The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3047: Return to the main star

You really have to follow the method described by the tortoise shell. Wang Feng doesn’t know how long it will take to really control these little things, so Wang Feng doesn’t have that much time at all. He still trains, trains and uses it directly. That's it.

     Now Wang Feng has a lot of black flowers in his hands, and what Wang Feng has to do now is to turn these black flowers into an elixir, which is extremely poisonous.

After staying in this secret room for about two days, Wang Feng walked out of this secret room with a tired look. At this moment, his face was a little pale, and there was a pungent smell from all over his body. .

     refining normal pill, the body is fragrant, but the refining poison pill naturally emits another smell, the pungent smell, even after a long time can be smelled near Wang Feng.

     "It feels like a world away."

     walked out of the secret room, Wang Feng let out a long sigh, and then he walked out of the area where the secret room was.

     "Is everything refined?"

     Shortly after Wang Feng came out, the tortoise shell also appeared, and there was a smile on his face. It was obvious that his evil spirits were awakened more often, otherwise he couldn't even hide his feelings.

     In the mind of the turtle shell, the evil spirit is the most important thing besides his own life, and even the evil spirit is more important to him than Wang Feng.

He has kept countless evil spirits in total, but with the passage of time, there are not many of these evil spirits left. Every evil spirit awakens is of great significance to him. God fortune tellers love spirit stones, and he loves himself. Evil spirits.

     In a sense, the tortoise shell and the fortune teller are actually the same kind of people, there is no difference.

     "Yes, that kind of thing will dissipate a lot in a while, so the sooner you refine it, the better." Wang Feng nodded and said. ,

     "All my evil spirits have awakened." At this time, the turtle's shell opened, and there was an unconcealable color of pride on his face.

     must know that his evil spirit can get to this step today. He, the master, can be said to be indispensable. Without him, his evil spirit would definitely not have grown to the present level.

     "Has everything changed?" Wang Feng asked when he heard the turtle shell.

     "No." The tortoise shell shook his head, and then guessed: "This time there are probably only 80% of the evil spirits that have successfully transformed, and there are still so few corpses that have been eaten for nothing, and there is no change."

"You can't just eat it for nothing. It's like our accumulated cultivation. As long as we persist, it may cause qualitative changes. So I believe your evil spirits should not take long to transform into a purple body. "

     "I wish I could come earlier then."

     "When I was refining the pill, you didn't practice in retreat, did you?" At this moment, Wang Feng suddenly thought of something and asked.

     "I have been paying attention to my evil spirits. Where can I practice? Come on, what do you want to ask?"

     "Is there anything happening on this main star these past two days?" Wang Feng asked.

"How could I know if there is any movement." The tortoise shell whitened Wang Feng and said, "I haven't gone out in this place. How could I know what happened outside? Didn't you go out to see by yourself? Do you know if you don’t see it?"

     "Then I'd better go and see by myself."

    'S cultivation base reminds Heng, Wang Feng's sky eye can already see farther away, even if he is in this subsidiary star field at the moment, he can see some of the situation on the main star.

Under the sweep of the eyes of the sky, Wang Feng found that the main star was very peaceful now. The middle-aged emperor probably did not come back after he escaped. However, when Wang Feng was about to look further, he suddenly noticed the crisis and his eyes retreated in an instant. , As if getting an electric shock.

"what's going on?"

     saw Wang Feng regaining his gaze and stepped back a few steps. The tortoise shell couldn't help but change its color slightly. He held Wang Feng and asked.

     "I was almost discovered." Wang Feng said, thinking of the powerful soul he had just encountered.

If he guessed correctly, the master of this soul is Su Yao’s father, the emperor of the foreign dynasty today. He must be guarding against the middle-aged emperor’s sneak attack, so his soul is always all over the main star, and his defense is almost It is seamless.

No matter where the middle-aged emperor entered the main star from, he could perceive it for the first time. Just now, Wang Feng's reaction was quick and he immediately retracted his gaze. Otherwise, the emperor of this dynasty may be able to follow. With Wang Feng's gaze, he found the place where these people in the heavens lived.

     "What's the matter?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the turtle shell asked.

     "I just wanted to use my celestial eyes to observe the situation on this main star. Just as I was about to look at the situation on the land of this main star, I noticed a terrifying soul power swept over it. It should be the emperor outside the sky."

     "It seems that the appearance of the middle-aged emperor has touched his nerves, otherwise he would not be able to sweep the entire main star with his soul himself." The tortoise shell looked solemn and said.

     "It's better to wait a few days before the wind becomes quieter and go back."

Since the emperor outside the sky is sweeping the entire main star with his soul at this time, it is like scanning one after another. Although Wang Feng is a person in the heavens, he now carries the blood of the royal family in his body. Once he chooses to enter at this time If the main star is discovered by this emperor, will Wang Feng's hiding still be useful?

