The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3046: Retreat

     "Let's go, go back first."

This time, Wang Feng got a lot of treasures from the middle-aged emperor’s coffin, and Wang Feng also got some black flowers. These things are excellent materials for refining poison pills, so Wang Feng has some things to be busy next. .

     first organized the things in his space ring, and then Wang Feng took out the purple stone he had left before.

     This stone contains extremely majestic life force. The middle-aged emperor said that this purple stone can help people understand the realm. Even he said this, which is enough to prove the preciousness of this stone.

     After all, Wang Feng's cultivation base is far worse than his. What he can use, Wang Feng can naturally come in handy.

     It's just that Wang Feng held this stone for a long time in cultivating. He didn't get the slightest benefit, as if it was an ordinary stone, but it contained vitality.

     "Could it be that I opened it in the wrong way?" Wang Feng muttered to himself, and then he took this purple stone and started playing with it.

     The surface of the stone is indeed a stone, and it is uneven to the touch. Even inside Wang Feng, he can only see the same thing as a stone with his heavenly eyes.

     "Should I not let people fool you?"

     looked at the stone for a long time, Wang Feng's complexion suddenly changed and said.

     The middle-aged emperor said that this purple stone is a treasure. Is this really a treasure?

     Maybe he just watched Wang Feng several times and didn't tell the truth, so he also deliberately talked about an effect that made Wang Feng taste deceived.

     "Nima, it may be true."

     Holding the purple stone, Wang Feng felt more and more that he had been fooled by the middle-aged emperor.

     He must be taking revenge on himself.

     "What are you talking about?" At this moment the tortoise shell came in from the outside and asked.

     "You just came here, come and see what this purple stone does." At this time, Wang Feng opened his mouth and handed the purple stone to the tortoise shell.

     "Isn't it just an ordinary stone? Is there anything to see?" The tortoise shell glanced at the stone in Wang Feng's hand and said flatly.

     "Do you know this is an ordinary stone?" Hearing this, Wang Feng looked surprised.

     "I knew it from the beginning."

     "When the middle-aged emperor told us that this stone is useful, why didn't you tell me?"

"People with such a high level of cultivation, how could I dare to talk nonsense, is it possible that you really think that there is something wrong in this stone?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell was full of inconceivable faces, and Wang Feng was really stupid. .

     I believe what people say? They are not very familiar people, this Wang Feng is afraid that his head is rusty?

"Anyway, this thing is an ordinary stone. It just absorbed more life force and changed its color. For the emperor, this may represent a special meaning, but for you and me, this is A piece of ordinary goods."

     "Sunday, I really thought that this purple stone could help people understand the cultivation base, and I left it on purpose."

     "You think, if this thing is really as the emperor said, do you think he will leave you a piece?"

"It makes sense." Hearing the tortoise shell, Wang Feng also felt that he had been blinded by the other party. If this thing was really a treasure, he would never leave it to himself, or Wang Feng had thought about it and thought that the other party really was. Good intentions.

     "I think you are a fool for a while when you are clever, but I didn't expect you to have this time." At this time, the tortoise shell said with a little laugh.

     "Don't talk about this matter, so as not to affect my image in everyone's mind." Wang Feng whispered.

     "It's easy if I don't talk about it, ten corpses in the middle stage of the Blood Holy Realm, is it okay?"

     "Don't talk about ten, twenty are fine."

     "Then you said this yourself, I didn't force you, so let's 20."


     Hearing what the other party said, Wang Feng's heart was really speechless. Isn't this guy too bad?

     "Okay, I will refine the pill next. You go and go to you first. The point is to inquire about the situation on the main star, and then we can choose the right time to go back."

     "No need to ask." Upon hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell spoke, as if he already had news.

     "Let's talk about the final outcome." Wang Feng asked.

"Just like what I said before, the middle-aged emperor is powerful, but how can he be an opponent in the current confrontation? And he is alone, and people sit on the power of the entire empire, so he naturally It was lost."

     "And he was almost killed when he was defeated. If he hadn't had some means, he might have died on the main star now."

     "It seems that he is still too impulsive." Hearing the words of the tortoise shell, Wang Feng couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, because the emperor was obviously not dead that day, this big threat may be even more severe than Wang Feng imagined.

     "Where did he escape?"

     "Fleeing into the depths of the starry sky, how could I know where he ran." The turtle shell rolled his eyes and said.

     "Since the first defeat, the person behind will definitely converge a lot, and he may not show up for a long time."

     ran away after shopping with others, it must have been seriously injured, so the middle-aged emperor did not talk about overthrowing the other party's rule, I am afraid that now he is still avoiding chasing everywhere, like a bereaved dog.

