The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3042: Self-seeking

     With the strength of Su Yao and others, those monsters would definitely not be able to stop them for long, so Wang Feng's formation was very fast. In this case, he couldn't even think about it.

     These people joined forces, and the formation outside the tomb was forced to break by them. Therefore, Wang Feng can only arrange formations for them as much as possible now. The delay is for a while.

     "Follow the fate of everyone. If this person can't be resurrected under such circumstances, then we have no choice." After dozens of formations were set up, the tortoise shell said with a sigh.

     "I hope he can be resurrected as soon as possible, otherwise you and I will definitely not be able to protect him." Wang Feng said, he couldn't help but sigh.

     If Su Yao and others really rushed in, then Wang Feng would never care about the life and death of this middle-aged emperor.

Although he has broken through the realm, he can face the late Blood Saint Realm without running away, but Su Yao and others join forces, I am afraid that the strong people in the Blood Saint Realm will struggle to resist, how can Wang Feng go to fight them like this, that is completely not worth it.

     This middle-aged emperor is now unclear about the enemy or me. How could Wang Feng go desperately for him, then it is the kingly way to act by chance.


     At this moment, Wang Feng heard Su Yao's voice. They should have taken down the monster and rushed towards it.


    While speaking, Wang Feng took the tortoise shell away from this place and hid in the dark. At the same time, Wang Feng also put away his green glaze green lotus tree.

     This sapling is good at absorbing these life forces, but Wang Feng doesn't want his saplings to suffer innocent disasters, so he would rather his saplings not absorb these life forces.

     "These formations shouldn't stop them for long. Once they rush in, I am afraid this middle-aged emperor will be over." At this time, Wang Feng whispered.

     "It has nothing to do with us after playing, he doesn't wake up by himself, who is to blame?" At this time the turtle shell responded.

     "Don't say it, so as not to be discovered."

     "The formation was touched."

    Wang Feng and the turtle shell just hid, and Wang Feng suddenly found that the formation he had just set up was touched, and Su Yao and others had fallen into the formation he had prepared for them.

     The first formation method Wangfeng chose was a phantom array, in order to confuse their sight and allow them to stay in this formation longer.

     But Wang Feng also understood that this formation would definitely not have much effect. Once someone reacted, perhaps this formation would have to be declared broken.

     It’s just that Wang Feng knew that there was only so much he could do. As for whether the middle-aged emperor could survive, it was his own good fortune.

    While Wang Feng was observing the situation of the formation, he was also watching the resurrection of these middle-aged emperors, absorbing the majestic and endless life force, he could no longer see the slightest appearance of a dead person.

     But his most important soul and will have not yet been awakened, he is actually no different from a dead person.

     Once Su Yao and others rushed in, maybe everything was over.

     "Get ready to retreat." At this time, Wang Feng said.

     "Don't worry, if you want to retire, I will naturally retire with you."

     Wang Feng was a dead person in the eyes of Su Yao and others, and Wang Feng would never show up on such occasions, so once they came in, Wang Feng had to leave.

     No matter what happened here, it has nothing to do with Wang Feng anymore.

    Wang Feng finally got on the Su Yao line. It would be a pity if it was wasted like this.

     Seeing that his formation was broken more and more, Wang Feng knew that Su Yao and others were about to come out.

     took another look at the middle-aged emperor who hadn't awakened yet. Wang Feng didn't hesitate to turn around and left here.

     Regardless of whether the middle-aged emperor can live or not, it has nothing to do with Wang Feng. At this moment, it still matters that he leaves here first.

     Su Yao and others are being besieged by their own formation, and Wang Feng can just take advantage of this time to leave from here, too late.

     "It's a pity that a generation of strong men will die in the hands of a group of younger generations." Turtle Shell said with emotion.

     "It may be his fate, no one can blame it."

     Wang Feng shook his head, no longer caring about the life and death of this person.

     There should be nothing worth exploring in this place. After leaving the main tomb, Wang Feng did not encounter any monsters, because those monsters may have gone to deal with Su Yao and the others before, and did not squat here.

     So Wang Feng and the tortoise shell left easily.

     "Where shall we go next?" Wang Feng asked at this time.

     "Let’s go around this place first, and see if you can find the previous flowers."

     "Then go around."

     people should have gathered in this place, so Wang Feng can just take advantage of this empty gap to look around in this place.

     This royal tomb is very large, and many people are buried, and the emperor is going to be resurrected. This has caused the place to be too dead, and it is normal for some strange things to grow here.

     "Sure enough."

After      did not go long, Wang Feng saw a group of black flowers that looked like a medicinal field, which was the same as what Wang Feng and tortoise shells had encountered before.

     "I just wanted to give it a try. I didn't expect to meet it so soon." Wang Feng smiled on his face, and then he didn't hesitate to put these things directly into his own bag without leaving anything behind.

