The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3041: Get in the way

     slowly opened his eyes, and Wang Feng found that he was now completely enveloped in a cloud of green mist. This was not a ghost fire, but a life force that was so strong that it could not be removed.

Stealing the opponent’s life force, Wang Feng finally took an extremely important step in his life. In the early days of the Blood Saint Realm, although Wang Feng could kill the masters of the middle Blood Saint Realm, he could encounter the monks in the later Blood Saint Realm. He can only walk, unable to fight head-on.

     But now it's different. His cultivation has broken through. Even if he meets such a person, he won't have the slightest fear.

On the pile of bones, the middle-aged man was still lying on the ground in his original posture, and a large amount of life force was continuously pouring into his body. There was death in his body, but with the surge of life force Entering, the lifelessness in his body is constantly being expelled.

     is in Wang Feng's left arm, this tortoise shell is still cultivating.

     Wang Feng's breakthrough, but the realm of the tortoise shell is obviously not that good breakthrough, because he is in the middle blood sacred realm, his next class is the late blood sacred realm.

Looking at the entire Heavenly Empire, although there are many monks in the middle of the Blood Saint Realm, the latter are too rare. Even in the palace, such people are very rare. It can be seen from the middle of the Blood Saint Realm. How difficult it is to enter the blood sanctuary late stage.

     This tortoise shell may not be so easy to break through.

     Wang Feng’s cultivation base was a breakthrough, but the tortoise shell would definitely take a lot of effort.

     Looking at this middle-aged man, and then at the tortoise shell during cultivation, Wang Feng finally did nothing.

     He lifted the coffin of this middle-aged man. If he was resurrected, he might be troubled by himself, so killing him is undoubtedly an opportunity now.

     Unfortunately, when Wang Feng thought that this tortoise shell was also using this life force for cultivation, he couldn't do it because he didn't want to interrupt the tortoise shell's perception.

You must know that chance is not something you can meet at any time. This time is a chance for Wang Feng, and the same is true for the tortoise shell. Wang Feng can’t ignore the tortoise shell just because his cultivation base breaks through. He is not that kind. people.

     So in order not to interrupt the tortoise shell, Wang Feng had no choice but to do nothing on the middle-aged man.

     Of course, Wang Feng had his own considerations if he didn't kill him. This person must have been the emperor before, and the clothes he was wearing were the best explanation.

     It's a pity that the dynasty has been changed a long time ago, even if he is resurrected, it is not his world.

     If this person can take the initiative to embarrass the current emperor, wouldn’t it be Wang Feng’s help?

     After all, the once lord of the world saw that his world had changed its appearance, how could he accept it.

     It was this thought that Wang Feng didn't do anything to him, and let him lie here.

     Although the realm was broken, Wang Feng's breath was still a bit unstable. When he found that the tortoise shell was also practicing, he did not hesitate and sat down cross-legged.

     Anyway, the life force in this place is so strong, it would be a waste if you don't absorb it, so now take advantage of the opportunity to absorb more.

     is a good thing to keep in your body even if you can't use it up.

The vitality of this place has been slowly transformed from lifelessness after countless years, but now a part of it is cheaper. Wang Feng and the tortoise shell, especially Wang Feng, directly borrowed this life force to break through the cultivation base, but lost it. The long-cherished wish in his heart.

     "Wang Feng, you wake up quickly, wake up quickly."

     I don't know how long it has passed, but Wang Feng still wakes up the sound of the tortoise shell, and the old guy has come back to life.

     "What's the situation?" Opening his eyes, Wang Feng asked.

     "Look at him." At this moment, the tortoise shell pointed at the middle-aged man in an imperial robe and said.

     "Is this going to live?"

Seeing the majestic vitality emanating from this middle-aged man’s body, Wang Feng couldn’t help being a little surprised. The two of them were absorbing this vitality here, but this middle-aged talent is the righteous master. He must absorb more, so he may It's about to be resurrected.

     "If it is not unexpected, I am afraid he will be resurrected in a short time." At this time, the turtle shell said.

When      said this, he couldn't help but feel a little frightened.

     thought that the **** emperor of the heavens, he himself was a top master, so he would take the road to resurrection after death.

     And if this person is the emperor of the past years, according to his cultivation base, he can definitely be described with the word "Gaishi", if he is resurrected, I am afraid that he and Wang Feng are not opponents of others.

     and being able to do this kind of defying means is enough to prove his power.

     If he is resurrected to deal with Wang Feng and the turtle shell, what should they do?

     "Once he is resurrected, I am afraid it will be a trouble."

     Wang Feng said, his brows frowned slightly.

     "Why else?" He said that the tortoise shell didn't go on, but Wang Feng already understood what he meant.

     He wanted to make himself kill this person.

     "But if we can think in another way, his resurrection may also be a good thing for us."

     "How do you say this?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell asked very surprised.

     They lifted everyone's coffin and robbed them of their vitality. This is a disrespectful thing. If the other party is resurrected, they may be the first to deal with it.

