's not enough if I admit my mistakes. You have damaged my spirit and reputation. What do you think should be done?"

     "Mentally hurt?" Hearing this, the old man's eyes widened because he thought the other party might blackmail himself.

     In fact, the mental damage Wang Feng said is the spiritual loss on the earth. It's a pity that this place is not the earth, and they don't know what it is.

     "Yes, my spirit has been damaged, what should you do?"

     "This...what do you want to do?" Looking at Wang Feng, the old man asked.

     "It's very simple, just point me to your body, let's forget about this."


     Hearing Wang Feng's words, the old man's face showed an incredible color, because this was a completely honest looting.

     "What? Didn't you hear clearly?" Wang Feng asked back.

Beside     , Su Yao and many people in the prince’s mansion saw Wang Feng openly asking for a finger. They all sighed and laughed. They wanted to laugh but couldn't laugh.

     This old man was still a guest when he came in before, but it is a pity that he provokes Wang Feng, and it is really sad that he has fallen into the current situation.

     "Give you three breaths time to consider. If you don't give me an answer after three breaths, then I will strip your clothes off and drag you to the street for a parade. I think everyone will be very happy to come and watch."

     "You...you are simply deceiving people too much!"

     looked at Wang Feng, the male eagle's eyes were on fire, but no matter how he was surrounded by everyone, he had no chance to attack Wang Feng.

     And once he does it, maybe he will have to die here. When the time comes, let alone hold his fingers, he won't even be able to keep his life.

     So how to choose, in fact, he already had the answer in his mind at the beginning, but he didn't want to admit it.

     can live no one wants to die, even if the other party wants to rob him, he can only let the other party slaughter.


No matter what the old man’s heart thinks, Wang Feng has already started counting at this moment. His voice is very steady, like a sledgehammer that hits the heart of the male eagle, making his heart Can't help but twitch.

     has debuted for so many years, he has never been so aggrieved as he is today, and he has been bullied by a junior. If he says it, I am afraid it will make people laugh.


Looking at this old immortal Gonglun eagle, Wang Feng continued to count. Hearing Wang Feng’s words, big beads of sweat appeared on the forehead of this Gonglun eagle. He almost couldn’t bear Wang Feng’s giving The pressure he took away.

     This young man’s style of behavior is completely unreasonable. If he does not follow what the other party says, then his ending may be very miserable. What can the other party do?


     When the word Wang Feng was spoken, his voice seemed to come from the Jiuyou Hell, exuding a chill.

     "I give it, stop reading it, can't I give it?"

Under the strong pressure, this Gonglun Ying had to take his fingers down and handed it over to Wang Feng's hands, because if he didn't do it, I am afraid that what he will experience next can be dark. To describe it.

    Without help, he could only give Wang Feng the finger. At this moment, the hatred in his heart can no longer be described in words. It is too stubborn and too stubborn.

     He felt like he had eaten a lot of air abruptly, and he could not vomit it out, which made him very uncomfortable.

     "I took the initiative to remove the soul imprint on this finger." Holding this finger, Wang Feng said.

     With Wang Feng’s current cultivation base, it is not difficult for him to erase the mark on the finger, but he can’t do that because he is just a monk in the late Blood Saint Realm.

     It would be ridiculous if a cultivator in the late blood sacred realm could erase the finger marks of a middle blood sacred cultivator at will.


     Hearing what Wang Feng said, the Gonglun Ying had to do it, because if he didn’t do it, I’m afraid he would leave here today without thinking about it.

"Can I go now?" Looking at the finger that Wang Feng was holding in his hand, this Gonglunying eagle's heart was dripping blood, because the finger still contained the rewards that Su Yao gave him this time, but now these rewards are attached. His own treasures have fallen into the hands of the other party, which is a great shame to him.

     But if he didn't hand his finger to Wang Feng, he would not be able to leave here, so he had to follow what Wang Feng said.

"get out."

The ring has erased the soul mark, so Wang Feng can easily see the baby in this finger. Although the old immortal doesn’t speak well, it is undeniable that there are many treasures in his finger, even Wang Feng looked at it. All were a little surprised.

     "Today's revenge, we will report it later, we will have a period later!"

     viciously glanced at Wang Feng, the old man turned around and left without hesitation.

     After he left, Su Yao walked up and said: "General, you just let him go like this, don't you fear the other party's revenge?"

     "His Royal Highness, no matter how great he is, he is only alone. Is it possible that he would dare to break into this mansion?"