     So it is really inappropriate to go back at this time. Wang Feng can only wait for the wind to become quieter before quietly returning to the main star.

In the next few days, Wang Feng did not go anywhere. He and Ye Zun and others first discussed the experience of this alchemy, and then Wang Feng and his master Xuanyu the Great and others discussed their experience in practice. , After all, everyone came from the same place. If these things can be shared, it will be very useful to those of them who have not broken through to the Blood Saint Realm.

     It is good that Wang Feng wants revenge, but they also want revenge, so Wang Feng hardly refused their request, and agreed to all of them.

     This time he came back by accident. The next time he comes back, I don’t know when.

     So Wang Feng spent the previous period of time on everyone, helping everyone improve their cultivation, but in the later time, Wang Feng did not see other people again. He stayed with his wives.

     There is no such thing as Hou Han Wen Nuan in ordinary people's homes. Even if Wang Feng and Bei Yunxue simply sit together, it is also a kind of happiness, because their love has already melted and become part of the family relationship, and the blood is as thick as water.

     Maybe they can understand what the other party wants to say with just one look. This is a tacit understanding.

The children of      have grown up, and they don’t need to worry about them at all, so when Wang Feng, Bei Yunxue and others spent a few days and nights, Wang Feng and Turtle Shell set off on their way away.

     "Be good outside, how did you get out, how do you come back, understand?" At the exit of this small world, Bei Yunxue spoke, and gently tidied Wang Feng's sleeves.

     "Don't worry, I'm no longer a one-year-old child. I can protect myself. If I want revenge, I have to go. Sister Xue, Sasha, take care."

     turned his head and glanced at the people in the heavens, Wang Feng and the turtle shell did not hesitate, they left here in an instant, and went straight to the main star.

     Although there are strong people in this subsidiary star field, these people are not in the eyes of Wang Feng and the turtle shell at all, so there is no need for them to stay in this subsidiary star field for a long time and go to the main star.

     Before they came out of the main star, Wang Feng directly rushed past, but now they come back, Wang Feng doesn’t have to rush inside.

    He came here in a fair manner, and showed his identity card. He is now the general of the empire, and he can naturally pass these levels easily. Who dare to stop?

     "Are you General Wang?"

     Looking at Wang Feng's waist card, these people are a little bit suspicious, because they think that a general can't go alone by himself, right? Is this too stubborn?

     As a general, he doesn't even have an entourage. What kind of general is this?

     "If you don't believe me, call me the highest person in charge here, and I will confront him face to face." Wang Feng said, full of confidence.

     "General, please come in." Upon hearing Wang Feng's words, these people looked at each other, and then they gave way to Wang Feng.

They have not heard of the murder of the guards at the gate of the imperial city before. They heard that they were killed because they blocked the new generals of the empire and were beheaded directly in front of the gate. .

And now that General Wang is here again, these people dare not take their own lives to bet on the true or false of Wang Feng’s identity, and the waist card does not look like a fake, so they simply let Wang Feng pass here. , No one will stop.

     "Should we go back to the Prince's Mansion or go to other places?" At this time, the voice of the tortoise shell sounded in Wang Feng's mind.

     When Wang Feng and Su Yao left the prince’s mansion together, they were alone. If Wang Feng and Turtle Shell went back at the same time, Su Yao would definitely be suspicious, so at this time Wang Feng could only go back by himself.

     "We seem to have no other place to go to this main star, just go back."

     From the time I helped Su Yao to block the stone until now, ten days have passed, and ten days have not appeared. If Wang Feng drags it longer, I am afraid that Su Yao will be suspicious.

     So he thinks it's better to go back at this time.

When      came to the imperial city, everyone here knew about the power of Wang Feng, and no one dared to stop him. He entered the imperial city very easily and even saved the entrance fee.

     The family is a grand general of the to collect city fees from him, isn't this a court death?

It's too late for people like      to fawn, and no one would foolishly ask him to pay for the city.

     "It seems that the battle that took place in this imperial city was very fierce."

Entering the imperial city, Wang Feng found that there were many places in the imperial city where the ground was cracked, and there are still some collapsed houses that have not been repaired. This place was seriously damaged in the previous two-emperor battle. There are a large number of masters stationed in the city.

     Maybe now the lord of the world is about to translocate.

     "It seems that the middle-aged man is still a little capable."

     can escape even in the imperial city where the master is like a cloud. He still has the ability. If Wang Feng is allowed to escape, he may not be able to escape even if he has ten thousand lives.

"I heard that the middle-aged emperor killed everyone who went in last time. Only two people survived. I don't know how the other families are now." At this time, Wang Feng muttered. It sounds like you are caring about those families.

     But the tortoise shell can tell that Wang Feng is caring about whether his family is in chaos. This is completely different. How could the life and death of those families care about Wang Feng, unless the sun hits the west.



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