The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3043: The emperor is resurrected!

     "Come here, I have something to tell you." At this time, Wang Feng beckoned and said to the young man.

     "Something?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the young man's complexion changed slightly and said, "Is there something that can't be said directly?"

     "I found a big tomb in this place. I suspect that it is the main tomb. I don't want my secrets to be known to your minions." At this time, Wang Feng whispered.

     Upon hearing the word minion, the servants behind this young man couldn't help but look ugly. If it weren't for Wang Feng's identity as a general, they couldn't help even rushing forward.

     "The general, do you think?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the young man couldn't help but shine.

     "That's right." It seemed that he understood what the other party was thinking. Wang Feng nodded, and then said: "The less people know about this kind of thing, the better, so if you want to follow me, you are up to it."

     "Let's listen to it."

     If it were really the Lord’s Tomb, there must be many treasures in it. The reason why this young man came to this place was not just for the viper baby? So now he was really shocked.

     Under Wang Feng's call, he quickly came to Wang Feng's front and attached his ear to it.

     Seeing this scene, Wang Feng’s mouth showed a smile. This person brought his head up, and that was equivalent to cutting it for Wang Feng. In that case, would Wang Feng still hesitate to use it?

    Wang Feng has already been to the main tomb. Even if it is beneficial, Wang Feng can’t share it with this person. It can only be said that he is too stupid and wants to die.

     When the opponent's head was in front of him, Wang Feng didn't hesitate, his blood sanctuary mid-term strength exploded, and he hit the young man with a punch.

     and when Wang Feng shot, he incidentally broke out a soul attack, so that even if this person had ten lives, Wang Feng would not be enough to kill.

     The most important thing in a person is the soul. Once the soul dies, the person is dead.

     Wang Feng not only ruined his head, but also pulled out his soul, and then crushed to death in an instant. In front of Wang Feng, this young man was really not enough to look at.

     was only a time of less than two breaths, the young man died tragically, and his body fell straight in front of Wang Feng.

     saw this scene, even if the servants did not react, even when they saw the young master was already lying in front of Wang Feng, they still opened their eyes wide, as if they had seen a ghost.

     " actually killed our young master?"

     It took almost three breaths before a servant responded and pointed at Wang Feng, his body trembling slightly.

     Everything happened in that instant, their young master's breath of life has now completely disappeared, which is enough to show that their young master has fallen, and it is impossible to get up again.

     "It's not just your young masters, but you guys don't want to escape." Looking at these servants, Wang Feng's face showed a sneer, and then he shot directly.

     And when Wang Feng shot, the tortoise shell also ran out of his left arm and directly participated in the battle.

     Even the master is dead, and the rest are just crooked melons and jujubes, and Wang Feng didn't take it seriously.

     So under his shot, these servants died one after another, it was not his opponent at all.

     Even if it was a servant in the middle blood sanctuary, when he met Wang Feng, it was doomed to his own tragedy.

    Because a monk of this level is not qualified to fight Wang Feng at all, he will only die if he encounters it.

     took about two breaths to solve their young master Wang Feng, but it took a little longer to deal with these people, and it took ten breaths. After all, they had several people and had to pay one by one.

     Looking at the corpse in one place, Wang Feng clapped his hands and said, "The person is dead, you can take the corpse away."

     "Even if you don't tell me, I won't let this corpse go." The tortoise shell spoke, and then he waved his sleeve and took the corpses away.

     "Unexpectedly, there are still a few people who are alone. These people are really miserable." At this time, Wang Feng said, shaking his head.

     While speaking, he took the fingers from these people, and the soul directly invaded them.

     Because of their low status, those servants have no treasure at all with their fingers, and Wang Feng didn't pay much attention. What he is focusing on now is the young man's fingers.

     This guy looked for treasures everywhere when others went to the main tomb, and he must have gained a lot, so when Wang Feng's soul invaded this finger, he found that there were a lot of black flowers.

     It seems that this guy has found a lot of treasures during this period of time, and he is the one with the best luck.

     It’s only a pity that no matter how lucky he is, he will find the treasure when he is lucky, but when his luck is declining, he meets Wang Feng and the murderer who sent him on the road.

     No matter how good his luck was before, how many treasures he got, now all of them are cheaper for Wang Feng. To put it bluntly, this is entirely for Wang Feng.

     "This kid has gained so much, and luck is better than us." Withdrawing his soul power, Wang Feng said.

     "What's the use of luck? Isn't it dead?"

     "That is, besides you and me, I am afraid that the person with the best luck belongs to him."

