The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 3038: Hanging coffin

     The eyes of the sky slowly opened, and Wang Feng was looking at the source of the sound, but from this look, Wang Feng's complexion suddenly became ugly.

I am really worried about what is coming. At this moment, there is a monster of the kind they encountered before, and the aura will not be weaker than before. Once Wang Feng meets this monster, I am afraid that another chase will be staged. .

     Although Wang Feng said that he could lead them to Su Yao and the others when he encountered monsters, but Wang Feng still wanted to hunt for treasures, where did he have so much time.

     So after detecting a monster in front of him, Wang Feng quietly began to retreat. Anyway, there are many passages in this place, and the main tomb can still be reached from the passages.



     After walking through another channel, Wang Feng and Turtle Shell heard the chilling sound again, and there were monsters here.

     Under Wang Feng's eyes, he saw the monster's bones, which he didn't know from, and was constantly sending them to his mouth. It was completely eating the bones as jelly beans.

     "What should I do?" the turtle shell asked.

     "Go to other channels to see."

     There are so many passages in this place. Even if these two roads are broken, Wang Feng can still take other roads. He doesn't believe that the main tomb can block all these monsters.

     In fact, Wang Feng’s idea is not wrong. No matter which way he goes, he will eventually encounter the same monsters. They seem to firmly hold the guardian of the main tomb, and anyone who approaches will be attacked by them.

     This monster's terrible attack power Wang Feng can be seen, and the master of the middle blood holy realm was swallowed by it in one bite.

     So when encountering this kind of monster, Wang Feng can only run away, unable to fight against this kind of monster, that is to find his own way of death.

     "Only one can be taken away first."

     there is no other way. You will encounter monsters on any road. Therefore, Wang Feng can only take one of them away by personal risk, and then enter the main tomb. Besides, Wang Feng has no other way.

     is almost the same as before. When Wang Feng appeared in front of a monster, the monster gave it a dangerous look almost instantly.

     Although the place was so dark that the five fingers could not be seen, Wang Feng still felt the gaze that seemed to come from hell, which made his heart feel cold.

     There are so many monsters guarding the main tomb. This shows how old the main tomb is. Maybe the emperors of the previous eras are lying in it. Only the emperor can have such a pomp, right?

After      died, they still had the blood sanctuary late stage to guard the tomb for them. This status must be very high, and only the emperor was worthy.

"Come with me."

Wang Feng said a word, no matter whether the other party understood it or not, he turned and left. If he wanted to pass here, Wang Feng had to lead the monster away, so of course Wang Feng would not be too close to this monster at this moment. He wanted to lead the monster. Yes, but he also has to ensure his own safety.

     No matter what time, what you do, to ensure your own safety is the top priority. After all, this place is different from the heavens. Wang Feng does not have the ability to resurrect after he died, so he turned around and left after seeing the monster, without any delay.

     "This one is faster than before." At this time the tortoise's shell opened, making Wang Feng's complexion look ugly.

     The previous monster Wang Feng already felt very powerful, but it seems that there are even more fierce here.

     Anyone who is not very fierce can swallow a monk in the middle blood sacred realm in one bite, and if the one behind him opens his mouth, I am afraid that Wang Feng will also be swallowed in one bite.

     "Even if it is fast, I will get rid of it." There was a low voice in his mouth, and then Wang Feng rushed forward without hesitation.

     His speed is getting faster and faster, the purpose is to get rid of this monster, but Wang Feng is speeding up, he found that this monster seems to be speeding up too.

After      just chased for a while, the monster unexpectedly gave up chasing Wang Feng and turned back to the direction it had chased before.

     "There is wisdom?"

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng and the tortoise shell didn’t know what to say. The previous monsters led them to run so long, but the monster in front of them had such a high level of wisdom. It knew how to turn back. It can be said that Wang Feng and the turtle shell were unexpected.

     "How can this be good?" At this time the tortoise shell said worriedly.

     "This animal must have been given an order to guard this place, otherwise it will never return now." Wang Feng said, his expression ugly.

     "Or we can force it." Turtle Shell suggested at this time.

"This monster is so powerful. If we rush into it, then we might have gone and never returned, and we don't know what lies ahead. If there are more monsters like this inside, what should we do? "

     "Don't you have a celestial eye? You'll know if you look in advance."

     "The point is that my sky eye has been severely suppressed in this place, and it is not that useful."

     "Then you will overdraft the Sky Eye. I believe it is better for you to overdraw the Sky Eye than we risk it."

     "You can try."

     Tortoise Shell is right. Instead of taking risks with his own life, Wang Feng is more willing to use his heavenly eyes. If he turns the heavenly eyes all the way, he might actually be able to see the scene inside.

     As long as he can figure out the situation clearly, even if he rushes into Wang Feng's heart, he will have some confidence.

     The eyes of the sky slowly unfolded, and Wang Feng passed through these monsters, immediately causing these monsters to stir.

