The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3055: Imperial edict

     "Speaking of which, my Highness has not considered it well."

     Su Yao spoke, and then he held a fist at Wang Feng and said, "General, I apologize to you for this."


     Hearing Su Yao's words, everyone present couldn't help but change their expressions, because Su Yao was the prince of the empire, and he even apologized to someone whose rank was lower than himself. This was really surprising to them.

     "No need to apologize, it's just a small matter, besides, am I here too now?"

     "General, you will go with them for a while and watch the battle next to you, how about it?" Su Yao said at this time and asked Wang Feng to follow the others in the wing.

"it is good."

The waiting time for      was not long, probably less than ten minutes. The time for the decisive battle agreed by Su Yao and King Xiangyang had arrived.

     "General, watch me perform a good show."

     looked at Wang Feng, Su Yao showed a smile on his face, and then he stood up.

     He already got the taboo medicine from Wang Feng, and he also prepared a special hidden weapon for this King Xiangyang, which made him undefeated. Even if King Xiangyang is powerful, he would not have thought that his good brother would be so insidious.

     "I have seen the Chief Executive."

     Just when Su Yao was taking Wang Feng and the others out, suddenly a group of people walked towards them, only to see that these people walked in a slightly weird posture, and they should be like eunuchs.

     To put it bluntly, they are the cronies of the emperor. Now that the prince is going to a decisive battle with the prince, the emperor will naturally send someone over to take a look.

     "Your Majesty, but your Majesty has something for me to bring to you." The man called the Chief Executive said.

     "Please speak." Su Yao made a please gesture.

     "Your Majesty said that it is normal for brothers to compete and fight, but don’t hurt their peace."

     "Manager, don't worry, this is an ordinary discussion, nothing will happen." Su Yao said this sentence completely against his will.

     This time, he made up his mind to kill the Xiangyang King, so this is no ordinary discussion.

     But he wanted to kill King Xiangyang. How could he not say that. It is very normal to know that casualties occurred in the battle, because the battle has become fierce, who can control himself?

     hit a real fire, fighting desperately is entirely possible.

     life sometimes ends in that instant, so what Su Yao is saying right now is really not credible at all, the manager couldn't help but look at him more after hearing what he said.

     It’s just that the manager knows that His Highness is not in his control, so no matter what Su Yao thinks in his heart, he will not break it now.

     His responsibility is to convey the news of your Majesty. Now that he has conveyed the news, his goal has been achieved. Then he only needs to watch a scene.

     As for who lives and dies, that has nothing to do with him.

     "You are General Wang Fengwang, right?" At this moment, the general manager suddenly put his gaze on Wang Feng and asked.

"How do you know me?" Hearing the other party's words, Wang Feng's face pretended to be surprised, but his heart was on guard. This person is the emperor's side. If he finds out what he is. , And then ran to the emperor's old man and said, wouldn't he be exposed to danger at any time?

     Therefore, facing such a person, Wang Feng must be cautious in disguising, and showing a little bit of his feet, I am afraid it is all over.

     "The dignified young general of the empire, and helped His Royal Highness solve the big case. Your reputation, General, in the inner courtyard of our palace can be said to be thunderous." The **** chief said, not to compliment Wang Feng.

     Because the palace itself likes to reuse people with ability and strategy, although Wang Feng is old, he can help Su Yao solve unsettled cases. This is a manifestation of his ability.

     So in the inner courtyard of the palace, there are actually quite a few people who know Wang Feng, and this manager is just one of them.

     "Thank you." Wang Feng smiled slightly, but did not continue to delve into this issue.

    Because he doesn't want to go to the palace, it is better to have less contact with such people.

     "General, in fact, this time I came here not only to watch your Royal Highness and their test, there is another thing to come to you."

"Find me?"

     Hearing this, Wang Feng's face became more confused. You must know that he and the imperial palace have nothing to do with each other. Why are they looking for themselves?

     "That's right."

     Hearing Wang Feng’s words, the general manager smiled slightly, and then he took out an imperial decree, and said awe-inspiringly: “General Wang, this is a decree specially issued to you by your majesty, and he hasn’t received it quickly.”

     "Yes, the minister takes the order."

    While speaking, Wang Feng knelt down on one knee, and beside Wang Feng, Su Yao and others all knelt down on one knee, because seeing the imperial decree is like seeing your majesty, who dare not disrespect?

     Fortunately, Wang Feng has learned some etiquette of the foreign dynasty, otherwise Wang Feng kneels on his knees for fear of making a fool of himself.

    "Feng Tian, ​​the emperor said, Wang Feng is the pillar of the country, the country’s dry city, in recognition of the heroic performance of the general king last time, it is now specially set as the commander of the Qingyu army, with the prestige of the country!"

     There are not many words on the imperial edict, but the moment they heard the news, the people present couldn't help taking a breath.