     "Okay, don't sigh with emotion in this ghost place, don't you know the topography of this place? Hurry up and take a look at some more remote places, maybe you can find something."

     "Let's go."

     The corpse and the finger were all divided between Wang Feng and the tortoise shell, so even if someone came here from behind, they would only see a bunch of blood, and I don’t know what happened here.

According to the topographic map in his mind, Wang Feng wandered around this place for almost ten minutes. He thought he could find the treasure in some places that no one had been to before, but in the end Wang Feng was disappointed. He only saw a place with black flowers growing. , And nothing else.

     In addition, Wang Feng also encountered a mutated corpse, that is, a ghost who tends to rely on black energy.

     He had already encountered the tortoise shell once before. When he saw it again, of course, there was no sense of fear. Wang Feng directly killed the opponent.

     treated the female corpse Wang Feng and sent her back to her original place, but she was not polite to the male corpse Wang Feng, and directly burned him to death with flames, and nothing was left.

     "By the way, I seem to have seen you use the little things you brought out of the coffin before, didn't you?"

     Just when Wang Feng and the turtle shell were about to leave here, the turtle shell asked.

     "Yes." Wang Feng nodded, and then said, "Didn't you say that you need to feed the other person to gain trust? I just went the other way, and still let them explode."

     "Then how did you do it?"

     Before the tortoise shell was chased by the monster in the late Blood Saint Realm, and was busy escaping for his life, he didn't even notice what Wang Feng did. At this moment, he remembered it, and then asked.

     "It's very simple, give them what they need, and it will naturally work for me."

"It used to be a lot of hard work when I controlled these evil spirits of mine. You didn't train them so much. How could they work for you?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the first thought that flashed through the turtle shell was Wang Feng is deceiving him.

     must be that this kid doesn't want to tell him the real method, now he is just talking nonsense.

     "Seeing that you are so easy to learn, then I will tell you the truth."

     Seeing the tortoise shell's repeated questioning, Wang Feng finally told him the way, making the tortoise shell stunned.

     Because he didn't expect Wang Feng to use such a simple and rude way to urge those little things and make them explode.

     No matter what the process is, as long as these little things are willing to work for Wang Feng, just aim at this point, and Wang Feng is considered successful.

"It took me so long before to gradually control the evil spirits. I didn't expect you to succeed with such a simple method." Looking at Wang Feng, the tortoise shell said that it was impossible to disrespect it. .

    Because just a comparison, you can see how stupid his original method is, he can't remember how much time he spent on these evil spirits.

     may be one hundred thousand years, or even ten thousand years, the past is so long that he can't remember it clearly.

     But it is undeniable that he really spent a lot of energy on these evil spirits, and sometimes he even regarded these evil spirits as more important than his own life.

     It took him a long time to control the evil spirits, but Wang Feng didn't even arrive for a long time. This is simply no harm without comparison.

     "No, I can summon my evil spirits at any time, but you have to take it forcibly. You still have no control over me."

     just then the turtle shell seemed to think of something, and quickly retorted.

     "When did I say that you were the one who controlled it?" Wang Feng asked rhetorically, suddenly making the turtle shell speechless.

     Yes, he has good control, but he has spent many years. Wang Feng, the other man, was able to let these little things serve him in less than half a day. In comparison, he was the one who failed.

     "Okay, I know you're panicking now, but don't worry, time will slowly fade everything, and after a long time, it will be fine."

     "Sister Ni, are you deliberately attacking me, right?" the tortoise shell cursed.

     "I didn't say this, you said it yourself."


When the two of them were fighting in this place, suddenly there was a violent vibration in the place where they were. To be precise, the entire tomb was shaken, as if there was an earthquake and it was about to collapse. The same.

     At the same time, a terrifying aura crushed the world, like a sharp sword out of its sheath, giving people a strong sense of oppression in the soul.

"this is……?"

     aware of such a change, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell could not help but change color, because this is most likely the middle-aged emperor resurrected.

     Before, Wang Feng’s formation was almost unable to stop Su Yao and others. Now that such a long time has passed, the middle-aged man should have died, but why now?

     "Go, get out of here quickly."

     The middle-aged emperor was resurrected, and his breath was so terrifying. Wang Feng and others were definitely not his opponents. Therefore, at this time, Wang Feng didn't care about any treasures. The most important thing was to save his life.

"it is good."

     Hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell did not hesitate, it turned into a streamer, and got into Wang Feng's left arm.

     "It seems that the heavens and the earth are going to change, and the Heavenly Dynasty has ushered in a strong enemy!" Wang Feng muttered to himself, and then he didn't hesitate to follow the topographic map in his mind, and gallop quickly.



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