    His dynasty has been destroyed in the long river of history, and even his descendants have died. After all, time has passed too long. If he had not resurrected by means of guarding the sky, I am afraid that he is no different from the dead now.

     It was too difficult for him to overthrow this empire, just like Wang Feng. As long as he thought of overthrowing such a big system, he felt a huge challenge.

     He is the same as the middle-aged emperor. He has no support and can only rely on himself. Even the middle-aged emperor failed. You can imagine how sad Wang Feng will be next.

     wants to overthrow the Tianwai Dynasty is not a matter of overnight, even Wang Feng can only slowly overthrow the Tianwai Dynasty by erosion, just like an ant nest in a dam.

     Although an ant nest cannot shake the dam, and even the effect is zero, but when countless ant nests appear in the dam at the same time, the dam may collapse.

     "Unfortunately, we haven't talked to him about cooperation, so he just ran away."

     was chased and killed by masters from outside the sky and ran around. The next middle-aged emperor's life will not be easy, so it may not be easy to step on a boat with him.

"After I refine the pill, we will return to the main star after the refining is complete." Wang Feng said, and then he took out the black flowers. He planned to refine all these things into extremely poisonous poison. Dan.

     The flower contained in this flower is not the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but the extremely rich dead energy. This dead energy is the most suitable for refining poison pills, which can increase the power of poison pills.

     "Then you take your time, take care of yourself, two of my evil spirits have already awakened, and I have to watch them."

     "Awake?" Hearing the tortoise shell, Wang Feng's face was shocked. Last time his evil spirit had eaten so many bones. Now that he has woken up, how can his fighting power be improved?

     "Guess whether my evil spirit has become stronger?" At this moment, the turtle shell suddenly said mysteriously.

     "Since you know that I want to ask this, you still let me guess, did you deliberately?" Wang Feng whispered.

     "Guess you won't get pregnant, what are you afraid of?"

     "I am too lazy to guess if you don't say it."

    While speaking, Wang Feng retracted his gaze, but let the tortoise shell not know what to say next. He felt like he had hit a ball of cotton with a punch, which was very unsound. Isn't Wang Feng too boring? It won't work to let him guess.

     "Forget it, let me tell you the truth, two of my evil ghosts have transformed to the Blood Saint Realm level. This is something we have always dreamed of, and now we finally have good results."

     "Release and have a look."

     Hearing the words of the tortoise shell, Wang Feng couldn't help standing up, because he had always been very optimistic about the evil spirits of the tortoise shell, and hoped that their strength could change.

     Because the enemies that Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell face are constantly increasing, if these evil spirits are all creatures that can't change their cultivation, then they will not be able to help Wang Feng and Tortoise Shell much later.

    Only when their strength also increases, they can continue to fight alongside Wang Feng and the turtle shell.


     heard Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell did not hesitate, and directly released his two awake evil spirits.

Different from the evil spirits that were promoted to the giants before, when the evil spirits became giants, their whole bodies were golden yellow, but now when these two evil spirits were promoted to the Blood Holy Realm, Wang Feng found that their whole bodies were golden yellow. The color has turned into a deep purple color, which is very gorgeous from the appearance.

     "Do you dye them?" Wang Feng asked.

     "Sister dyed Niu, this is the color that they changed after they mutated, not under my control."

     "Anything else hasn't woken up yet?"

     These two evil spirits may have just awakened, and their aura is not as powerful as a normal blood saint realm powerhouse, but it is undeniable that these two evil spirits have indeed surpassed the past.

     even the color of their body has changed, so their biting power and ability to destroy magic weapons will definitely increase greatly from now on, which is a good thing.

     Wang Feng’s cultivation level broke through to the middle of the Blood Saint Realm, but only two or three days, and now the evil spirit in the tortoise shell has also risen. This is indeed a double happiness.

     Once there is any battle in the future, if Wang Feng and the others join forces, I am afraid that a powerhouse in the late Blood Saint Realm will be very miserable, right?

     "Not yet, they are all asleep, but I think they shouldn't be asleep for long, because both of them have woken up, and the rest should be the things of these two days."

     "If the evil spirits make breakthroughs in their cultivation, they will be more useful in the future."

     "Yes, but I am afraid they will have to eat more corpses in the future."

     "Don't worry about the corpse, as long as we want the corpse, where is the world between the earth and the world? So you don't have to worry about this at all."

     "Those gadgets on your body, have you figured out how to deal with it?" Then the turtle shell asked.

     "Just leave it like this, what should I do?" Wang Feng asked in surprise, and then said: "Do you really want me to slowly cultivate these things?"


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