The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3048: Back home

      Along the street, Wang Feng soon came to the prince’s residence. This is Su Yao’s home, but at the same time this is also Wang Feng’s'home'.

     When the two guards in front of the prince’s mansion saw Wang Feng's appearance, both of them opened their eyes wide, as if they were about to stare out.

     Even the two of them couldn't help rubbing their eyes with their hands, thinking that they were dazzled.

     "This general king has fallen for so many days, I must have read it wrong." A guard said, thinking that he must have had an illusion in front of him. How could a person who has been dead for so many days appear in front of him.

     "Did you see it too?"

     Hearing this, another guard showed shock on his face. One person saw it as an illusion, but when two people saw it at the same time, could it still be an illusion?

     "General, really you?"

     The second guard spoke, his face full of surprise.

     You must know that for Wang Feng's affairs these few days, their highness has almost turned gray in a hurry, and no one can persuade them to help.

He even sent several men and horses to the places where they had adventures before. Su Yao said before that he would find Wang Feng anyway. He had to see people and corpses. Wang Feng was stoned to protect him. After falling into the abyss, he should be the one who was going to be smashed down.

     Wang Feng lost his track because of him, so if he doesn't even find Wang Feng's body, is he still a human?

     So no matter how much manpower, material and financial resources are spent, he will have to find Wang Feng's body, he has already begun to do whatever it takes.

     But who could have thought that Wang Feng was not dead at all and that he had returned by himself now. If Su Yao knew the news, wouldn't he be crazy?

     "Why, is there anyone in this world who can pretend to be me?" Wang Feng asked rhetorically when he heard the guard's words.

     "Don't dare." Upon hearing Wang Feng's words, the two guards laughed and said: "The general is brave and martial, naturally no one dares to pretend, and even others pretend to be different."

     "Okay, don't slap these flattery, right now I have something to find your Highness, you will keep it here, and you will not be treated badly in the future."

"Yes Yes Yes."

     Hearing Wang Feng's words, the heads of the two guards suddenly lit up like chickens pecking rice.

     The current prince’s mansion, besides Su Yao, is Wang Feng's highest status, and even what kind of position he wants to give, then Su Yao must not say anything.

     So now I heard that Wang Feng wanted to support them, and the hearts of these two people were as sweet as honey.

     If you can enter the inner palace, who wants to stand at this door every day, eating and sleeping? As a guard, only those who are incapable will do it.

     So Wang Feng's simple sentence immediately made his image in the hearts of these two people extremely tall.


     was the same as the two guards at this door. When the people in the prince’s mansion saw Wang Feng coming back alive, they weren’t eyes widened, as if they had seen a ghost.

     Because none of them thought that Wang Feng would come back, and he came back alive and well. Didn’t he die?

     "The general is back, the general is back."

Wang Feng didn’t care about the weird gazes of other people along the way. He knew that these people might be thinking about why he was still alive, but Wang Feng didn’t have to pay attention to these people, because their level was not comparable to his own. Need to explain to them.

     And right now in the discussion hall where Su Yao usually stayed, Su Yao was still in a daze. There were already many people he sent out, but none of them brought back any news about Wang Feng.

     did not find Wang Feng's corpse, nor did he find any trace of him. He seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, which Su Yao would always miss.

     He should have been the person who was going to be hit by the stone. Fortunately, Wang Feng pushed him a bit, otherwise he might not even have a chance to escape.

The place was a bit bigger in total, and Wang Feng’s body was not found, and at the same time the bodies of other people were never found. Although this gave Su Yao a glimmer of hope in his heart, the thought of them being here For the powerful monster he encountered in the tomb, he felt that this glimmer of hope was shattered. Maybe Wang Feng and the others let the monster eat it after falling, and now he naturally can't find his body.

     "General, I am sorry for you." He muttered to himself and made a sound, Su Yao really blamed himself in his heart.

     It is a pity that he knows that Wang Feng does not have any family members, otherwise he must have come to condolences with his comforters now.

     Just when Su Yao was very distressed about Wang Feng's affairs here, suddenly a pleasantly surprised voice came from outside, and then a person stumbled and ran in from outside.

     even when this person ran to the door of the hall, he tripped the threshold and fell directly into a posture of dog gnawing.

     "How decent to be in a panic, it just smears my face."

     Seeing this person fall like this, Su Yao's complexion suddenly became gloomy. At any rate, he was also a person in the mansion of the dignified prince. He turned out to be such a person who couldn't walk smoothly. What's the use of this?

     "His Royal Highness, the general... General is back."

     may be due to too much excitement, this person even became very uncomfortable in his speech, he swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva before he said the sentence completely.