     "For others, this place is extremely dangerous and dangerous, but for us, this place is simply a blessed place." At this time the turtle shell said.

     "Yes." Wang Feng nodded, and then said, "I'm afraid those people never dreamed that I was alive."

     "General King?"

    As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Feng suddenly heard a voice, which made his body stiff.

     looked back, Wang Feng saw a small group of men and horses appearing behind him. It was a young man who had come together before.

     He did not follow Su Yao and the others, but wandered around the tomb with his own guards. Obviously he was also looking for the same thing as Wang Feng.

     Instead of competing with Su Yao for the opportunity, he might as well find more medicinal materials in this place, and it would be a good thing to take it back.

     And he also has self-knowledge, knowing that he can't rob those people, so he would rather go alone.

     But what he didn't expect was that he actually saw Wang Feng, who was already dead, in this place, which really surprised him.

     You must know that when Wang Feng was hit by a stone before, he witnessed it with his own eyes. He thought that Wang Feng was already a mortal end, but who could guess that he was still alive and alive so well.

     "We all thought you were dead, but we didn't expect you to be alive. If your Royal Highness knew about this, he would be very happy." Looking at Wang Feng, this person's alertness gradually disappeared.

     He thought that Wang Feng was the corpse that could walk before, but when he felt the majestic vitality in Wang Feng's body, he knew that the person in front of him must be alive, not a dead person.

    Because the dead will exude lifelessness, and their eyes are dull, this is very easy to distinguish.

     "Is it because I am dead, he will still be sad?" Wang Feng asked rhetorically at this time.

    "General, don’t you know that when your Highness heard King Xiangyang insult you, he immediately rushed to fight with King Xiangyang. If it weren’t for us all, I’m afraid they would be fighting to death."

     When talking about this, this person couldn't help but feel a little sigh, because none of them thought that Su Yao would go down to fight with King Xiangyang for a subordinate. That appearance was definitely not pretending.

     And what Wang Feng did is believed to be touched when he saw it personally. In order to protect Su Yao, he even pushed him a bit, letting himself be hit by a stone and fell into the abyss.

     At that time, everyone thought he was dead, and this young man naturally did the same. After all, there is a bottomless abyss. Can he survive if he falls?

     "Is there anything like this?" Hearing what the young man said, Wang Feng pretended to be surprised, but he actually sneered in his heart. If Wang Feng wasn't trying to win Su Yao's trust at the time, it would be strange that he would push him.

     Now it seems that his strategy is still very successful. Then Su Yao must have trusted him 100%. After all, he did not hesitate to risk his life for him. How could this kind of thing be done by a treacherous generation?

     "Yes." Hearing Wang Feng's words, the young man nodded, and then he said: "At that time, none of us thought that His Highness would be so angry. It seems that the general has a high status in his mind."

     said that this person here seemed to have thought of something, and asked: "General, who I heard you were talking to just now? Is there anyone else in this place?"

     "What? Do you want to deal with me?" Wang Feng asked rhetorically when he heard the other party's words.

     "No, no, don't talk nonsense, General." Hearing what Wang Feng said, the young man was shocked. What jokes he said to deal with Wang Feng. You must know that Su Yao dared to tear himself apart with King Xiangyang for Wang Feng.

     Once he has done anything to Wang Feng, and the news is passed on, then he can still live?

     At that time, Su Yao must bring a large army to eradicate him and his family completely.

     So Wang Feng didn't dare to move, he didn't even dare to pretend to be a son in front of him, because Wang Feng would not be inferior to him.

     "If that's the case, then what are you talking about? I was just talking to myself."

     " you meet other people here?" This person asked at this time.

     "What other people?"

     "It's the corpses that can walk."

     "I didn't touch it." Wang Feng shook his head and said, "I didn't encounter any danger after I fell into the abyss. You are the first person I met after I fell."

"You don't need to talk so much nonsense to him, just kill them directly." At this time, the voice of the tortoise shell sounded in Wang Feng's mind. He felt that Wang Feng and the other party said this was a waste of time. It would be better to cut the other party with a knife. The joy of death.

     "Don't worry, let's talk about the situation." Wang Feng responded, and then he set his sights on the person and asked: "There are moving corpses in this place. How about the loss of the people who came this time?"

     "I know that General Wang, you lost a lot of people in the place where you fell into the abyss. After that, we all dispersed. I don't know the specific situation." This person shook his head and said.

     Hearing what he said, Wang Feng knew that he should not lie to himself, because he did not have to lie to himself.

Since this person is going to go alone, it means that he may not have encountered the monster in the late Blood Saint Realm, so Wang Feng does not need to continue wasting time with him in this place, just like the tortoise shell said, let’s get killed. .


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