     It’s just that these monsters seem to have some wisdom, and their role is to guard this place, so as long as no one comes here, they won’t have much change.


     yelled aloud, and Wang Feng retracted his eyes, because just now he saw a scene full of evil spirits, and those ghosts seemed to be in front of Wang Feng's eyes, which shocked his heart.

"what happened?"

     Seeing Wang Feng cursing, the tortoise shell quickly asked.

     "I'm afraid there is danger ahead, I saw countless ghosts rushing towards me." Wang Feng said, making the tortoise shell silent.

     Since Wang Feng saw such a scene, it shows that there is some danger ahead, if they force to take the risk, I am afraid it is not worth it.

     "Then we retreat now?"

     "I have already come here, if I retreat like this, I really won't be reconciled, let me try again." At this time, Wang Feng said.

     "Then you can try again."

     Hearing Wang Feng's words, this tortoise shell is so reconciled. The main tomb is right in front of him. If they don't go in and take a look, wouldn't they have run in vain?

     So Wang Feng wanted to go in and look at the tortoise shell. Naturally, he was worried that there would be danger ahead, otherwise he might have agreed with Wang Feng before and forcibly rushed inside.

     Wang Feng was a person who had even experienced death in the first place. What if he saw a ghost? So now he opened his heavenly eyes once again, just ignore these ghosts, let them attack, anyway, they can't attack the real Wang Feng, so I'm afraid of a feather.

     Tianyan was used to the extreme by Wang Feng, even if this place had extremely strong suppression of Wang Feng's Tianyan, Wang Feng was still forcibly resisting this suppression.

     In this case, Wang Feng's sky eye saw farther and deeper.

     Although people haven't entered yet, Wang Feng's eyes have already been put in.

     Countless ghosts appeared in front of Wang Feng's eyes, devouring his gaze, and preventing him from moving forward.

     It's a pity that Wang Feng is not afraid of these things at all, so his eyes are still moving forward. He has to see the situation inside, otherwise he has no confidence in breaking through.

     "Get everything out of me!"

Seeing more and more ghosts appearing in front of him, Wang Feng couldn't help but let out a roar, and then he opened his heavenly eyes again. In order to see everything in front of him clearly, Wang Feng can now say that he does not hesitate. At all costs.

He looked farther and farther, and Wang Feng's vision became more and more blurred, because this place suppressed the eyes of the sky too severely, and there were these ghosts playing tricks in front of him. Affected Wang Feng.

     But so what? What Wang Feng wants to see, how can these ghosts stop him?

     looked away gradually, and soon a hazy scenery appeared in front of Wang Feng, and the ghosts disappeared at this time. He saw the scene inside.

     The bones piled up like a mountain are like mountain peaks. There are many corpses in it. The bones that the monsters chewed might be taken out of it.

     Of course, in addition to the bones, there is also a huge hanging coffin. Four thick chains left the hanging coffin in the air, which looks very shocking.

     And this hanging coffin is not an ordinary coffin, countless Guanghua covers this hanging coffin, and it looks like a certain fairy lies inside.

     "How is it? Did you see anything?" At this time the turtle shell asked.

     "Don't make noise." Upon hearing the tortoise shell, Wang Feng gave him a drink, and then he watched carefully again.

     If not unexpected, the person in the hanging coffin here is the real protagonist of the tomb, but he doesn’t know his specific identity.

     "Sister Ni, can't I ask yet?" Hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell suddenly cursed.

"There is a hanging coffin inside, hung by four thick chains, and there is still a lot of brilliance shrouded in this hanging coffin, don't the people inside want to resurrect, right?" Wang Feng asked, his expression a little gloomy .

     "It's totally possible." Hearing Wang Feng's words, the tortoise shell also pondered.

     The original **** emperor could borrow endless death energy to resurrect after death, and this place is also very deadly, so the owner here may also use the same method as the **** emperor to put himself to death and resurrect.

     This situation is completely After all, the **** emperor is an excellent lesson for the past.

     "If this is the case, we will move closer, for fear that we will be caught in the mouth."

"Don't scare yourself. This place has existed for many years. If the other party really wants to be resurrected, I am afraid that it will have been resurrected a long time ago. Maybe the light is directly emitted from the baby in the coffin?" At this time the turtle shell said.

     Hearing what he said, Wang Feng thought about it and felt that there was some truth. It has been here for so long. If the other party wants to be resurrected, it might have already survived, so why bother to delay it now?

     "What else is there besides the coffin?" The turtle shell asked.

     "There are endless bones under the coffin, piled up like a mountain, I don't know how many there are." Wang Feng shook his head.

     "Does he really want to resurrect?" Hearing this, the turtle shell was shocked again.

     put countless corpses under his coffin, isn't this just to condense the endless death?

     uses endless dead energy to transform into vitality, and then resurrect oneself, this is very likely to happen.

     Things became a little confused and confused at this moment, Wang Feng wanted to go in, but he was afraid of any danger, but if he didn't go in, then he would really have no chance with this place.


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