     "What did you say?" Su Yao stood up instantly when he heard this, with a look on his face.

     "His Royal Highness, the general is back." Seeing Su Yao stand up, this person's speech has become much fluent, and he said.

     "General? But General Wang?" Su Yao said, obviously a little excited.

     Because of Wang Feng's affairs, he can't eat well these days, and he can't even practice. He feels ashamed of Wang Feng. If he can't find Wang Feng's body, how can he be at ease?

     But now his subordinates actually say that the general is back, is this person Wang Feng?

     "Yes, it is General Wang."

     Hearing the words of His Highness, this person responded quickly.

     "Quickly, take me to see."

     was really pleasantly surprised. At this moment, where Su Yao is still sitting in this place, he wants to go out to meet Wang Feng himself.

     "Your Highness."

     Wang Feng himself came to this discussion hall. Almost when Su Yao just walked out of this hall, Wang Feng had already seen him, and Su Yao had also seen Wang Feng.

     The two pairs of eyes looked at each other like this, Wang Feng was calm, but Su Yao was very excited, because he never dreamed that Wang Feng was still alive.

     He saw Wang Feng being smashed into the abyss by a stone. At that time, all of them thought that Wang Feng would definitely die, and Su Yao naturally did the same.

     But who can think that Wang Feng is still alive now, this is far beyond Su Yao's expectations.

     "General, are you still alive?" Su Yao said, his face full of disbelief.

     "Although I almost died at the time, I am still alive." Wang Feng smiled slightly and appeared very calm.


     Hearing what Wang Feng said, Su Yao couldn't help laughing.

     "General, if you can live, it is really the best gift God has given me."

     While speaking, Su Yao came to Wang Feng's face, and stretched out his hand, giving Wang Feng a bear hug.

     Although Wang Feng disliked Su Yao, he would never say anything to disturb Su Yao at this time, and Wang Feng could see that Su Yao was really happy from some of Su Yao's current actions.

     After the last incident, Wang Feng believed that Su Yao should have completely trusted himself, otherwise he would not be so excited now, so he rushed up and gave Wang Feng a bear hug.

     "General, I am so happy to be alive." Su Yao said, smiling all over his face.

     "I can see your Highness again alive, I am also happy." Wang Feng said something against his will.

     "General, what happened after you fell into the abyss?" Su Yao asked at this time.

     "His Royal Highness, this matter is a long story, and it cannot be said clearly in one sentence."

     "Then don't worry, let's take your time." While speaking, Su Yao called a subordinate and said: "Order to go down, get the wine and the food ready, I will help the general."


     Hearing what His Highness said, his subordinates did not dare to hesitate, and immediately went down to prepare.

     "Unexpectedly, General Wang was still alive, but I haven't seen a smile on His Highness's face for many days." Seeing Wang Feng's return, the people in the prince's mansion could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

You must know that when Wang Feng did not return, the atmosphere in the entire prince’s mansion was very depressed. Kill it.

     Now that Wang Feng came back alive, the rock hanging in their hearts finally fell to the ground.

     "Thank you, Your Highness." Upon hearing Su Yao's words, Wang Feng said to Su Yao.

     "Why do you have to say thank you between you and me? This is what I should do." While speaking, Su Yao supported Wang Feng's shoulder and walked in very intimately towards the conference hall.

    The efficiency of the people was very high. Soon the good wine and food were delivered to this discussion hall. The room was full of, what happened afterwards? "Su Yao asked, really puzzled.

"Actually, the bottom of the cliff is not as dangerous as everyone thinks. There is a dark river below. I fell into the water and fainted after being hit by a rock. Then I followed the dark river with the currents and waited until When I woke up, I was already at the edge of a lake, so I was not dead, I just got some injuries."

"That's it." Hearing what Wang Feng said, Su Yao also felt right, because the people he sent out to find Wang Feng's body also said that there was a huge dark river under the tomb. Since Wang Feng fell into the dark river, It is entirely possible to follow this dark river to other places.

     Also, there is a river below. If it is on the ground, if it falls down like this, I am afraid the body will be broken into pieces.

     "Then General, your injury does not matter, right?" Su Yao asked caringly at this time.

     "Your Majesty, don't worry, since I woke up, I have recovered from my injury in an uninhabited mountain range. I didn't recover until before, so I am fine now."

"It's okay, it’s okay." Hearing Wang Feng’s words, Su Yao breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "General, you don’t know, because these days when you were missing, I can’t eat well, and sleep well. , The whole person is almost crazy."


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