     Although Wang Feng was also a general before, he is actually a general, because he is an official position set by Su Yaoqiang, which is more like a false name.

     But now this imperial decree has come down, and Wang Feng has been assigned to the Qing Yu Army as the commander.

     You have to know that this is the real power, to control a large army, is this something that many people dream of?

     "General Wang, are you still not taking orders?"

     At this time the sharp voice of the father-in-law sounded, which brought everyone's thoughts back to reality.

     "Are you sure this is the imperial decree for me?" Wang Feng asked incredulously at this time.

     I seem to have never been to a palace before, this palace is going to be able to enshrine himself in this way, even if all the commanders of the Qingyu Army have been finished last time, then their canonization objects will not be his turn.

     I am afraid there is some conspiracy in this.

     This was the first thought that flashed through Wang Feng's mind. This emperor had never known him, so why did he canonize himself? Is it because I helped them solve a case?

     "General, this is my father's commendation to the warriors. You still don't accept the order?" Su Yao's voice sounded, reminding Wang Feng.

     Hearing what he said, although Wang Feng didn't know what was going on in his heart, he still stretched out his hands and said, "I take the order."

     canonise himself as the commander of the army is indeed weird, which is beyond Wang Feng's expectations, but the current situation is that Wang Feng is not qualified to refuse at all, so he can only take this imperial decree first.

     No matter what the emperor wants to do, Wang Feng only needs soldiers to cover the water and soil. The big deal is that he just runs away. What's so scary?

     "General Wang, the endless army of the Qingyu Army will be under your control from now on, congratulations."

     Watching Wang Feng accept the imperial edict, the chief executive said with a fist to Wang Feng, with a smile on his face.

     The speed of this face change is almost the same as that of a woman. He just said coldly, but he didn't expect him to change his appearance now.

     "Hehe, I still feel my head is awkward." Wang Feng said.

     "General King, if you have the ability, your majesty will naturally reuse you. You are a general, and now it's just to rectify your name."

     "So thank you, Your Majesty."

     "Okay, when things are over here, you can take a trip to the palace with Ai's family. Your Majesty wants to see you, is it okay?"

     "I still have some personal questions."

Hearing what the other party said, Wang Feng's heart was shocked. You must know that the emperor's cultivation level is unfathomable. Even if Wang Feng is hidden, once he comes to this person, he is at risk of exposure. It is not a last resort, Wang Feng I don't want to see this emperor.

     So at this moment, Wang Feng wanted to refuse as soon as he spoke.

It’s just that he hasn’t said what his personal problem is, the chief executive spoke again, saying: "General, you have been officially canonized, don’t you plan to face saint? Are you afraid that your majesty will eat you? ?"

     "That's not the case."

     "General, there is nothing to be afraid of, I will go with you then."

     heard that Wang Feng was canonized as a real general, Su Yao couldn't help but smile.

     Because of his current relationship with Wang Feng, once Wang Feng takes over the Qingyu Army, then the Qingyu Army will be completely at heart with his prince's mansion.

     This is a happy event falling from the sky, even Su Yao did not expect his father to do this.

     Is it because he said a lot of good things in front of his father, and then his father was willing to promise Wang Feng the real general status?

     "This is the case. After your majesty personally adds officials to you, you will be the real general of the empire, directly under the jurisdiction of the royal family." The chief executive said.

     "Thank you Lord Longen."

     Hearing what the old **** said, Wang Feng said something against his will.


     No one thought that the young man Wang Feng would become a general with real power. If you know how many people want to sit in this position, how can this young man do?

     It’s just that the imperial decree has already been laid down, and they have no room for rebuttal, they can only accept this situation.

The youngest general in the empire was born, so everyone's minds can't help but become active at this moment. Wang Feng's foundation is not stable right now. This time is the best time to make friends with him, so at this moment some people are already starting to move Come This is troublesome. "

     Seeing the changes in the complexions of these people around him, Wang Feng should have been happy, but he couldn't be happy now.

    Because he didn't know what the emperor was going to do, he gave himself a general for no reason. Has he already discovered his true realm?

     Originally, Wang Feng didn't want to see the emperor, but now it seems that he can't see him anymore.

     Although his realm broke through to the middle of the Blood Saint Realm, in front of a super strong man, Wang Feng was not sure whether he could really hide it, so at this moment he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

     the imperial decree has been read out, and the next step is the battle between Su Yao and King Xiangyang. Everyone dare not delay this time and head straight to the fighting center of the purgatory.

When they came to this center, the King Xiangyang had already brought people here. Su Yao brought a large group of people behind him. Naturally, King Xiangyang was not far behind and brought many people. I came here to watch the game.

     "My good brother, I didn't expect you to dare to challenge me. Are you swollen?" Looking at Su Yao, the Xiangyang King suddenly sneered.

     Anyway, they are about to start a war, and at this time a ridicule or two is not a problem at all.


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