     "Not everyone can come to my mansion. If he comes, I will let him go."

     How many masters there are in his own mansion, Su Yao knew very well in his heart, let alone this old man, even if he had ten people, it would not have any effect.

     "His Royal Highness, this time I offended the person you invited. You won't blame me?" At this time, Wang Feng said apologetically.

     "General, I can hear what this person said very clearly. He did evil first. What does it have to do with the general?" Su Yao shook his head. Even if he felt Wang Feng was somewhat responsible, he would not say it.

    Because Wang Feng’s actions were a bit extreme, but the person that Gonglun Ying said was too much, so he deserved the treatment he is now.

     People Wang Feng didn't provoke him. He even said bad things about Wang Feng as soon as he opened his mouth. Could he not understand the relationship between Wang Feng and Su Yao at all?

     "I mean, since he is the person your Royal Highness called to help you, and I blasted him away like this, what will your Highness do?"

     "Don't worry, he has already told me the method, so even if he leaves now, it will not affect me at all." Su Yao said, but he was not worried.

    Because the role of this person has already been brought into play, now he intends to target Wang Feng, so he has asked himself for the situation like this. Su Yao would not plead for such a person.

     "That's good." Hearing Su Yao's words, Wang Feng nodded, and then he said: "His Royal Highness, you and King Xiangyang are about to fight, are you sure?"

     "A little...a little bit." Looking at Wang Feng, Su Yao said.

     "What kind of method did this old man give to His Highness?" Wang Feng asked at this time.

     "It's actually nothing." While speaking, Su Yao winked at the other people in the hall, and all the people here suddenly withdrew, leaving only Wang Feng and Su Yao.

     "He gave me a hidden weapon."

     This Su Yao spoke in a low voice, and then he flipped his hand and took out an extremely small needle. This needle is too small. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all.

     The moment he saw this needle, Wang Feng only felt that his body was subconsciously cold, and this needle contained extremely domineering poison. If anyone was hit by this thing, he would be half-lived if he didn't die.

     "General, did you see it? This is the thing." Su Yao picked up the needle and said in a low voice.

     "Your Highness, don't let other people see this kind of thing, so as not to leak the news." Wang Feng suddenly changed his expression here, and said: "Your Highness, shouldn't that Gonglun Eagle run out and talk nonsense?"

     "Don't worry." Hearing Wang Feng's words, this Su Yao sneered and said: "When he just left, I already let people follow him. He definitely won't survive for an hour."

     "That's how it is."

Upon hearing this, Wang Feng showed an expression that you understand and I understand, but he did not say it. This Gonglun eagle thought he would survive after surrendering his fingers, but in reality, there is no such good life, he This trip will kill him directly.

    Since he was going to deal with the King Xiangyang, Su Yao would never allow any accidents to happen. Don’t look at the Gonglun Eagle who helped him before, but since his life is risky, Su Yao doesn’t mind letting him shut up forever.

     Anyway, in this world, only the mouth of a dead person is the safest.

     "I don't know where the decisive battle between His Royal Highness and King Xiangyang was chosen?" Wang Feng asked at this time.

     "The location of the decisive battle between me and him was chosen in this city. I will kill him personally under the eyes of everyone."

     said that there was a hint of hatred on Su Yao's face~www.NovelMTL.com~ and said: "Only in this way, the hatred that has accumulated in my heart for so many years can be resolved."

     "Then your Highness is not afraid that others will find out that you are using the three indiscriminate moves?"

     "Have you already said this general? As long as he dies, I will be punished at best, and will not endanger my life at all, so what can I worry about?"

     And where there is morality on the battlefield, as long as you can win, that is the winner, and history is often written by the winner, so no matter what tricks you use, you can win.

     no matter whether it is a frontal attack or the next three indiscriminate tricks, this is a kind of strength, as long as you can win, you are the king!

"If your Highness has an idea in your heart, then let it go. I believe that with His Highness's ability, it should be no problem to kill that King Xiangyang." At this time, Wang Feng praised Su Yao's words and made Su Yao's face Can't help but smile.

     "By the way, General, do you still have this pill that you refined for me?" Su Yao suddenly asked.

    Wang Feng only gave him one pill now, and usually the alchemist refines more than one pill for a pot of pill, so Su Yao had this question at this moment.

     "Yes." Wang Feng nodded, but in his heart he yelled at this Su Yao again, because he could see that Su Yao seemed to be thinking of another pill.


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