"His previous identity is definitely the emperor, and the guards around him are all masters of the late Blood Saint Realm, so I think this person's cultivation level must have surpassed the Blood Saint Realm and reached an unprecedented extreme. If he is resurrected , He may not be willing to be ordinary, when the time comes to overthrow the entire Tianwai Dynasty, he may be able to make great efforts."

     "It sounds reasonable to hear you say this."

    "But if things are different from what we imagined, wouldn't we be miserable?"

     "I can only gamble."

     With Wang Feng alone, it is too difficult for him to bring down this huge dynasty. If this emperor can be a help, it would be a good thing for Wang Feng.

     "Let's leave here first, go to the top and wait, lest he awakens and attack us."


     Hearing the words of the tortoise shell, Wang Feng thought about it and felt so. Although Wang Feng now thinks that this person is very likely to be his help to bring down this dynasty, but what kind of person can he guarantee?

     So it's better to go to the top and wait, after all, they will have time to escape after all what happens then.

     "It's a pity that these majestic vitality can be taken away." At this time, the turtle shell said with some regret.

     This kind of opportunity is not something that can be encountered at any time. If the emperor were not present, the two of them would have no problem even if they practiced cross-legged in this place for a year.

     "Don't talk about this, to ensure your own safety is the most important thing." Wang Feng said, and then he took the tortoise shell and left the bone pit and went to the upper platform.

     Of course, although Wang Feng is gone, he left one thing, and that is his glass green lotus tree.

     This sapling has changed like a tree of the world when it was in the heavens. Although this tree does not bear fruit, it can give Wang Feng a huge help.

     Sometimes if Wang Feng is injured, this sapling can quickly recover his injuries.

     Wangfeng can absorb this life force, and this sapling can naturally, even it can absorb it faster.

     Wang Feng’s cultivation base has now broken through to the middle of the Blood Holy Realm, but this sapling has not undergone any qualitative changes, so Wang Feng left the sapling here and let it continue to **** this rich life force from the emperor.

     Seeing that the majestic and endless life force was absorbed by the emperor, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell were watching carefully from above, if not unexpected, the emperor should be about to wake up.

     Because the dead energy in his body is almost expelled now, only the majestic life force is left, as long as his soul gradually begins to recover, then he will survive successfully.


     But when Wang Feng and the turtle shell were watching the emperor here, they suddenly heard the roaring sound coming from these passages behind them.

     "Su Yao and others are here."

     At this time, Wang Feng spoke, and his complexion became ugly.

     When Su Yao and the others won’t come, they have to choose this time. If he sees the emperor here, maybe he will directly take action to destroy the opponent's resurrection plan.

     The prince of the current dynasty meets the emperor of those times in the past, what can be good between the two?

     Not only Su Yao, maybe the King Xiangyang would also choose to shoot, because they belong to the same royal family, and if the royal family falls, then people like them don't think about any good end.

     There are no eggs under the covering nest. They are rivals internally, but externally they have the same identity, members of the royal family!

     They would not allow anything threatening the royal family to exist, so when Wang Feng saw that Su Yao and others were going to rush toward it, his expression changed slightly.

It may be that Su Yao and the others were aware of the majestic vitality in it, and wanted to directly kill the monsters and rush in. But Wang Feng is now waiting for the middle-aged emperor to wake up. How could Su Yao and others come to do it? damage.

So after thinking about it, Wang Feng took the tortoise shell and left here directly. He wanted to set up an array at the exit of the cave, and he would also go with the defensive array and kill the array. At that time, Su Yao and the others might not be so. It's easy.

     is not a good thing to appear rashly now, so Wang Feng can only use this method to stop Su Yao and others.

     "These grandchildren, they chose to come at this time." At this time, the turtle shell cursed.

     "Those monsters may not be able to stop them for long, come and help arrange the formation." At this time, Wang Feng said.

     "I'm not very familiar with the formation, how can you let me help you?" Tortoise Shell said very You can do what I say, it's that simple. "

    While speaking, Wang Feng came to the exit of one of the caves where the sound was heard. It was at this time that the formation was arranged.

With Wang Feng’s current ability, it is very easy for him to set up an array. It only takes a short time to complete an array, but this is just the beginning, because how can an array stop Su Yao, etc. people.

     So after setting up a formation, Wang Feng's second formation soon began to be deployed. He was planning to set up a series of formations, the purpose of which was to temporarily hold Su Yao and the others and prevent them from rushing in.

     "There must be a chance here, kill these monsters with this king, we rush in."

     At this time, Wang Feng suddenly heard the voice of King Xiangyang. They really noticed the changes inside, so they wanted to rush in.

     There is a saying that people die for money and birds die for food. The purpose of their coming into this place is to find opportunities, and the opportunities may have already appeared right now. If they don't rush in again, I am afraid they will not even want to fish.

     They are all people with status and status, and there are many magic weapons on their bodies. Although this monster has the power of the late Blood Holy Realm, it is really difficult to block them.



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